
Next we’ll update our template to indicate when all todos have been completed. In index.html replace the static checkbox <input> with an {{input}}:


  1. {{! ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... }}
  2. {{! ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ... }}
  3. <section id="main">
  4. {{outlet}}
  5. {{input type="checkbox" id="toggle-all" checked=allAreDone}}
  6. </section>
  7. {{! ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... }}
  8. {{! ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ... }}

This checkbox will be checked when the controller property allAreDone is true and unchecked when the property allAreDone is false.


In js/controllers/todos_controller.js implement the matching allAreDone property:


  1. // ... additional lines truncated for brevity ...
  2. allAreDone: function(key, value) {
  3. return !!this.get('length') && this.isEvery('isCompleted');
  4. }.property('@each.isCompleted')
  5. // ... additional lines truncated for brevity ...

This property will be true if the controller has any todos and every todo’s isCompleted property is true. If the isCompleted property of any todo changes, this property will be recomputed. If the return value has changed, sections of the template that need to update will be automatically updated for us.


Reload your web browser to ensure that there are no errors and the behavior described above occurs.


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Ember.js • TodoMVC

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