Human-Following Robot with Kinect -
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Instead of using single camera and complicated image recognition algorithms we can take advantage of Kinect libraries.
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Human-Following Robot with Kinect
Turtle Rover
68 15,688
Team Turtle Rover: Leo Rover team, Marcin Twardak
Published August 10, 2017 © CC BY-NC
Human-Following Robot with Kinect
Instead of using single camera and complicated image recognition algorithms we can take advantage of Kinect libraries.
IntermediateFull instructions provided8 hours15,962
Our Turbocharge Python w/ Ultra96 PYNQ course is now available. Buy it now!
Things used in this project
Hardware components
Kinect USB Adapter
Turtle Rover
Software apps and online services
Microsoft Kinect is a popular, and relatively cheap device, which has multiple applications both in amateur and professional robotics. One of the cases is man-following robot. Instead of using single camera and complicated image recognition algorithms we can take advantage of already-established Kinect libraries.
Preparing Kinect to work
Official libraries are designed only for Microsoft Windows, but fortunately we have a strong community of developers and they ported most of the functionality to Linux. What’s more they work with ARM processors, therefore we can even use the popular minicomputer Raspberry Pi!
The easiest way to implement these libraries is to use ROS – Robot Operating System. Installation is quite straightforward and is described here -
The next thing to do is to figure out how the ‘looks-like-USB’ Microsoft Kinect connector works. Basically it’s USB combined with 12 V power supply. To connect the sensor to a Raspberry Pi you will need the adapter from the photo and then modify it to your power output.
USB Adapter for Kinect
Testing Kinect
If you have the access to the computer with any Linux distro, you can use RViz software to visualize data from Kinect.
Body joints visible in RViz
The next step into taking control of our robot with Kinect is to read the position of the human body in 3 dimensions. Below you can find an example piece of code:
#!/ usr/bin/env python
import roslib
import rospy
import tf
import os
def cls () :
os. system ('clear ')
import numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__ ':
rospy . init_node (' kinect_listener ', anonymous = True )
listener = tf. TransformListener ()
rate = rospy . Rate (10.0)
while not rospy . is_shutdown () :
cls ()
(trans , rot) = listener . lookupTransform ('/ torso_1 ','/ openni_link ', rospy . Time (0) )
rospy . loginfo (" Torso coordinates :\n\n")
rospy . loginfo ("\t\tX = {0:f}". format ( trans [0]) )
rospy . loginfo ("\t\tY = {0:f}". format ( trans [1]) )
rospy . loginfo ("\t\tZ = {0:f}". format ( trans [2]) )
except (tf. LookupException , tf. ConnectivityException , tf. ExtrapolationException ):
rate . sleep ()
And here is the result visible in the console:
Torso coordinates
Integrating Kinect with mobile platform
The last thing which we have to do is to connect our sensor with a robot. At first we’ve connected it to the simple, three-wheel platform:
Three-wheel platform with Kinect
Later on, to take full advantage of the system, we mounted it on the serious mobile platform – Turtle Rover. We used the built-in Raspberry Pi and provided power supply.
Now it looks nice and clean and can be used everywhere!
Want more? Check out what Turtle can do!
Leo Rover team
5 projects • 22 followers
Leo Rover - a Robotics Development Kit to finally make all your ideas come to reality.
Marcin Twardak
1 project • 10 followers
Thanks to Marcin Twardak.
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Md. Khairul Alam
3 years ago
- Report
- Thank;)
James Kruse
3 years ago
- Report
Oh this looks cool
- Thank;)
Night R
5 months ago
- Report
Awesome Rover with high performance depth camera
- Thank;)
Our Turbocharge Python w/ Ultra96 PYNQ course is now available. Buy it now!
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