On mBlock 5, device programming is separate from stage programming. To enable a device to interact with a sprite, for example, making the indicators of Halocode on through programming a sprite or enabling a sprite to tell the value measured by the ultrasonic sensor of mBot, you need to use the broadcast functions to transmit and receive messages (instructions) and values.

Supported devices, communication modes, and connection modes vary according to broadcast mode. Now, let’s see how the interaction between a device and sprite is enabled.

Way 1: (Live) Broadcast

In Live mode on mBlock 5, devices and sprites that support broadcasting can communicate with each other by broadcasting and receiving broadcast messages.

Set the programming mode to Live.
You can see the broadcast blocks in the Events category.

Supported Devices

CyberPi, Halocode, Codey, mBot, mBot Ranger, Ultimate 2.0, MegaPi Pro, Neuron, Bluetooth Controller, Arduino Uno, and Arduino Mega2560

Connection Mode


Application Scenarios

  • A device transmits messages (instructions) to and receives messages (instructions) from a sprite.
  • A sprite transmits messages (instructions) to and receives messages (instructions) from another sprite.

    Application instance

    When button A on Codey is pressed, Panda moves to a random position on the stage.

Program Codey as follows.
Interact with Sprites - 图2

Program Panda as follows.
Interact with Sprites - 图3

Press button A on Codey. Does Panda move on the stage?

Way 2: Upload Mode Broadcast

By using the Upload Mode Broadcast extension, devices and sprites that support this mode can interact with each other.

:::info Note:
Ensure that the device is connected to mBlock 5 when using Upload Mode Broadcast. If being disconnected, the device cannot interact with sprites properly. :::
Set the programming to
Upload and add the Upload Mode Broadcast extension separately for the device and sprite.
What can we do with a value?**

:::tips When communicating with each other, a device or sprite can tell the other the type and numerical value of a message. For example, if Halocode transmits an upload mode broadcast message (volume) with a value (volume of the microphone) to Panda on the stage, Panda can tell the specific numerical value received in the message. :::

Supported devices

CyberPi, Codey, Halocode, mBot, mBot Ranger, Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega2560

Connection mode


Application Scenarios

  • A device transmits messages (instructions) with values to or receives messages (instructions) with values from a sprite.
  • Line-following, Breathing light, and other projects that require high efficiency of code operation.

    Application instance

    When you click Panda on the stage, Codey starts to glance around.

Program Codey as follows.
Program Panda as follows.
Interact with Sprites - 图6

After completing the program, upload it to the device, keep the device connected to mBlock 5, and click Panda on the stage. Does Codey glance around?

Way 3: User Cloud Message

By using the User Cloud Message extension, you can share data across devices and projects with the same mBlock 5 account.

:::info Note:
To use the User cloud message extension, a device must provide the Wi-Fi connection function. Currently, only CyberPi and Halocode are equipped with the Wi-Fi module. :::

To use the user cloud message function for CyberPi, click the IoT category .
You can see the user cloud message blocks in the blocks area.
To use the user cloud message function for Halocode, click the Wi-Fi category .
You can see the user cloud message blocks in the blocks area.

To use the user cloud message function for a sprite, add the User cloud message extension from the extension center.

Connection Mode


Application Scenarios

  • A device transmits messages (instructions) with values to or receives messages (instructions) with values from a sprite.
  • A device transmits messages (instructions) with values to or receives messages (instructions) with values from another device.
  • A sprite transmits messages (instructions) with values to or receives messages (instructions) with values from another sprite.
  • Across-region interaction. The physical distance is no longer a restriction. With the same mBlock 5 account, you can see the noise level of Shenzhen in Beijing.

    Application instance

    When you click the green flag under the stage, the LED indicators on Halocode start to play the rainbow animation.

Program Halocode as follows.
Interact with Sprites - 图10

Program Panda as follows.
Interact with Sprites - 图11

After completing the program, upload it to Halocode and click the green flag on the stage. Does Halocode play the rainbow animation?

:::info Note:
After Halocode is connected to the Internet, you can also control it remotely by signing in with the same mBlock 5 account on another computer. :::