Input: Sliding Potentiometer - 图1

What Is It

The sliding potentiometer is commonly used for controlling electrical devices such as an indoor LED dimmer or a volume fader of an audio equipment.

How It Works

The sliding potentiometer is a type of resistors for controlling current in the circuit by changing its resistence.
When the sliding contact moves from one end to another, the output voltage (Vcc) will vary from 0 to 3.3V. The change of voltage is converted into a digital signal by the microcontroller which ranges from 0-1023.

Real World Analogy

LED dimmer, volume fader


You can find blocks that control the sliding potentiometer in the tab Sensing in Codecraft.

Extension Knowledge

Up to 4 sliding potentiometers can be connected to one mainboard in a time. We can order their numbers according to the switch contacts on the back of them.
Input: Sliding Potentiometer - 图2

Below are the contact images and their number order.
Input: Sliding Potentiometer - 图3