
Toggling between showing and editing states


TodoMVC allows users to double click each todo to display a text <input> element where the todo’s title can be updated. Additionally the <li> element for each todo obtains the CSS class editing for style and positioning.


We’ll update the application to allow users to toggle into this editing state for a todo. In index.html update the contents of the {{each}} Handlebars helper to:


  1. {{! ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... }}
  2. {{! ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ... }}
  3. {{#each todo in model itemController="todo"}}
  4. <li {{bind-attr class="todo.isCompleted:completed todo.isEditing:editing"}}>
  5. {{#if todo.isEditing}}
  6. <input class="edit">
  7. {{else}}
  8. {{input type="checkbox" checked=todo.isCompleted class="toggle"}}
  9. <label {{action "editTodo" on="doubleClick"}}>{{todo.title}}</label><button class="destroy"></button>
  10. {{/if}}
  11. </li>
  12. {{/each}}
  13. {{! ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... }}
  14. {{! ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ... }}

The above code applies three new behaviors to our application: it applies the CSS class editing when the controller’s isEditing property is true and removes it when the isEditing property is false. We add a new {{action}} helper to the <label> so double-clicks will call editTodo on this todo’s controller. Finally, we wrap our todo in a Handlebars {{if}} helper so a text <input> will display when we are editing and the todos title will display when we are not editing.


  • 当控制器的isEditing属性为真时,添加CSS类editing,为假时,则删除。
  • <label>上添加了一个{{action}}助手,当双击的时候将调用当前待办事项控制器的editTodo方法。
  • 最后,使用{{if}}助手来包裹我们的待办事项,这样当编辑的时候能显示一个文本编辑框<input>,当不在编辑状态时显示待办事项的标题。

Inside js/controllers/todo_controller.js we’ll implement the matching logic for this template behavior:


  1. Todos.TodoController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  2. actions: {
  3. editTodo: function() {
  4. this.set('isEditing', true);
  5. }
  6. },
  7. isEditing: false,
  8. // ... additional lines truncated for brevity ...
  9. // ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ...

Above we defined an initial isEditing value of false for controllers of this type and said that when the editTodo action is called it should set the isEditing property of this controller to true. This will automatically trigger the sections of template that use isEditing to update their rendered content.


Reload your web browser to ensure that no errors occur. You can now double-click a todo to edit it.


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Ember.js • TodoMVC

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