title: Button

sidebar_label: Button




  1. ComponentType<ButtonProps>


import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’ import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’

tsx export default class PageButton extends Component { state = { btn: [ { text: 'Primary Normal', size: 'default', type: 'primary' }, { text: 'Primary Loading', size: 'default', type: 'primary', loading: true, }, { text: 'Primary Disabled', size: 'default', type: 'primary', disabled: true, }, { text: 'Secondary Normal', size: 'default', type: 'default' }, { text: 'Secondary Disabled', size: 'default', type: 'default', disabled: true, }, { text: 'Wran Normal', size: 'default', type: 'warn' }, { text: 'Wran Disabled', size: 'default', type: 'warn', disabled: true, } ] } render () { return ( <View className='container'> {this.state.btn.map(item => { return ( <Button size={item.size ? item.size : ''} type={item.type ? item.type : ''} loading={item.loading ? item.loading : false} disabled={item.disabled ? item.disabled : false} > {item.text} </Button> ) })} <Button className='btn-max-w' plain type='primary'>button</Button> <Button className='btn-max-w' plain type='primary' disabled>disabled button</Button> <Button className='btn-max-w' plain >button</Button> <Button className='btn-max-w' plain disabled >button</Button> <Button size='mini' type='primary'>button</Button> <Button size='mini' >button</Button> <Button size='mini' type='warn'>button</Button> </View> ) } } html <template> <view class="container"> <button v-for="item in btn" :size="item.size ? item.size : ''" :type="item.type ? item.type : ''" :loading="item.loading ? item.loading : false" :disabled="item.disabled ? item.disabled : false" > {{ item.text }} </button> <button class="btn-max-w" :plain="true" type="primary">button</button> <button class="btn-max-w" :plain="true" type="primary" :disabled="true">disabled button</button> <button class="btn-max-w" :plain="true">button</button> <button class="btn-max-w" :plain="true" :disabled="true">button</button> <button size="mini" type="primary">button</button> <button size="mini" >button</button> <button size="mini" type="warn">button</button> </view> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { btn: [ { text: 'Primary Normal', size: 'default', type: 'primary' }, { text: 'Primary Loading', size: 'default', type: 'primary', loading: true, }, { text: 'Primary Disabled', size: 'default', type: 'primary', disabled: true, }, { text: 'Secondary Normal', size: 'default', type: 'default' }, { text: 'Secondary Disabled', size: 'default', type: 'default', disabled: true, }, { text: 'Secondary Normal', size: 'default', type: 'warn' }, { text: 'Secondary Disabled', size: 'default', type: 'warn', disabled: true, } ] } } } </script>


Property Type Default Required Description
size "default" | "mini" default No The size of the button.
type "default" | "primary" | "warn" default No The style class of the button.
plain boolean false No Specifies whether the button is hollow with transparent background.
disabled boolean false No Specifies whether to disable the component.
loading boolean false No Specifies whether a loading icon exists before the name.
formType "submit" | "reset" No Used in the <form/> component. When it is tapped, the submit and reset events of the <form/> component are separately triggered.
openType "contact" | "contactShare" | "share" | "getRealnameAuthInfo" | "getAuthorize" | "getPhoneNumber" | "getUserInfo" | "lifestyle" | "launchApp" | "openSetting" | "feedback" No Open capability of WeChat
hoverClass string button-hover No The style class the button that is tapped. When hover-class="none", the tap state is not displayed.
hoverStyle string none No Since RN does not support Class, the Button component on the RN side implements the hoverStyle property, which is written similarly to style, except that the style of hoverStyle specifies the style to be pressed.
hoverStopPropagation boolean false No Specifies whether to block the tapped state from the ancestor node of this node.
hoverStartTime number 20 No Specifies the time elapsed after tapping but before the tapped state occurs. It is measured in milliseconds.
hoverStayTime number 70 No Specifies the duration when the tapped state retains after stopping tapping. It is measured in milliseconds.
lang "en" | "zh_CN" | "zh_TW" No Specifies the language of the returned user information. zh_CN: Simplified Chinese; zh_TW: Traditional Chinese; en: English.

Pre-requisites: open-type="getUserInfo"
sessionFrom string No The source of the chat. It is valid when open-type="contact"
sendMessageTitle string Current title No The title of the message card in the chat. It is valid when open-type="contact"
sendMessagePath string Current title No The path of the Mini Program to which the message card in the chat is tapped to navigate. It is valid when open-type="contact"
sendMessageImg string Screenshot No The image of the message card in the chat. It is valid when open-type="contact"
appParameter string No The parameter passed to the app when it is launched. It is valid when open-type="launchApp"
scope "userInfo" | "phoneNumber" No Alipay Mini-Program scope. It is valid when open-type="getAuthorize"
showMessageCard boolean false No Specifies whether to display message cards in a chat. It is valid when open-type="contact"
onGetUserInfo BaseEventOrigFunction<onGetUserInfoEventDetail> No When a user taps this button, the user information obtained is returned. The detail data that is obtained via callback is consistent with that returned by Taro.getUserInfo.

It is valid when open-type="getUserInfo"
onGetAuthorize BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Callback used to get the authorization of Alipay member information.

It is valid when open-type="getAuthorize"
onContact BaseEventOrigFunction<onContactEventDetail> No Callback used to obtain customer messages. It is valid when open-type="contact".
onGetPhoneNumber BaseEventOrigFunction<onGetPhoneNumberEventDetail> No Callback used to obtain the user’s mobile number.

It is valid when open-type="getphonenumber"
onGetRealnameAuthInfo BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Callback used to obtain the user’s real name.

It is valid when open-type="getRealnameAuthInfo"
onError BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Callback used when an error occurred while using open capability.

It is valid when open-type="launchApp"
onOpenSetting BaseEventOrigFunction<onOpenSettingEventDetail> No Callback used after the authorization setting page is opened.

It is valid when open-type="openSetting"
onLaunchapp BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Callback used after the app is launched.

It is valid when open-type="launchApp"

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program Alipay Mini-Program H5 React Native
ButtonProps.size ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ButtonProps.type ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ButtonProps.plain ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ButtonProps.disabled ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ButtonProps.loading ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ButtonProps.formType ✔️
ButtonProps.openType ✔️
ButtonProps.hoverClass ✔️ ✔️
ButtonProps.hoverStyle ✔️
ButtonProps.hoverStopPropagation ✔️
ButtonProps.hoverStartTime ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ButtonProps.hoverStayTime ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ButtonProps.lang ✔️
ButtonProps.sessionFrom ✔️
ButtonProps.sendMessageTitle ✔️
ButtonProps.sendMessagePath ✔️
ButtonProps.sendMessageImg ✔️
ButtonProps.appParameter ✔️
ButtonProps.scope ✔️
ButtonProps.onGetUserInfo ✔️
ButtonProps.onGetAuthorize ✔️
ButtonProps.onContact ✔️
ButtonProps.onGetPhoneNumber ✔️
ButtonProps.onGetRealnameAuthInfo ✔️
ButtonProps.onError ✔️
ButtonProps.onOpenSetting ✔️
ButtonProps.onLaunchapp ✔️


Valid values of size

Value Description
default Default size
mini Minimum size


Valid values of type

Value Description
primary Green
default White
warn Red


Valid values of form-type

Value Description
submit Submits the form
reset Resets the form


Valid values of open-type

Value Description
contact Opens a customer service chat. If the user taps the message card in the chat to return to a Mini Program, the specific information can be obtained from the bindcontact callback. See details.
share Triggers forwarding. Before use, read User Guide.
getPhoneNumber Gets the user’s mobile number. The user information can be obtained from the bindgetphonenumber callback.
Vue3 example: <button @getphonenumber=”callback” />
See details
getUserInfo Gets user information. The user information can be obtained from the bindgetuserinfo callback.
launchApp Opens the app. The parameters passed to the app can be set via the app-parameter property. See details
openSetting Opens the authorization setting page.
feedback Opens the Feedback page, where users can submit feedback and upload logs. Developers can log in to the Mini Program admin console and open the Customer Service Feedback page from the left-side menu to get the feedback.


Valid values of lang

Value Description
en English
zh_CN Simplified Chinese
zh_TW Traditional Chinese


Valid values of gender

Value Description
0 Unknown
1 Male
2 Female


Param Type Description
userInfo {{ nickName: string; avatarUrl: string; gender: 0 | 1 | 2; province: string; city: string; country: string; }}
rawData string Raw data JSON strings that do not include sensitive information and are used to calculate the signature.
signature string Use sha1(rawData + sessionkey) to get the string for verifying user information
encryptedData string Encrypted data with complete user information, including sensitive data.
iv string The initial vector of the encryption algorithm
errMsg string


Param Type Description
errMsg string
path string The path specified by the mini-program’s message.
query Record<string, any> The query parameters specified by the mini-program’s message.


Param Type Description
errMsg string
encryptedData string Encrypted data with complete user information including sensitive data.
iv string The initial vector of the encryption algorithm.


Param Type
errMsg string
authSetting Record<string, boolean>

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
Button ✔️ ✔️ ✔️