title: Ad

sidebar_label: Ad

Banner ad.



  1. ComponentType<AdProps>


import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’; import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’;

tsx class App extends Component { render () { return ( <Ad unitId='' adIntervals={60} onLoad={() => console.log('ad onLoad')} onError={() => console.log('ad onError')} onClose={() => console.log('ad onClose')} /> ) } } html <template> <ad unit-id="" ad-intervals="60" @load="onLoad" @error="onError" @close="onClose" /> </template>


Property Type Required Description
unitId string Yes d unit ID, which can be created via the Ad Host module in Mini Program Console.
adIntervals number No The interval between the automatic refresh of the advertisements in seconds, the value of the parameter must be greater than or equal to 30.(Banner ads are not refreshed automatically if this parameter is not set.)
onLoad BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Callback used when an ad is loaded
onError BaseEventOrigFunction<onErrorEventDetail> No Callback used when ad loading failed. event.detail = {{errCode: 1002}}
onClose BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Callback used when an ad is closed

Property Support

Property WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
AdProps.unitId ✔️
AdProps.adIntervals ✔️
AdProps.onLoad ✔️
AdProps.onError ✔️
AdProps.onClose ✔️


Param Type
errCode 1000 | 1001 | 1002 | 1003 | 1004 | 1005 | 1006 | 1007 | 1008


An error code is obtained by executing the binderror callback.

Code Exception Cause Solution
1000 Call failed due to a backend error This error is not caused by developers. Ignore the error, and it will be automatically recovered after a period of time.
1001 Parameter error The parameter is incorrectly used. For details, visit developers.weixin.qq.com. (There are different courses specific to Mini Programs and Mini Games. In the top tab, you can switch between the courses on the right of the Design column.)
1002 Invalid ad unit The spelling may be incorrect or the ad ID of another app may be used. Visit mp.weixin.qq.com to confirm the ad ID.
1003 Internal error This error is not caused by developers. Ignore the error, and it will be automatically recovered after a period of time.
1004 No suitable ad The ad does not appear every time. Maybe it is not appropriate to the user. This is a normal case. In addition, you need to improve compatibility in this case.
1005 The ad component is being reviewed. Your ad is being reviewed and therefore cannot be displayed. Visit mp.weixin.qq.com to check the review status. In addition, you need to improve compatibility in this case.
1006 The ad component is rejected. Your ad failed to pass the review and therefore cannot be displayed. Visit mp.weixin.qq.com to check the review status. In addition, you need to improve compatibility in this case.
1007 The ad component is rejected. Your advertising capability is suspended. ads cannot be displayed during the suspension. Visit mp.weixin.qq.com to check the Mini Program ad suspension status.
1008 The ad unit is disabled. The advertising capability in the advertising space is disabled. Visit mp.weixin.qq.com to enable the display in the advertising space.

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
Ad ✔️