In general, the dynamic segments of a URL are a serialized representation of a model, commonly the model’s ID. However, sometimes you need to serialize other application state into the URL. This could be further parameters that affect the loading of the model from the server, e.g. what page of a result set you are viewing, or it could be information about client side state, e.g. sort order when the records are sorted on the client.


There can also be more global information that you want to serialize into the url, for example if you want to store an auth token in the URL, or filter all models in your application globally. It’s also possible that there is a lot of parameters that you want to serialize in the url that are inconvenient to store in normal dynamic segments. This might apply when you have a map view and need to store X, Y, and zoom coordinates along with a set of visible layers on the map. Although this is possible to do with dynamic segments, it can be inconvenient. For any of these use cases, you can consider using query params instead.


Query Parameters are Controller-Driven


Support for query parameters is built right into controllers, unlike other aspects of the URL which are specified and managed entirely at the router level. First class support for query params at the controller level allows for a simple yet powerful API for updating and responding to changes in query params without requiring the developer to manually install and manage bindings/observers to keep the URL and controller state in sync.


Specifying Query Parameters


Query params can be specified by route-driven controllers. Recall that, given a route specified by this.route('articles');, the value resolved from the ArticlesRoute‘s model hook will be loaded into ArticlesController as its model property. While ArticlesRoute has the option of loading data into different controllers in the setupController hook, ArticlesController is considered to be the “route-driven” controller in this case, and therefore has the ability to specify query params.


Let’s say we’d like to add a category query parameter that will filter out all the articles that haven’t been categorized as popular. To do this, we specify 'category' as one of ArticlesController‘s queryParams:


  1. App.ArticlesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
  2. queryParams: ['category'],
  3. category: null
  4. });

This sets up a binding between the category query param in the URL, and the category property on ArticlesController. In other words, once the articles route has been entered, any changes to the category query param in the URL will update the category property on ArticlesController, and vice versa.


Now we just need to define a computed property of our category-filtered array that articles template will render:


  1. App.ArticlesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
  2. queryParams: ['category'],
  3. category: null,
  4. filteredArticles: function() {
  5. var category = this.get('category');
  6. var articles = this.get('model');
  7. if (category) {
  8. return articles.filterProperty('category', category);
  9. } else {
  10. return articles;
  11. }
  12. }.property('category', 'model')
  13. });

With this code, we have established the following behaviors:


  1. If the user navigates to /articles, category will be null, so the articles won’t be filtered.
  2. If the user navigates to /articles?articles[category]=recent, category will be set to "recent", so articles will be filtered.
  3. Once inside the articles route, any changes to the category property on ArticlesController will cause the URL to update the query param. By default, a query param property change won’t cause a full router transition (i.e. it won’t call model hooks and setupController, etc.); it will only update the URL.

  4. 如果用户导航到/articlescategory值为null,因此文章不会被过滤。

  5. 如果用户导航到/articles?articles[category]=recentcategory被设置为"recent",因此文章将被过滤。
  6. 一旦在articles路由里,改变ArticlesControllercategory属性的值,便会导致URL中对应的查询参数被更新。默认情况下,一个查询参数的改变并不会导致一次完整的路由过渡(例如:不会调用modelsetupController钩子等);只会更新URL。

link-to Helper


The link-to helper supports specifying query params by way of the query-params subexpression helper.


  1. // Explicitly set target query param
  2. {{#link-to 'posts' (query-params direction="asc")}}Sort{{/link-to}}
  3. // Binding is also supported
  4. {{#link-to 'posts' (query-params
  5. direction=otherDirection)}}Sort{{/link-to}}

In the above examples, direction is presumably a query param property on PostsController, but it could also refer to a direction property on any of the controllers associated with the posts route hierarchy, matching the leaf-most controller with the supplied property name.


The link-to helper takes into account query parameters when determining its “active” state, and will set the class appropriately. The active state is determined by working out if you clicked on the link, would the query params end up the same? You don’t have to supply all of the current, active query params for this to be true.



Route#transitionTo (and Controller#transitionToRoute) now accepts a final argument, which is an object with the key queryParams.


  1. this.transitionTo('post', object, {queryParams: {showDetails: true}});
  2. this.transitionTo('posts', {queryParams: {sort: 'title'}});
  3. // if you just want to transition the query parameters without changing
  4. the route
  5. this.transitionTo({queryParams: {direction: 'asc'}});

You can also add query params to URL transitions:


  1. this.transitionTo("/posts/1?sort=date&showDetails=true");

Opting into a full transition


Keep in mind that if the arguments provided to transitionTo or link-to only correspond to a change in query param values, and not a change in the route hierarchy, it is not considered a full transition, which means that hooks like model and setupController won’t fire by default, but rather only controller properties will be updated with new query param values, as will the URL.


But some query param changes necessitate loading data from the server, in which case it is desirable to opt into a full-on transition. To opt into a full transition when a controller query param property changes, you can use the optional queryParams configuration hash on the Route associated with that controller, and set that query param’s refreshModel config property to true:


  1. App.ArticlesRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  2. queryParams: {
  3. category: {
  4. refreshModel: true
  5. }
  6. },
  7. model: function(params) {
  8. // This gets called upon entering 'articles' route
  9. // for the first time, and we opt in refiring it
  10. // upon query param changes via `queryParamsDidChange` action
  11. // params has format of { category: "someValueOrJustNull" },
  12. // which we can just forward to the server.
  13. return'articles', params);
  14. }
  15. });
  16. App.ArticlesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
  17. queryParams: ['category'],
  18. category: null
  19. });

Update URL with replaceState instead


By default, Ember will use pushState to update the URL in the address bar in response to a controller query param property change, but if you would like to use replaceState instead (which prevents an additional item from being added to your browser’s history), you can specify this on the Route‘s queryParams config hash, e.g. (continued from the example above):


  1. App.ArticlesRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  2. queryParams: {
  3. category: {
  4. replace: true
  5. }
  6. }
  7. });

Note that the name of this config property and its default value of false is similar to the link-to helper’s, which also lets you opt into a replaceState transition via replace=true.


Map a controller’s property to a different query param key


By default, specifying foo as a controller query param property will bind to a query param whose key is foo, e.g. ?foo=123. You can also map a controller property to a different query param key using an optional colon syntax similar to the classNameBindings syntax demonstrated here.


  1. App.ArticlesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
  2. queryParams: ['category:articles_category'],
  3. category: null
  4. });

This will cause changes to the ArticlesController‘s category property to update the articles_category query param, and vice versa.


Default values and deserialization


In the following example, the controller query param property page is considered to have a default value of 1.


  1. App.ArticlesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
  2. queryParams: 'page',
  3. page: 1
  4. });

This affects query param behavior in two ways:


  1. The type of the default value is used to cast changed query param values in the URL before setting values on the controller. So, given the above example, if the user clicks the back button to change from /?page=3 to /?page=2, Ember will update the page controller property to the properly cast number 2 rather than the string "2", which it knows to do because the default value (1) is a number. This also allows boolean default values to be correctly cast when deserializing from URL changes.

  2. 在设置控制器值前,会使用默认值的类型来完成在URL中的查询参数值的类型转换。因此,在给定的上例中,如果用户点击后退按钮使得URL从/?page=3变为/?page=2,Ember会采用转换后的数值2来更新控制器的page属性,而非字符串的"2",这是因为默认值1是数值型。这也使得布尔型参数的缺省值能在反序列化的时候被正确的转换。

  3. When a controller’s query param property is currently set to its default value, this value won’t be serialized into the URL. So in the above example, if page is 1, the URL might look like /articles, but once someone sets the controller’s page value to 2, the URL will become /articles?page=2.

  4. 当控制器的查询参数被设置为默认值时,该值不会被序列化到URL中。因此在上例中,如果page值为1,URL可能就是/articles,但是如果page的值被设置为2,那么URL应该就是/articles?page=2

