
Deleting A Model


TodoMVC displays a button for removing todos next to each todo when its <li> is hovered. Clicking this button will remove the todo and update the display of remaining incomplete todos and remaining completed todos appropriately.


In index.html update the static <button> element to include an {{action}} Handlebars helper:


  1. {{! ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... }}
  2. {{! ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ... }}
  3. <button {{action "removeTodo"}} class="destroy"></button>
  4. {{! ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... }}
  5. {{! ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ... }}

This will call the removeTodo action defined in the previous chapter and will delete the todo locally and then persist this data change.

这样会调用在上一节中定义的 removeTodo 操作,然后在本地删除 todo 并保存数据变化。

Because the todo is no longer part of the collection of all todos, its <li> element in the page will be automatically removed for us. If the deleted todo was incomplete, the count of remaining todos will be decreased by one and the display of this number will be automatically re-rendered. If the new count results in an inflection change between “todo” and “todos” this area of the page will be automatically re-rendered.


Reload your web browser to ensure that there are no errors and the behaviors described above occurs.


Note: The current action may be invoked twice (via acceptChanges) leading to an exception. For details on how to handle this situation, please see the latest version of the TodoMVC source.

注意: 当前的操作可能被调用两次(通过 acceptChanges)导致一个异常。如何处理这种情况的详细信息,请参见最新版本的TodoMVC源码

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Ember.js • TodoMVC

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