
视图介绍 (Introduction to Views)

Because Handlebars templates in Ember.js are so powerful, the majority of your application’s user interface will be described using them. If you are coming from other JavaScript libraries, you may be surprised at how few views you have to create.


Views in Ember.js are typically only created for the following reasons:


  • When you need sophisticated handling of user events

  • 当你需要处理复杂的用户事件时

  • When you want to create a re-usable component

  • 当你想要创建一个可重用的构件时

Often, both of these requirements will be present at the same time.


事件处理(Event Handling)

The role of the view in an Ember.js application is to translate primitive browser events into events that have meaning to your application.


For example, imagine you have a list of todo items. Next to each todo is a button to delete that item:


Todo List

The view is responsible for turning a primitive event (a click) into a semantic event: delete this todo! These semantic events are first sent up to the controller, or if no method is defined there, your application’s router, which is responsible for reacting to the event based on the current state of the application.

视图负责将一个 原始事件 (点击) 转换成一个 语义化事件:删除此todo!这些语义化事件首先会发送给控制器,如果控制器没有定义相关的处理方法,那么会发送到应用的路由,路由负责根据当前应用的状态响应该事件。

Todo List