0 Background


Habits are defined as “behaviours” done with little or no consicious though”.





The Hooked Model 的4个阶段

trigger, action, variable reward, and investment.

《The Hooked Model》 读书笔记 - 图1

1 The habit zone

Why HABITS are good for Bussiness?

Habit-forming products change user behavior and create unprompted(自发的) user engagement.

  1. Increase Customer Lifetime Value(CLTV)
    1. e.g. credit card
  2. Providing Pricing Flexibility
    1. e.g. game companies, “freemium” model to pay
  3. Supercharging Growth
    1. brand evangelists(传道者),
    2. Facebook, Viral Cycle Time, the amount of time it takes a user to invite another user
  4. Sharpening the Competitive Egde

2 Binding the mind monopoly (独占用户的心)

  • 用户很少改变长期形成的习惯,这导致设计师很难基于商业目的培养新的用户习惯;
  • 要培养用户新的习惯,需要不断地重复,越重复,习惯越牢固;
  • 习惯使得用户忠诚,增加了用户认知新事物的成本;
    • 举例:Google搜索和Bing在很多地方都相似,但是用户仍然不愿意使用bing
  • 用户习惯数据有助于进行个性化推荐

单词:boon(福利,利益),endanger(危及),inherently(内在的;固有的),caveats(警告;说明),regress回退;head-to-head comparison(面对面比较),efficacy(效力),habituated,soonest(最快地;最早地)

Habit As Strategy


3 In The Habit Zone

Two factors to form the habit zone

  1. frequency
  2. utility

《The Hooked Model》 读书笔记 - 图3

顺着横轴,一个行为,即使带来的效用再高也无法形成习惯,因为低频; 顺着纵轴,一个行为,即使再频繁也无法形成习惯,因为没有什么效用;

How frequent is frequent enough?


4 Vitamins v.s. Painkillers

Products fail for a variety reasons

  • run out of funding(没钱)
  • enter markets too early(时机不对)
  • no need what offering(伪需求)
  • founders give up(没能坚持)
  • ….


They solve problems!

Are u building a vitamin or painkiller?

Vitamins are “nice to have,” but not “need to have.” Often times these are “features or functionalities,” and not major platforms.
Painkillers solve an obivious need, relieving a specific pain, and often have quantifiable markets.