
Config class is used for manipulating config and config files. It supports
loading configs from multiple file formats including python, json and yaml.
It provides dict-like apis to get and set values.

Here is an example of the config file

  1. a = 1
  2. b = dict(b1=[0, 1, 2], b2=None)
  3. c = (1, 2)
  4. d = 'string'

To load and use configs

  1. >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('')
  2. >>> print(cfg)
  3. >>> dict(a=1,
  4. ... b=dict(b1=[0, 1, 2], b2=None),
  5. ... c=(1, 2),
  6. ... d='string')

For all format configs, some predefined variables are supported. It will convert the variable in {{ var }} with its real value.

Currently, it supports four predefined variables:

{{ fileDirname }} - the current opened file’s dirname, e.g. /home/your-username/your-project/folder

{{ fileBasename }} - the current opened file’s basename, e.g. file.ext

{{ fileBasenameNoExtension }} - the current opened file’s basename with no file extension, e.g. file

{{ fileExtname }} - the current opened file’s extension, e.g. .ext

These variable names are referred from VS Code.

Here is one examples of config with predefined variables.

  1. a = 1
  2. b = './work_dir/{{ fileBasenameNoExtension }}'
  3. c = '{{ fileExtname }}'
  1. >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('./')
  2. >>> print(cfg)
  3. >>> dict(a=1,
  4. ... b='./work_dir/config_a',
  5. ... c='.py')

For all format configs, inheritance(继承) is supported. To reuse fields in other config files,
specify _base_='./' or a list of configs _base_=['./', './'].
Here are 4 examples of config inheritance.

  1. a = 1
  2. b = dict(b1=[0, 1, 2], b2=None)

Inherit from base config without overlapped keys

  1. _base_ = './'
  2. c = (1, 2)
  3. d = 'string'
  1. >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('./')
  2. >>> print(cfg)
  3. >>> dict(a=1,
  4. ... b=dict(b1=[0, 1, 2], b2=None),
  5. ... c=(1, 2),
  6. ... d='string')

New fields in are combined with old fields in

Inherit from base config with overlapped keys

  1. _base_ = './'
  2. b = dict(b2=1)
  3. c = (1, 2)
  1. >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('./')
  2. >>> print(cfg)
  3. >>> dict(a=1,
  4. ... b=dict(b1=[0, 1, 2], b2=1),
  5. ... c=(1, 2))

b.b2=None in config_a is replaced with b.b2=1 in

Inherit from base config with ignored fields

  1. _base_ = './'
  2. b = dict(_delete_=True, b2=None, b3=0.1)
  3. c = (1, 2)
  1. >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('./')
  2. >>> print(cfg)
  3. >>> dict(a=1,
  4. ... b=dict(b2=None, b3=0.1),
  5. ... c=(1, 2))

You may also set **_delete_=True** to ignore some fields in base configs. All old keys b1, b2, b3 in b are replaced with new keys b2, b3.

Inherit from multiple base configs (the base configs should not contain the same keys)

  1. c = (1, 2)
  2. d = 'string'

  1. _base_ = ['./', './']
  1. >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('./')
  2. >>> print(cfg)
  3. >>> dict(a=1,
  4. ... b=dict(b1=[0, 1, 2], b2=None),
  5. ... c=(1, 2),
  6. ... d='string')

Reference variables from base

You can reference variables defined in base using the following grammar.

  1. item1 = 'a'
  2. item2 = dict(item3 = 'b')

  1. _base_ = ['./']
  2. item = dict(a = {{ _base_.item1 }}, b = {{ _base_.item2.item3 }})
  1. >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('./')
  2. >>> print(cfg.pretty_text)
  3. item1 = 'a'
  4. item2 = dict(item3='b')
  5. item = dict(a='a', b='b')

Add deprecation information in configs

Deprecation information can be added in a config file, which will trigger a UserWarning when this config file is loaded.

  1. _base_ = ''
  2. _deprecation_ = dict(
  3. expected = '', # optional to show expected config path in the warning information
  4. reference = 'url to related PR' # optional to show reference link in the warning information
  5. )
  1. >>> cfg = Config.fromfile('./')
  2. UserWarning: The config file will be deprecated in the future. Please use instead. More information can be found at
