title: Taro.createBLEConnection(option)

sidebar_label: createBLEConnection

Connects to a BLE device.

If the Mini Program has previously discovered a Bluetooth device and successfully connected to it, you can directly pass the deviceId obtained previously to connect to the device, without the need to perform a search operation.


  • Ensure the calls to the createBLEConnection and closeBLEConnection APIs are paired. On an Android device, if you call createBLEConnection multiple times, the system may maintain multiple connection instances for the same device. Therefore, calling closeBLEConnection will not truly disconnect from the device.
  • Bluetooth connections may be dropped at any time, so you should listen on the Taro.onBLEConnectionStateChange callback event. If the connection with a Bluetooth device is lost, you can reconnect it as needed.
  • If you call data read/write APIs for an unconnected or a disconnected device, a 10006 error is returned. We recommend you reconnect the device in such cases.



  1. (option: Option) => Promise<Promised>



Property Type Description
errMsg string success: ok,fail: error message


Property Type Required Description
deviceId string Yes Device ID
timeout number No The timeout time (in ms). If it is left empty, there is no timeout.
complete (res: any) => void No The callback function used when the API call completed (always executed whether the call succeeds or fails)
fail (res: any) => void No The callback function for a failed API call
success (res: Result) => void No The callback function for a successful API call

Sample Code

  1. Taro.createBLEConnection({
  2. // This deviceId must have been used to connect the appropriate device via createBLEConnection.
  3. deviceId,
  4. success: function (res) {
  5. console.log(res)
  6. }
  7. })

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
Taro.createBLEConnection ✔️