title: Taro Repository Overview

Repository Composition

The following list describes which NPM packages Taro consists of and what each package does.


Path Description
@tarojs/cli CLI tool
@tarojs/service Pluginized Kernel
@tarojs/taro-loader Webpack loaders
@tarojs/helper Tool library, mainly for CLI, compile-time use
@tarojs/runner-utils Tool library, mainly for compilation tools for mini program and H5
@tarojs/shared Tool library, mainly for runtime use
@tarojs/taro Expose the Taro objects needed on each end
@tarojs/api Taro API independent of each platform
babel-preset-taro Babel preset
eslint-config-taro ESLint rules
postcss-pxtransform PostCSS plugin that converts px to adaptive size units on each platform

Mini Program

Path Description
@tarojs/mini-runner Mini program compiler tool, mainly used for setting up and calling Webpack
@tarojs/react Mini program specific React renderer based on react-reconciler
@tarojs/runtime Mini program Runtime Adapter Core
@tarojs/plugin-platform-weapp Wechat mini program plugin
@tarojs/plugin-platform-alipay Alipay mini program plugin
@tarojs/plugin-platform-swan Baidu smart program plugin
@tarojs/plugin-platform-tt ByteDance mini program plugin
@tarojs/plugin-platform-qq QQ mini program plugin
@tarojs/plugin-platform-jd Jingdong mini program plugin
@tarojs/plugin-html Support for plugins that use HTML tags
postcss-html-transform PostCSS plugin, class name for handling HTML tags
@tarojs/plugin-react-devtools Support for plugins using React DevTools
@tarojs/extend jQuery-like libraries


Path Description
@tarojs/webpack-runner H5 compiler tool, mainly used for setting up and calling Webpack
@tarojs/router H5 Router
@tarojs/taro-h5 H5 API implemented according to the WeChat mini program specification
@tarojs/components H5 Component Library(Web Components version)
@tarojs/components-react H5 Component Library (React version)
babel-plugin-transform-taroapi Babel plugin that allows the API to be used by tree-shaking
postcss-plugin-constparse PostCSS plugin for handling the height of the tabbar


Path Description
@tarojs/components-rn RN Component Library
@tarojs/rn-runner RN compiler tool, mainly used to set up and call metro
@tarojs/rn-style-transformer RN style conversion tool to make RN support sass、less、stylus、postcss
@tarojs/rn-supporter RN Basic metro configuration
@tarojs/rn-transformer RN application portal and page conversion tool that allows RN to support Taro-defined app and page config
@tarojs/router-rn RN router
@tarojs/runtime-rn RN Runtime Packaging
@tarojs/taro-rn The API implemented on the RN side according to the WeChat mini program specification
babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-to-rn-stylesheet Babel plugin for jsx to support className attribute
taro-css-to-react-native Converting css to RN stylesheet


Path Description
@tarojs/taroize Mini program to Taro compiler
@tarojs/with-weapp Runtime adapter for mini program to Taro

How to develop

Environment Preparation

:::note Need to make sure your Node.js version is greater than 8 (it is recommended to install 10.5 or higher) :::

First fork a copy of the Taro repository to your Github, then clone the project locally and switch to the next branch.

Then run the following commands in sequence.

  1. $ yarn
  2. $ yarn run bootstrap
  3. $ yarn build

After running the above command, the environment is ready and you can pull a new branch for development.

Code Style

  • JavaScript:Follow JavaScript Standard Style,For details, see the root directory .eslintrc.js
  • TypeScript: Follow variants based on JavaScript Standard Style, see .eslintrc.js in the root directory and tsconfig.json in the relevant package directory for details.
  • Styles: follow the .stylelintrc style in the relevant package directory.


During debugging, the npm link command is typically used to softlink the package to be debugged to a test project.

To debug compile-time code, please refer to “Single-step debugging”.

Debug Runtime code, you can breakpoint debug directly.

Unit tests

The packages are currently equipped with unit tests for.

  • babel-preset-taro
  • @tarojs/cli
  • @tarojs/components
  • @tarojs/react
  • @tarojs/webpack-runner
  • @tarojs/mini-runner
  • @tarojs/runtime
  • @tarojs/taro-rn
  • @tarojs/components-rn

After modifying the above packages, developers should make sure to run lerna run test:ci --scope [package name] to check if the test cases all pass.

Also, after developing some important features, please take time to fill in the corresponding test cases.

:::note Note: @tarojs/mini-runner and @tarojs/webpack-runner use snapshot (snapshot of test results), and modifying these two packages or some other packages may cause these snapshots to fail, and thus fail the tests. When you modify these two packages, or if CI prompts you with a test case error for these two packages, run lerna run updateSnapshot --scope [package name] to update the snapshot and resubmit. :::

commit Specifications

When entering the commit message, please make sure to follow the Angular Style Commit Message Conventions Specifications.


When a commit involves new features, Breaking Changes or important modifications, please add or modify the corresponding documentation.

Please read Modifying Documentation for more information about the development of documentation。

Commit Pull Request

If you are not familiar with PR (Pull Request), please read 《About Pull Requests》

After completing the development and pushing it to your own Taro repository, you are ready to submit the Pull Request.

Before submitting a PR, please read the following notes.

  1. make sure npm run build compiles successfully.
  2. Make sure the code passes the ESLint test.
  3. ensure that all test cases pass when the package in question has the npm test:ci command.
  4. when the related package has test cases, add the corresponding test cases to your commit code as well.
  5. ensure that the commit message needs to follow the Angular Style Commit Message Conventions.
  6. If the commit code is very large or complex, you can divide the PR into several commits together. We will squash as appropriate when merging.
  7. PR authors can choose to join Taro Developer WeChat group for merging PRs and technical communication.