title: Taro.startDeviceMotionListening(option)

sidebar_label: startDeviceMotionListening

Starts listening on device orientation changes.



  1. (option: Option) => void



Property Type Default Required Description
interval "game" | "ui" | "normal" "normal" No The execution interval of the callback function for device orientation change listening
complete (res: any) => void No The callback function used when the API call completed (always executed whether the call succeeds or fails)
fail (res: any) => void No The callback function for a failed API call
success (res: Result) => void No The callback function for a successful API call


Property Description
game The execution interval of the callback for game updates, which is about 20 ms.
ui The execution interval of the callback for UI updates, which is about 60 ms.
normal The normal callback interval, which is about 200 ms.

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
Taro.startDeviceMotionListening ✔️ ✔️ ✔️