
Atul Gupte, former Product Manager for Uber’s Data Platform Team 认为数据产品经理的角色

  • “The data product manager is a role solely dedicated to answering questions like: 数据产品经理的角色需要回答这些问题
    • What data exists? 数据在何处?
    • Who needs this data? 谁使用这个数据?
    • Where is this data flowing to/from? 数据如何流动的?
    • What purpose does this data serve? 这个数据服务于什么目的?
    • Is there a way to make it easier to work with/access this data? 能否让数据获取更加简易?
    • Is this data compliant and/or actionable? 数据符合规范吗?数据可用吗?
    • How can we make data more useful to more people at the company, faster? 我们如何让数据更快地服务于公司内更多的人?
  • Data product managers answer these questions by building internal tooling and platforms for employees. 数据产品通过建设内部工具和平台来回答这些问题。
  • instead of working with what we traditionally define as ‘customers’ (i.e., an individual buying or consuming your software), you’re working with “data consumers” — in other words, employees using products that make sense of your company’s data.” 用户变成了 data consumers