Adding date time stamp to a jpg picture - Raspberry Pi Forums
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Adding date time stamp to a jpg picture
I’m a complete beginner and I’m trying to convert my Raspberry Pi in a weather cam. I’m not interested in streaming, I’m using a camera module and some raspistill commands in order to take a picture of a landscape every 5 minutes. Then I send the picture to my website using ftp. Everything is going fine but now I need help to add a couple of informations like my website and date time stamp to a jpg picture shot.
Here’s an example of what I’d like to obtain:
At the moment I use this bash script:
Code: Select all
OPTIONS='-w 800 -h 600 -q 80'
cd $TMP
raspistill -o $OUTPUT_FILE $OPTIONS
/usr/local/bin/send-ftp $OUTPUT_FILE
How can I modify it? The goal is adding to the jpeg image a colored band with my website url on the left and date and hour of the shot on the right? Any suggestion?
Last edited by MrPippoTN on Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Adding date time stamp to a jpg picture
Update your program running raspistill to have the -exif flag.
Install ImageMagick with
Try this shell script:
Code: Select all
for file in *.jpg ; do
convert "$file" -font arial.ttf \
-pointsize 72 -fill white -annotate +100+100 \
%[exif:DateTimeOriginal] "new-${file}"
That reads the EXIF data in filename.jpg and writes a new new-filename.jpg (in the same directory) with the date/time as an additional visible layer.
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Re: Adding date time stamp to a jpg picture
DougieLawson wrote:Update your program running raspistill to have the -exif flag. Install ImageMagick with Try this shell script: Code: Select all ```
for file in *.jpg ; do convert “$file” -font arial.ttf \ -pointsize 72 -fill white -annotate +100+100 \ %[exif:DateTimeOriginal] “new-${file}” done
> That reads the [EXIF]( data in filename.jpg and writes a new new-filename.jpg (in the same directory) with the date/time as an additional visible layer.
Thank you, I'll try it tonight. Meanwhile, I've another question: and if my picture has no exif informations?
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### [Re: Adding date time stamp to a jpg picture](#p431839)
[Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:25 pm](
> MrPippoTN wrote:
> > DougieLawson wrote:Update your program running raspistill to have the -exif flag.
> Install ImageMagick with
> Try this shell script:
> Code: [Select all](#)
for file in *.jpg ; do convert “$file” -font arial.ttf \ -pointsize 72 -fill white -annotate +100+100 \ %[exif:DateTimeOriginal] “new-${file}” done
> That reads the [EXIF]( data in filename.jpg and writes a new new-filename.jpg (in the same directory) with the date/time as an additional visible layer.
> Thank you, I'll try it tonight. Meanwhile, I've another question: and if my picture has no exif informations?
The date and time should be in there if the pictures were taken with a recent RaspiStill..
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### [Re: Adding date time stamp to a jpg picture](#p432171)
[Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:38 am](
It works, thank you. Now I can see the date in this format:<br />
yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss
Is it possible to change this? I'd like to get:<br />
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
Another little question. Now I put the datestamp in the lower right corner but it is white, so it's difficult to read. Can I put a layer with a black horizontal band at the bottom of the picture?
Thank you in advance.
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### [Re: Adding date time stamp to a jpg picture](#p432720)
[Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:08 am](
I think I've done it. I used Imagemagick to compose the final image (webcam.jpg) using a layer (striscia.png)<br />
Thank you very much!!!
These are my two files:
Code: [Select all](#)
OPTIONS=’-w 800 -h 600 -q 80 -x’ DATE=$(date +”%d/%m/%Y”) HOUR=$(date +”%R”)
cd /tmp raspistill -o image.jpg $OPTIONS composite -gravity center striscia.png image.jpg pre_webcam.jpg
convert pre_webcam.jpg -font Arial \ -pointsize 14 -fill white -annotate +670+590 \ $DATE \ -pointsize 14 -fill white -annotate +750+590 \ $HOUR \ -pointsize 14 -draw “gravity southwest \ fill white text 15,6 ‘Trento, 200 m s.l.m. - Raspberry Pi Cam by’ “ \ webcam.jpg
/usr/local/bin/send-ftp webcam.jpg done
Code: [Select all](#)
TMP=’/tmp’ HOST=””
This is the FTP user that has access to the server.
This is the password for the FTP user.
It is the first argument passed to the script.
cd $TMP ftp -n $HOST <<END_SCRIPT quote USER $USER quote PASS $PASSWD cd mywebsite/folder/ put $FILE quit END_SCRIPT exit 0 ```
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Re: Adding date time stamp to a jpg picture
As I wrote at the beginning of the topic, I’m a complete beginner. I don’t know anything in coding, I got some good advices that you can read here and then I studied imagemagick. Everything I did, I wrote it here.
There are links and code to copy. Please just try and eventually let me know.
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