title: Audio

sidebar_label: Audio

Audio. This component is no longer maintained as of 1.6.0. Taro.createInnerAudioContext API with more powerful capabilities is recommended.



  1. ComponentType<AudioProps>


import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’; import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’;

tsx export default class PageView extends Component { constructor() { super(...arguments) } render() { return ( <View className='components-page'> <Audio src='https://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/M500001VfvsJ21xFqb.mp3?guid=ffffffff82def4af4b12b3cd9337d5e7&uin=346897220&vkey=6292F51E1E384E06DCBDC9AB7C49FD713D632D313AC4858BACB8DDD29067D3C601481D36E62053BF8DFEAF74C0A5CCFADD6471160CAF3E6A&fromtag=46' controls={true} autoplay={false} loop={false} muted={true} initialTime='30' id='video' /> </View> ) } } html <template> <view class="components-page"> <audio id="video" src="https://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/M500001VfvsJ21xFqb.mp3?guid=ffffffff82def4af4b12b3cd9337d5e7&uin=346897220&vkey=6292F51E1E384E06DCBDC9AB7C49FD713D632D313AC4858BACB8DDD29067D3C601481D36E62053BF8DFEAF74C0A5CCFADD6471160CAF3E6A&fromtag=46" :controls="true" :autoplay="false" :loop="false" :muted="true" /> </view> </template>


Property Type Default Required Description
id string No The unique identifier of the audio component
src string Yes The resource address of the audio to be played
loop boolean false No Specifies whether to enable loop playback
muted boolean false No Specifies whether to enable mute playback.
Not recommended
controls boolean false No Specifies whether to display default controls
poster string No The image resource address of the audio cover on a default control. If the value of the controls property is false, the setting of poster does not take effect.
name string "An unknown audio" No The audio name on a default control. If the value of the controls property is false, the setting of name does not take effect.
author string "An unknown author" No The author name on a default control. If the value of the controls property is false, the setting of author does not take effect.
onError BaseEventOrigFunction<onErrorEventDetail> No Triggers the error event when an error occurs. detail = {{errMsg: MediaError.code}}
onPlay BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Triggers the play event when the playback is started/resumed.
onPause BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Triggers the pause event when the playback is paused.
onTimeUpdate BaseEventOrigFunction<onTimeUpdateEventDetail> No Triggers the timeupdate event when the playback progress changes. detail = {{currentTime, duration}}
onEnded BaseEventOrigFunction<any> No Triggers the ended event at the end of the video.

Property Support

Property WeChat Mini-Program Baidu Smart-Program H5 React Native
AudioProps.id ✔️
AudioProps.src ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AudioProps.loop ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AudioProps.muted ✔️
AudioProps.controls ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AudioProps.poster ✔️ ✔️
AudioProps.name ✔️
AudioProps.author ✔️
AudioProps.onError ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AudioProps.onPlay ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AudioProps.onPause ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AudioProps.onTimeUpdate ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
AudioProps.onEnded ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


Param Value
errMsg 1 | 2 | 3 | 4


Param Type Description
currentTime number current time
duration number duration



Value Description
1 Request for getting resources is rejected by the user
2 Network error
3 Decoding error
4 Improper resource

API Support

API WeChat Mini-Program Baidu Smart-Program H5 React Native
Audio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️