title: Taro.onLocationChange(callback)

sidebar_label: onLocationChange

Listens for real-time geolocation change events, to be used in conjunction with Taro.startLocationUpdateBackgroundTaro.startLocationUpdate.



  1. (callback: Callback) => void



Callback function for real-time geolocation change events.

  1. (result: CallbackResult) => void
Property Type
result CallbackResult


Property Type Description
accuracy number Location accuracy
altitude number Altitude (in m)
horizontalAccuracy number Horizontal accuracy (in m)
latitude number Latitude. The value ranges from -90 to +90, and the negative number means south latitude.
longitude number Longitude. The value ranges from -180 to +180, and the negative number means west longitude.
speed number Speed (in m/s)
verticalAccuracy number Vertical accuracy (in m) (Not available for Android, and 0 will be returned)

Sample Code

  1. const _locationChangeFn = function (res) {
  2. console.log('location change', res)
  3. }
  4. Taro.onLocationChange(_locationChangeFn)
  5. Taro.offLocationChange(_locationChangeFn)

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
Taro.onLocationChange ✔️