1.What should I do if there is a timeout in the process of Grove Zero burning?
    The reason for the timeout of burning is complicated, among which the common reason is the abnormal appearance of the Main Board. In that case, user is required to reset the Main Board BLE manually. The specific operation method is as follows.
    Step 1: Enter the boot mode, as shown in the figure below.
    1) Disconnect the Main Board from both the USB cable and the battery module.
    Upload timeouts - 图1
    2) Press the reset button of the Main Board, hold it and connect the Main Board to the computer through the USB cable.
    Upload timeouts - 图2
    3)Keep pressing the reset button, wait for about 8 seconds, till the orange status light start to flash slowly. It indicates that it has entered boot mode.
    Upload timeouts - 图3
    Step 2: Update the firmware.
    Please refer to 3.2 firmware update for detailed operation