Writing Custom Helpers


Sometimes, you may use the same HTML in your application multiple times. In those cases, you can register a custom helper that can be invoked from any Handlebars template.

For example, imagine you are frequently wrapping certain values in a <span> tag with a custom class. You can register a helper from your JavaScript like this:

有时,你想在程序里多次使用同一段 HTML 代码。这种情况下,你就可以自定义一个任何 Handlebars 模板都能调用的助手方法。

比如,你频繁地用一个拥有 class(译注:这个class为css中的class,非JavaScript中的类) 的 <span>来包裹特定的值。你可以这样注册一个助手方法:

  1. Ember.Handlebars.helper('highlight', function(value, options) {
  2. var escaped = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(value);
  3. return new Handlebars.SafeString('<span class="highlight">' + escaped + '</span>');
  4. });

If you return HTML from a helper, and you don’t want it to be escaped, make sure to return a new SafeString. Make sure you first escape any user data!

如果你想从助手方法返回 HTML,并且你不想转义,那你就要保证返回的结果是新的 SafeString。首先要确保已经转义了用户数据。

Anywhere in your Handlebars templates, you can now invoke this helper:


  1. {{highlight name}}

and it will output the following:


  1. <span class="highlight">Peter</span>

If the name property on the current context changes, Ember.js will automatically execute the helper again and update the DOM with the new value.

如果当前上下文中的 name 属性发生变化, Ember.js会自动重新执行此助手方法,并用新的值去更新 DOM。



Imagine you want to render the full name of an App.Person. In this case, you will want to update the output if the person itself changes, or if the firstName or lastName properties change.


  1. Ember.Handlebars.helper('fullName', function(person) {
  2. return person.get('firstName') + ' ' + person.get('lastName');
  3. }, 'firstName', 'lastName');

You would use the helper like this:


  1. {{fullName person}}

Now, whenever the context’s person changes, or when any of the dependent keys change, the output will automatically update.

现在,一旦上下文中的 person 变化了,或任何 依赖的键值 发生变化,输出都会自动更新。

Both the path passed to the fullName helper and its dependent keys may be full property paths (e.g. person.address.country).

传递给 fullName 助手方法的路径以及它的依赖键值都可以是完整的 属性路径 (如person.address.country

Custom View Helpers


You may also find yourself rendering your view classes in multiple places using the {{view}} helper. In this case, you can save yourself some typing by registering a custom view helper.


For example, let’s say you have a view called App.CalendarView. You can register a helper like this:


  1. Ember.Handlebars.helper('calendar', App.CalendarView);

Using App.CalendarView in a template then becomes as simple as:


  1. {{calendar}}

Which is functionally equivalent to, and accepts all the same arguments as:


  1. {{view App.CalendarView}}