title: Mini Program Cloud Development Template

This feature is supported since v1.2.20, only Wechat mini program are supported.

Cloud Development(CloudBase), It is a one-stop back-end cloud service built on Serverless architecture, covering functions, database, storage, CDN and other services, free of back-end operation and maintenance, and supporting mini program, Web and APP development. The cloud-based development can invoke all the open capabilities of WeChat without authentication, and can be opened and used in WeChat developer tools.

Develop project templates using Mini Program Cloud

In version 1.2.20, a new mini program cloud development project template has been added. To use it, please update the CLI to version 1.2.20 or above. Update

Templates Directory

  1. ├── client Mini program Directory
  2. ├── config Project compilation configuration
  3. ├── dev.js Development environment configuration
  4. ├── index.js Default Configuration
  5. └── prod.js Production environment configuration
  6. ├── dist Compilation results directory
  7. ├── package.json
  8. ├── src Source directory
  9. ├── app.scss Project general style
  10. ├── app.js Project entry file
  11. ├── components Component directory
  12. └── login Login component directory
  13. └── index.weapp.js login component logic
  14. └── pages Page file directory
  15. └── index Index page directory
  16. ├── index.scss Index page logic
  17. └── index.js Index page style
  18. ├── cloud Server Directory
  19. └── functions Cloud functions directory
  20. └── login Login cloud function
  21. ├── index.js Login function logic
  22. └── package.json
  23. └── project.config.json Mini program configuration

Usage Points

  1. When developing, go to the client directory and run the relevant compile preview or package command in this directory
  2. To debug the project using WeChat Developer Tools, please use the project whole folder as the run directory. Note: Not the dist folder generated in the client