tvm 0.7: Class List

1234| ▼Ndmlc | | | —- | —- |

| ▼Nserializer | |

| CHandler< DLContext > | |

| CHandler< DLDataType > | |

| ▼Ntopi | |

| ▼Ntvm | |

| ▼Narith | Namespace of arithmetic analysis |

| CAnalyzer | Analyzer that contains bunch of sub-analyzers |

| CCanonicalSimplifier | Canonical-form based simplifier |

| CConstIntBound | Reference class to ConstIntBoundNode |

| CConstIntBoundAnalyzer | Analyzer to get constant integer bound over expression |

| CConstIntBoundNode | Constant integer up and lower bound(inclusive). Useful for value bound analysis |

| CConstraintContext | Constraint context |

| CIntConstraints | Managed reference to IntConstraintsNode |

| CIntConstraintsNode | Represent integer constrains including (integer) variables, their ranges and the relations between them (either equations or inequalities) |

| CIntConstraintsTransform | Managed reference to IntConstraintsTransformNode |

| CIntConstraintsTransformNode | We can have different set of variables to represent the same constraints. For example, the following two systems are equivalent, {a + b = 0 | a >= 0, b >= 0} and {m - n = 0 | m >= 0, n <= 0} This data structure represents the transformation between two equivalent linear systems. In the above example, src : {a + b = 0 | a >= 0, b >= 0} dst : {m - n = 0 | m >= 0, n <= 0} src_to_dst : {a -> m, b -> -n} dst_to_src : {m -> a, n -> -b} |

| CIntSet | Managed reference to IntSetNode |

| CIntSetAnalyzer | Integer set analyzer |

| CIntSetNode | Base class of all Integer set containers. represent a set of integers in one dimension |

| CModularSet | Reference of ModularSetNode |

| CModularSetAnalyzer | Analyzer to get modular information over expression |

| CModularSetNode | Range of a linear integer function. Use to do specify the possible index values |

| CRewriteSimplifier | Rewrite-rule based simplifier |

| ▼Ndetail | |

| CAttrDocEntry | |

| CAttrDocVisitor | |

| CAttrExistVisitor | |

| CAttrInitEntry | |

| CAttrInitVisitor | |

| CAttrNonDefaultVisitor | |

| CAttrNopEntry | |

| CAttrNormalVisitor | |

| CAttrsSEqualVisitor | |

| CAttrsSHashVisitor | |

| CAttrTriggerNonDefaultEntry | |

| CImplSEqualReduce | |

| CImplSEqualReduce< T, true > | |

| CImplSHashReduce | |

| CImplSHashReduce< T, true > | |

| CImplVisitAttrs | |

| CImplVisitAttrs< T, true > | |

| CReflectionTrait | |

| CSelectSEqualReduce | |

| CSelectSEqualReduce< T, TraitName, false > | |

| CSelectSHashReduce | |

| CSelectSHashReduce< T, TraitName, false > | |

| CSelectVisitAttrs | |

| CSelectVisitAttrs< T, TraitName, false > | |

| CTypeName | Helper struct to get the type name known to tvm |

| CTypeName< bool > | |

| CTypeName< DataType > | |

| CTypeName< double > | |

| CTypeName< int > | |

| CTypeName< int64_t > | |

| CTypeName< uint64_t > | |

| CTypeName< void * > | |

| ▼Nrelay | Relay: a high level functional IR for TVM |

| ▼Nqnn | |

| CQuantizeAttrs | Attribute for quantize operator |

| CRequantizeAttrs | Attribute for requantize operator |

| CAdaptivePool2DAttrs | Attributes for adaptive pool operator |

| CAdaptivePool3DAttrs | |

| CAffineGridAttrs | Attributes used in image affine_grid operator |

| CAllocStorageAttrs | Options for allocating storage |

| CAllocTensorAttrs | Options for allocating tensors |

| CAltPattern | A pattern which matches either of two patterns |

| CAltPatternNode | Pattern for Alternate Expressions |

| CArangeAttrs | Attributes used in arange operators |

| CArgsortAttrs | Attributes used in argsort operators |

| CAttrPattern | A pattern which matches attributes in another pattern |

| CAttrPatternNode | Pattern for Attributes |

| CAvgPool1DAttrs | Attributes for 1D avg pool operator |

| CAvgPool2DAttrs | Attributes for avg pool operator |

| CAvgPool3DAttrs | Attributes for 3D avg pool operator |

| CBatchNormAttrs | Attributes used in batch_norm operator |

| CBiasAddAttrs | Add a 1D Tensor to an axis of a data |

| CBinaryConv2DAttrs | Attribues used in bitserial convolution operators |

| CBinaryDenseAttrs | |

| CBitPackAttrs | Attributes used in bitpack operators |

| CCall | |

| CCallNode | Call container |

| CCallPattern | |

| CCallPatternNode | CallPattern container |

| CCastAttrs | Data type cast |

| CCastHintAttrs | Annotate an expression to be cast into specific data type |

| CClause | |

| CClauseNode | Clause container node |

| CClipAttrs | Attributes for Clip operator |

| CCompilerAttrs | Options for the operators used to annotate a compiler |

| CConcatenateAttrs | Attributes used in concatenate operators |

| CConstant | |

| CConstantNode | Constant tensor type |

| CConstructorValue | |

| CConstructorValueObj | |

| CConv1DAttrs | Attributes used in 1D convolution operators |

| CConv1DTransposeAttrs | Attributes used in 1D transposed convolution operator |

| CConv2DAttrs | Attributes used in convolution operators |

| CConv2DTransposeAttrs | Attributes used in transposed convolution operator |

| CConv2DWinogradAttrs | Attributes used in convolution operators with winograd algorithm |

| CConv2DWinogradNNPACKWeightTransformAttrs | Attributes used in winograd weight transformation operators |

| CConv3DAttrs | Attributes used in convolution operators |

| CConv3DWinogradAttrs | Attributes used in 3d winograd convolution operators |

| CConvWinogradWeightTransformAttrs | Attributes used in winograd weight transformation operators |

| CCorrelationAttrs | Attributes used in correlation operators |

| CCropAndResizeAttrs | Attributes used in image crop_and_resize operator |

| CDebugAttrs | Options for the debug operators |

| CDeformableConv2DAttrs | Attributes for DeformableConv2D operator |

| CDenseAttrs | Attributes for dense operator |

| CDeviceCopyAttrs | Options for the device copy operators |

| CDFPattern | Managed reference to dataflow patterns |

| CDFPatternCallback | Managed reference to dataflow pattern callbacks |

| CDFPatternCallbackNode | Base type of all dataflow pattern callbacks |

| CDFPatternFunctor | A dynamical functor that dispatches on in the first DFPattern argument |

| CDFPatternFunctor< R(const DFPattern &n, Args…)> | |

| CDFPatternNode | Base type of all dataflow patterns |

| CDFPatternVisitor | A simple visitor wrapper around DFPatternFunctor. Recursively visit the content |

| CDilateAttrs | Attributes used in dilate operator |

| CDilation2DAttrs | Attributes used in dilation operators |

| CDominatorPattern | A pattern which matches a variable length dominator path |

| CDominatorPatternNode | Dominated Graph Pattern Pattern for fuzzy subgraphs where all outputs of the parent are used finally by the child, and every operation between the parent and the child matches the path |

| CDropoutAttrs | Attributes used in dropout operator |

| CExpandDimsAttrs | Attributes used in expand_dims operators |

| CExprFunctor | A dynamical functor that dispatches on in the first Expr argument. You can use this as a more powerful Visitor, since it allows you to define function signatures of Visit Function |

| CExprFunctor< R(const Expr &n, Args…)> | |

| CExprMutator | A wrapper around ExprFunctor which functionally updates the AST |

| CExprPattern | A pattern which matches a literal expression |

| CExprPatternNode | Pattern for Relay Expression |

| CExprRewriter | A non-iterating Expression Rewriter |

| CExprVisitor | A simple visitor wrapper around ExprFunctor. Recursively visit the content |

| CFeatureSet | A finite set of Feature |

| CFIFOBufferAttrs | Attributes for FIFO buffer operator |

| CFunction | Managed reference to FunctionNode |

| CFunctionNode | Relay Function container |

| CGetValidCountsAttrs | Attributes used in get_valid_counts operator |

| CGlobalPool2DAttrs | Attributes for global pool operator |

| CGridSampleAttrs | Attributes used in image grid_sample operator |

| CGroupNormAttrs | Attributes used in group_norm operator |

| CId | |

| CIdNode | The unique identifier of variables |

| CIf | |

| CIfNode | Container of If |

| CInitOpAttrs | Attributes that specify a tensor |

| CInstanceNormAttrs | Attributes used in instance_norm operator |

| CInterpreterClosure | |

| CInterpreterClosureObj | The container type of Closures used by the interpreter |

| CL2NormalizeAttrs | Attributes for L2Normalize operator |

| CLayerNormAttrs | Attributes used in layer_norm operator |

| CLayoutTransformAttrs | Attributes for LayoutTransform operator |

| CLeakyReluAttrs | Attributes for leaky relu operator |

| CLet | |

| CLetNode | A binding of a sub-network |

| CLRNAttrs | Attributes for LRN operator |

| CMatch | |

| CMatchNode | Match container node |

| CMaxPool1DAttrs | Attributes for 1D max pool operator |

| CMaxPool2DAttrs | Attributes for max pool operator |

| CMaxPool3DAttrs | Attributes for 3D max pool operator |

| CMirrorPadAttrs | Attributes used for the MirrorPadding operator |

| CMixedModeMutator | Non-recursive DFS Graph Traversal for Custom Rewriting Passes |

| CMixedModeVisitor | A wrapper around ExprVisitor which traverses the Dataflow Normal AST |

| CMultiBoxPriorAttrs | Attributes used in multibox_prior operators |

| CMultiBoxTransformLocAttrs | |

| CNdarraySizeAttrs | Attributes for ndarray_size operator |

| CNonMaximumSuppressionAttrs | Attributes used in non_maximum_suppression operator |

| COnDeviceAttrs | Options for the device annotation operators |

| COneHotAttrs | Attributes used in one-hot operator |

| COpImplementation | Operator implementation class |

| COpImplementationNode | Operator implementation that includes compute and schedule function |

| COpSpecialization | Operator specialization class |

| COpSpecializationNode | Specialized implementations for operators under certain conditions |

| COpStrategy | Operator strategy class |

| COpStrategyNode | Operator strategy to choose implementation |

| CPadAttrs | Attributes used for the padding operator |

| CPattern | Pattern is the base type for an ADT match pattern in Relay |

| CPatternConstructor | |

| CPatternConstructorNode | PatternVar container node |

| CPatternFunctor | A dynamical functor on ADT patterns that dispatches on its first argument. You can use this as a more powerful visitor, since it allows you to define the types of further arguments to VisitPattern |

| CPatternFunctor< R(const Pattern &n, Args…)> | |

| CPatternMutator | A wrapper around ExprFunctor which functionally updates the AST |

| CPatternNode | Base type for declaring relay pattern |

| CPatternTuple | |

| CPatternTupleNode | PatternVar container node |

| CPatternVar | |

| CPatternVarNode | PatternVar container node |

| CPatternVisitor | A simple visitor wrapper around PatternFunctor |

| CPatternWildcard | |

| CPatternWildcardNode | PatternWildcard container node |

| CPReluAttrs | Attributes for prelu operator |

| CProposalAttrs | Attributes used in proposal operators |

| CRecClosure | |

| CRecClosureObj | The container type of RecClosure |

| CReduceAttrs | Attributes for Reduce operators |

| CRefCreate | |

| CRefCreateNode | |

| CRefRead | |

| CRefReadNode | |

| CRefValue | |

| CRefValueObj | |

| CRefWrite | |

| CRefWriteNode | |

| CRelayNode | This is the base node container of all relay structures |

| CRepeatAttrs | Attributes used in repeat operators |

| CReshapeAttrs | Attributes used in reshape operators |

| CResize3dAttrs | Attributes used in image resize3d operator |

| CResizeAttrs | Attributes used in image resize operator |

| CReverseAttrs | Attributes used in reverse operators |

| CROIAlignAttrs | Attributes used in roi_align operators |

| CROIPoolAttrs | Attributes used in roi_pool operators |

| CSequenceMaskAttrs | |

| CShapeFuncAttrs | Options for the shape function operator |

| CShapeOfAttrs | Attributes for ShapeOf operator |

| CSliceLikeAttrs | |

| CSoftmaxAttrs | Attributes used in softmax operators |

| CSparseDenseAttrs | Attributes for sparse_dense operator |

| CSparseTransposeAttrs | Attributes for sparse_transpose operator |

| CSplitAttrs | |

| CSqueezeAttrs | Attributes used in squeeze operators |

| CStackAttrs | Attributes used in stack operators |

| CStridedSliceAttrs | Attributes for StridedSlice operator |

| CSubPixelAttrs | Attributes used in subpixel operators |

| CTakeAttrs | |

| CTempExpr | |

| CTempExprNode | Base class of the temporary expression |

| CTileAttrs | Attributes used in tile operators |

| CTopKAttrs | |

| CTransposeAttrs | Attributes used in transpose operators |

| CTuple | |

| CTupleGetItem | |

| CTupleGetItemNode | |

| CTupleGetItemPattern | |

| CTupleGetItemPatternNode | |

| CTupleNode | Tuple container |

| CTuplePattern | |

| CTuplePatternNode | Tuple container |

| CTypePattern | A pattern which matches a type in another pattern |

| CTypePatternNode | Pattern for Types |

| CUpSampling3DAttrs | Attributes for upsampling3d operator |

| CUpSamplingAttrs | Attributes for upsampling operator |

| CVar | |

| CVarNode | Container for Var |

| CVarPattern | |

| CVarPatternNode | Container for Var |

| CWildcardPattern | A pattern which matches anything |

| CWildcardPatternNode | Wildcard Pattern |

| CYoloReorgAttrs | Attributes used in yolo reorg operators |

| ▼Nruntime | |

| ▼Nthreading | |

| CThreadGroup | A platform-agnostic abstraction for managing a collection of thread pool threads |

| ▼Nvm | |

| CClosure | Reference to closure |

| CClosureObj | An object representing a closure. This object is used by both the Relay VM and interpreter |

| CExecutable | The executable emitted by the VM compiler |

| CInstruction | A single virtual machine instruction |

| CVirtualMachine | The virtual machine |

| CVMClosure | Reference to closure |

| CVMClosureObj | An object representing a vm closure |

| CVMFrame | A representation of a stack frame |

| CVMFunction | A representation of a Relay function in the VM |

| CADT | Reference to algebraic data type objects |

| CADTObj | An object representing a structure or enumeration |

| ▼CArray | Array container of ObjectRef in DSL graph. Array implements copy-on-write semantics, which means array is mutable but copy will happen when array is referenced in more than two places |

| CValueConverter | |

| CArrayNode | Array node content in array |

| CDataType | Runtime primitive data type |

| CDeviceAPI | TVM Runtime Device API, abstracts the device specific interface for memory management |

| CInplaceArrayBase | Base template for classes with array like memory layout |

| CIterAdapter | Iterator adapter that adapts TIter to return another type |

| CModule | Module container of TVM |

| CModuleNode | Base container of module |

| ▼CNDArray | Managed NDArray. The array is backed by reference counted blocks |

| CContainer | Object container class that backs NDArray |

| CContainerBase | The container base structure contains all the fields except for the Object header |

| CNullOptType | Helper to represent nullptr for optional |

| CObjAllocatorBase | Base class of object allocators that implements make. Use curiously recurring template pattern |

| CObject | Base class of all object containers |

| CObjectEqual | ObjectRef equal functor |

| CObjectHash | ObjectRef hash functor |

| CObjectPtr | A custom smart pointer for Object |

| CObjectRef | Base class of all object reference |

| CObjectTypeChecker | Type traits for runtime type check during FFI conversion |

| CObjectTypeChecker< Array< T > > | |

| CObjectTypeChecker< Map< K, V > > | |

| COptional | Optional container that to represent to a Nullable variant of T |

| CPackedFunc | Packed function is a type-erased function. The arguments are passed by packed format |

| CPackedFuncValueConverter | Type trait to specify special value conversion rules from TVMArgValue and TVMRetValue |

| CPackedFuncValueConverter< Optional< T > > | |

| CPackedFuncValueConverter< PrimExpr > | |

| CPackedFuncValueConverter< tvm::Integer > | |

| CPackedFuncValueConverter<::tvm::runtime::String > | |

| CRegistry | Registry for global function |

| CReverseIterAdapter | Iterator adapter that adapts TIter to return another type |

| ▼CSimpleObjAllocator | |

| CArrayHandler | |

| CHandler | |

| CString | Reference to string objects |

| ▼CStringObj | An object representing string. It’s POD type |

| CFromStd | An object representing string moved from std::string |

| CTVMArgs | Arguments into TVM functions |

| CTVMArgsSetter | |

| CTVMArgValue | A single argument value to PackedFunc. Containing both type_code and TVMValue |

| CTVMMovableArgValue_ | Internal auxiliary struct for TypedPackedFunc to indicate a movable argument |

| CTVMPODValue_ | Internal base class to handle conversion to POD values |

| CTVMRetValue | Return Value container, Unlike TVMArgValue, which only holds reference and do not delete the underlying container during destruction |

| CTypedPackedFunc | Please refer to TypedPackedFunc |

| CTypedPackedFunc< R(Args…)> | A PackedFunc wrapper to provide typed function signature. It is backed by a PackedFunc internally |

| CTypeIndex | Namespace for the list of type index |

| ▼Nte | Tensor expression language DSL |

| CBaseComputeOpNode | A Compute op that compute a tensor on certain domain. This is the base class for ComputeOp (operating on a scalar at a time) and TensorComputeOp (operating on a TensorSlice at a time) |

| CComputeOpNode | A Compute op that compute a tensor on certain domain |

| CExternOpNode | External computation that cannot be splitted |

| CFuseNode | Fuse two domains into one domain |

| CHybridOpNode | A computation operator that generated by hybrid script |

| CIterVarAttr | Additional scheduable attributes about IterVar |

| CIterVarAttrNode | Node container for IterVar attr |

| CIterVarRelation | The schedule relation between IterVars can be Split, Fuse |

| CIterVarRelationNode | Base node of iteration var |

| COperation | Operation that produces tensors |

| COperationNode | Base class of all operation nodes |

| CPlaceholderOpNode | A placeholder op represents an input placeholder |

| CRebaseNode | Rebase the iteration to make min to be 0. This is useful to normalize the Schedule to make every leaf variable’s min to be 0 |

| CScanOpNode | Symbolic scan |

| CSchedule | Global schedule container For operations and all the operations they depend on. The schedule per Operation is named as stage |

| CScheduleNode | Node container for schedule |

| CSingletonNode | Singleton iterator [0, 1) |

| CSpecializedCondition | Specialized condition to enable op specialization |

| CSpecializedConditionNode | Container for specialization conditions |

| CSplitNode | Split the parent domain into product of outer and iter |

| CStage | Stage, contains scheduling for a stage of computation |

| CStageNode | Stage |

| ▼CTensor | Tensor structure representing a possible input, or intermediate computation result |

| CSlice | Data structure to represent a slice that fixes first k coordinates. This is used to enable syntax sugar of Tensor[x][y][z] to get the element |

| CTensorComputeOpNode | A TenorCompute op that compute a tensor with an tensor intrinsic |

| CTensorDom | Temporary data structure to store union of bounds of each axis of Tensor |

| CTensorIntrin | Tensor intrinsic node |

| CTensorIntrinCall | Tensor intrinsic calling node |

| CTensorIntrinCallNode | |

| CTensorIntrinNode | Node to represent a Tensor intrinsic operator |

| CTensorNode | Node to represent a tensor |

| ▼Ntir | |

| CAddNode |
- b

| CAllocateNode | Allocate a buffer that can be used in body |

| CAndNode | && b |

| CAnyNode | Any shape |

| CAssertStmtNode | Assert condition, if an error occurs, return the error message |

| CAttrStmtNode | Define certain auxiliary attribute for the body to be a symbolic value. This provide auxiliary information for IR passes that transforms body |

| CBijectiveLayout | Bijective function mapping for data layout transformation. Given two Layout, BijectiveLayout build and store the mapping rules, provides API to transform N-dimention tensor from the source indices (i0, i1, …, im) to the destination indices (j0, j1, … jm) |

| CBijectiveLayoutNode | |

| CBinaryOpNode | Base template to implement binary ops |

| CBroadcastNode | Create a vector where all the elements are value |

| CBuffer | Buffer is a symbolic n-darray structure. It is a composition of primitive symbolic types, used to specify the memory layout of the Tensor used in program input |

| CBufferLoad | |

| CBufferLoadNode | Load value from the high dimension buffer |

| CBufferNode | Node to represent a buffer |

| CBufferRealize | Managed reference to BufferRealizeNode |

| CBufferRealizeNode | Annotate the region where the buffer need to be read and write in the body. We only need to allocate the space for the corresponding region |

| CBufferStore | Managed reference to BufferStoreNode |

| CBufferStoreNode | Store value to the high dimension buffer |

| CCallNode | Call node |

| CCastNode | Cast value from one data type to another |

| CCmpOpNode | Base template to implement comparison ops |

| CCommReducer | |

| CCommReducerNode | A commutative reducer node to represent a commutative binary operator with identity element |

| CDivNode | / b in the C semnatics |

| CEQNode | == b |

| CEvaluateNode | Evaluates an expression. This is mostly used for putting a Call node into Stmt |

| CExprDeepEqual | Compare two expressions recursively and check if they are equal to each other without var remapping |

| CExprFunctor | A dynamical functor that dispatches on in the first Expr argument. You can use this as a more powerful Visitor, since it allows you to define function signatures of Visit Function |

| CExprFunctor< R(const PrimExpr &n, Args…)> | |

| CExprMutator | ExprMutator that mutates expressions |

| CExprVisitor | ExprVisitor |

| CFloorDivNode | Floor division, floor(a/b) |

| CFloorModNode | The remainder of the floordiv |

| CForNode | A for loop, with poissible type annotations |

| CFreeNode | Free the resources in the buffer before the scope ends |

| CFunctionBaseNode | Base node of internal functions |

| CFunctionRef | Reference to a function |

| CGENode | >= b |

| CGTNode | > b |

| CIfThenElseNode | IfThenElse statment |

| CIterVar | Iteration Variable, represents an iteration over an integer interval |

| CIterVarNode | An iteration variable representing an iteration over a one dimensional interval |

| CLayout | Layout is to describe how data is organized within an N-dimention tensor. It is composed of upper cases, lower cases and numbers, where upper case indicates a primal axis and the corresponding lower case with factor size indicates the subordinate axis. For example, NCHW16c can describe a 5-D tensor of [batch_size, channel, height, width, channel_block]. Here subordinate axis channel_block=16 is the factor size of the primal axis C (channel). Layout for scalar is defined, while both its name and axes have size 0 |

| CLayoutAxis | |

| CLayoutNode | |

| CLENode | <= b |

| CLetNode | Let binding. Bind var to value then evaluate body |

| CLetStmtNode | Let binding, bind var to value, then run body |

| CLoadNode | Load the value from buffer_var |

| CLTNode | < b |

| CMaxNode | Max(a, b) |

| CMinNode | Min(a, b) |

| CModNode | % b in the C semnatics |

| CMulNode |
- b

| CNENode | != b |

| CNotNode | !a |

| COrNode | || b |

| CPrefetch | Managed reference to PrefetchNode |

| CPrefetchNode | A prefetch hint for abuffer |

| CPrimFunc | Managed reference to PrimFuncNode |

| CPrimFuncNode | Primitive functions that contains TIR statements |

| CProvideNode | Store value into mult-dimensional array defined by func |

| CRampNode | Construct a vector with lanes elements where its i-th element equals base + i * stride. This is useful to construct a index for a continuous vector load |

| CRealizeNode | Annotate the bounds where func need to be written and read in body. We will need to allocate space for the corresponding regions |

| CReduceNode | Reduction operator operator |

| CSelectNode | Return true_value if condition is true, otherwise return false_value |

| ▼CSeqStmt | Sequence statement |

| CFlattener | Helper class to flatten sequence of arguments into Array |

| CSeqStmtNode | The container of seq statement. Represent a sequence of statements |

| CShuffleNode | Shuffle instruction. vec = concat(vectors) result = (vec[indices[0]], vec[indices[1]] …) |

| CSizeVar | Named variable represents a tensor index size |

| CSizeVarNode | A variable node represent a tensor index size, whose value must be non-negative |

| CStmt | Container of all statements |

| CStmtExprMutator | Mutator that recursively mutates stmts and exprs on them |

| CStmtExprVisitor | Visitor that recursively visit stmts and exprs on them |

| CStmtFunctor | Same as ExprFunctor except it is applied on statements |

| CStmtFunctor< R(const Stmt &n, Args…args)> | |

| CStmtMutator | StmtMutator that mutates the statements |

| CStmtNode | Base node of all statements |

| CStmtVisitor | StmtVisitor |

| CStoreNode | Store value to the buffer |

| CStringImm | |

| CStringImmNode | String constants, only used in asserts |

| CSubNode |
- b

| CTensorKey | Auxiliary data structure used in IR Pass to indicate a tensor |

| CVar | Named variable in TVM |

| CVarNode | A variable node in the IR |

| ▼Ntransform | |

| CPass | |

| CPassContext | PassContext that is used to configure the pass behavior |

| CPassContextNode | PassContextNode contains the information that a pass can rely on, such as analysis results |

| CPassInfo | |

| CPassInfoNode | Meta data that will be used to help optimization and analysis |

| CPassNode | PassNode is the base type of differnt types of optimization passes. It is designed as a pure class and implemented by different pass subclasses at different granularity of Relay nodes |

| CSequential | |

| CAttrError | Error thrown during attribute checking |

| CAttrFieldInfo | AttrFieldInfo |

| CAttrFieldInfoNode | Information about attribute fields in string representations |

| CAttrRegistryMap | Map used to store meta-data |

| CAttrRegistryMapContainerMap | Generic attribute map |

| CAttrs | Managed reference to BaseAttrsNode |

| CAttrsNode | The base class of the all the Use “curiously recurring template pattern” |

| CAttrVisitor | Visitor class for to get the attributesof a AST/IR node. The content is going to be called for each field |

| CBaseAttrsNode | Base class of all attribute class |

| CBaseExpr | Managed reference to BaseExprNode |

| CBaseExprNode | Base type of all the expressions |

| CBaseFunc | Managed reference to BaseFuncNode |

| CBaseFuncNode | Base node of all functions |

| CBaseTensorType | Managed reference to BaseTensorTypeNode |

| CBaseTensorTypeNode | Base of all Tensor types This container can hold TensorType or GenericTensorType |

| CBaseValueEqual | Equality definition of base value class |

| CBaseValueHash | Hash definition of base value classes |

| CBool | Boolean constant |

| CBuildConfig | Build configuration for compilations |

| CBuildConfigNode | Container for build configuration options |

| CConstructor | Managed reference to ConstructorNode |

| CConstructorNode | ADT constructor. Constructors compare by pointer equality |

| CDictAttrs | Managed reference to DictAttrsNode |

| CDictAttrsNode | Specialized attribute type that is backed by a map. The DictAttrsNode implements the Attrs behavior, its fields are directly accessible via object.field_name like other normal nodes |

| CEnvFunc | Managed reference to EnvFuncNode |

| CEnvFuncNode | A serializable function backed by TVM’s global environment |

| CError | Custom Error class to be thrown during compilation |

| CErrorBuilder | A wrapper around std::stringstream to build error |

| CErrorReporter | An abstraction around how errors are stored and reported. Designed to be opaque to users, so we can support a robust and simpler error reporting mode, as well as a more complex mode |

| CFloatImm | Managed reference class to FloatImmNode |

| CFloatImmNode | Constant floating point literals in the program |

| CFuncType | Managed reference to FuncTypeNode |

| CFuncTypeNode | Function type |

| CGenericFunc | Generic function that can be specialized on a per-target basis |

| CGenericFuncNode | Represents a generic function that can be specialized on a per-target basis |

| CGlobalTypeVar | Managed reference to GlobalTypeVarNode |

| CGlobalTypeVarNode | A global type variable that is used for defining new types or type aliases |

| CGlobalVar | Managed reference to GlobalVarNode |

| CGlobalVarNode | Global variable that lives in the top-level module |

| CIncompleteType | Managed reference to IncompleteTypeNode |

| CIncompleteTypeNode | Intermediate values that is used to indicate incomplete type during type inference |

| CInteger | Container of constant int that adds more constructors |

| CIntImm | Managed reference class to IntImmNode |

| CIntImmNode | Constant integer literals in the program |

| CIRModule | Managed reference class to IRModuleNode |

| CIRModuleNode | IRModule that holds functions and type definitions |

| ▼CMap | Map container of NodeRef->NodeRef in DSL graph. Map implements copy on write semantics, which means map is mutable but copy will happen when array is referenced in more than two places |

| CValueConverter | |

| CMapNode | Map node content |

| CMemoryInfo | Defines memory info |

| CMemoryInfoNode | Memory information of special memory region. Use MemoryInfo as its container type |

| CNodeFunctor | A dynamically dispatched functor on the type of the first argument |

| CNodeFunctor< R(const ObjectRef &n, Args…)> | |

| COp | Managed reference class to OpNode |

| COpAttrMap | Map used to store meta-information about Op |

| COpNode | Primitive Op(builtin intrinsics) |

| COpRegEntry | Helper structure to register operators |

| CPointerType | |

| CPointerTypeNode | Low-level raw pointer type |

| CPrimExpr | Reference to PrimExprNode |

| CPrimExprNode | Base node of all primitive expressions |

| CPrimType | |

| CPrimTypeNode | Primitive data types used in the low-level IR |

| CRange | Range constainer |

| CRangeNode | Range over one dimension |

| ▼CReflectionVTable | Virtual function table to support IR/AST node reflection |

| CRegistry | Registry of a reflection table |

| CRelayExpr | Managed reference to RelayExprNode |

| CRelayExprNode | Base node of all non-primitive expressions |

| CRelayRefType | Managed reference to RelayRefTypeNode |

| CRelayRefTypeNode | Reference Type High-level Relay IR |

| CReprPrinter | A printer class to print the AST/IR nodes |

| ▼CSEqualReducer | A Reducer class to reduce the structural equality result of two objects |

| CHandler | Internal handler that defines custom behaviors. |

| ▼CSHashReducer | A Reducer class to reduce the structural hash value |

| CHandler | Internal handler that defines custom behaviors |

| CSourceName | The source name of a file span |

| CSourceNameNode | The name of a source fragment |

| CSpan | |

| CSpanNode | Stores locations in frontend source that generated a node |

| CStrMapNode | Specialized map node with string as key |

| CStructuralEqual | Content-aware structural equality comparator for objects |

| CStructuralHash | Content-aware structural hasing |

| CTarget | Managed reference class to TargetNode |

| CTargetNode | Compilation target |

| CTensorType | Managed reference to TensorTypeNode |

| CTensorTypeNode | This is the most commonly used type in relay. TensorType have a fixed dimension, data type |

| CTupleType | Managed reference to TupleTypeNode |

| CTupleTypeNode | The type of tuple values |

| CType | Managed reference to TypeNode |

| CTypeCall | Managed reference to TypeCallNode |

| CTypeCallNode | Type function application |

| CTypeConstraint | Managed reference to TypeConstraintNode |

| CTypeConstraintNode | Potential Constraints in a function |

| CTypeData | Stores all data for an Algebraic Data Type (ADT) |

| CTypeDataNode | TypeData container node |

| CTypedEnvFunc | Please refer to TypedEnvFunc |

| CTypedEnvFunc< R(Args…)> | A typed version of EnvFunc. It is backed by a GlobalFuncNode internally |

| CTypeFunctor | |

| CTypeFunctor< R(const Type &n, Args…)> | |

| CTypeMutator | TypeMutator that mutates expressions |

| CTypeNode | Type is the base type of all types |

| CTypeRelation | Managed reference to TypeRelationNode |

| CTypeRelationNode | User defined type relation, it is an input-output relation on types |

| CTypeReporter | Container class of TypeReporter |

| CTypeReporterNode | Reporter that reports back to the type resolution information |

| CTypeVar | Managed reference to TypeVarNode |

| CTypeVarNode | Type parameter in functions |

| CTypeVisitor | A type visitor that recursively visit types |

| CWith | RAII wrapper function to enter and exit a context object similar to python’s with syntax |

| CTVMByteArray | Byte array type used to pass in byte array When kTVMBytes is used as data type |

| CTVMParallelGroupEnv | Environment for TVM parallel task |

| CTVMValue | Union type of values being passed through API and function calls |