title: Babel Configuration

The Babel configuration for the Taro project is located in the babel.config.js file in the root directory, where a preset is added by default: babel-preset-taro, which adds some common presets and plugins depending on the project’s technology stack.

```js title=”babel.config.js” module.exports = { presets: [ [‘taro’, {/* Babel configuration items /}] ] }

  1. Developers can modify `babel.config.js`, change the configuration items of `babel-preset-taro`, or add `presets` and `plugins` that they want.
  2. ## babel-preset-taro
  3. `babel-preset-taro` will optionally use the following `presets` and `plugins` depending on the current project's technology stack.
  4. #### 1. 通用
  5. ##### presets
  6. - `@babel/preset-env`
  7. - `@babel/preset-typescript`(TypeScript Environment)
  8. ##### plugins
  9. - `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime`
  10. - `@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators`
  11. - `@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties`
  12. - `babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node`(Mini Program Environment)
  13. #### 2. React
  14. ##### presets
  15. - `@babel/preset-react`
  16. ##### plugins
  17. - `react-refresh/babel`
  18. #### 3. Vue
  19. ##### presetes
  20. - `@vue/babel-preset-jsx`
  21. #### 4. Vue3
  22. ##### plugins
  23. - `@vue/babel-plugin-jsx`
  24. The configuration items for `babel-preset-taro` are described in detail below.
  25. ### reactJsxRuntime
  26. :::note
  27. Effective only when using **React**.
  28. :::
  29. **Default value**:`'automatic'`
  30. `@babel/preset-react` [runtime](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-preset-react#runtime) configuration items.
  31. ### hot
  32. :::note
  33. Effective only when using **React**.
  34. :::
  35. **Default value**:`true`
  36. Whether to introduce `react-refresh/babel` to support the use of [fast-refresh](h5#fast-refresh)。
  37. ### vueJsx
  38. :::note
  39. Effective only when using **Vue/Vue 3**.
  40. :::
  41. **Default value**: `true`
  42. **Type**: `true` | `false` | `object`
  43. Whether to use `@vue/babel-preset-jsx` (Vue) or `@vue/babel-plugin-jsx` (Vue3) to support the use of `jsx`.
  44. When an `object` is passed in, it is equivalent to setting it to `true` and the `object` will be used as an argument to `@vue/babel-preset-jsx` (Vue) or `@vue/babel-plugin-jsx` (Vue3).
  45. ### targets
  46. **Default value**:
  47. ```js
  48. {
  49. ios: '9',
  50. android: '5'
  51. }

@babel/preset-env targetsconfiguration items.


Default value: false

Valid values: 'entry' | 'usage' | false

useBuiltIns: ‘entry’

:::info Advantages: global complete polyfill, even if there is incompatible code in the dependencies in node_modules, it will run successfully.

Disadvantages: May introduce redundant code and affect global variables. :::

When 'entry' is passed, it sets the useBuiltIns option of @babel/preset-env to 'entry', the corejs option is set to '3'.

Developers need to introduce core-js in the entry file app.js.

```js title=”src/app.js” import “core-js”

  1. Babel will introduce the corresponding `core-js` dependencies according to [targets](babel-config#targets). For example, the above code will be compiled as:
  2. ```js title="dist/app.js"
  3. import "core-js/modules/es.string.pad-start";
  4. import "core-js/modules/es.string.pad-end";
  5. // ...

Of course, since Taro sets corejs to '3' at this point, you can use core-js@3 the ability to manually bring in on-demand, see documentation for details

useBuiltIns: ‘usage’

:::info Advantages: Introduces on-demand and does not affect global variables.

Disadvantages: By default, dependencies in node_modules are not handled and you need to configure babel-loader manually. :::

When passed in 'usage', it sets the corejs option of @babel/plugin-transform-runtime to 3.

Note: When passing in 'usage', Taro does not use @babel/preset-env‘s useBuiltIns: 'usage' but @babel/plugin-transform-runtime‘s corejs: 3. The reason for this is: First, there is a conflict when both are set at the same time. Second, the latter does not affect global variables as opposed to the former.

useBuiltIns: false

When passed false, the useBuiltIns option of @babel/preset-env will be set to false, which will not introduce the core-js.


Default value: false

Also the loose configuration item for @babel/preset-env, @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties.


Default value: false

@babel/preset-env debug configuration item.


Default value: false

@babel/preset-env modules configuration item。


@babel/preset-env spec configuration item。


@babel/preset-env configPath configuration item。


@babel/preset-env include configuration item。


@babel/preset-env exclude configuration item。


@babel/preset-env shippedProposals configuration item。


@babel/preset-env forceAllTransforms configuration item。


@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators decoratorsBeforeExport configuration item。


Default value: true

@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators lagacy configuration item。


Default value: Path to @babel/plugin-transform-runtime in the developer root node_modules.


@babel/plugin-transform-runtime absoluteRuntime configuration item。


Default value: Version number of @babel/plugin-transform-runtime in node_modules in the developer’s root directory.


@babel/plugin-transform-runtime version configuration item。