title: Taro.onDeviceMotionChange(callback)

sidebar_label: onDeviceMotionChange

Listens on the device orientation change event. The frequency is based on the Taro.startDeviceMotionListening() interval parameter. You can use Taro.stopDeviceMotionListening() stop listening.



  1. (callback: Callback) => void



The callback function for the device orientation change event.

  1. (result: CallbackResult) => void
Property Type
result CallbackResult


Property Type Description
alpha number When the phone coordinate X/Y and the earth coordinate X/Y coincide, the angle of rotation around the Z axis is alpha. The range is [0, 2PI). It is positive when the phone rotates counterclockwise.
beta number When the phone coordinate Y/Z and the earth coordinate Y/Z coincide, the angle of rotation around the X axis is beta. The range is [-1PI, PI). It is positive when the phone rotates with its top toward the earth surface or the user.
gamma number When the phone coordinate X/Z and the earth coordinate X/Z coincide, the angle of rotation around the Y axis is gamma. The range is [-1*PI/2, PI/2). It is positive when the phone rotates with its right side toward the earth surface.

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program H5 React Native
Taro.onDeviceMotionChange ✔️ ✔️ ✔️