
Next we’ll update the application so a user can navigate to a url where only todos that are not complete are displayed.


In index.html convert the <a> tag for ‘Active’ todos into a Handlebars {{link-to}} helper and remove the active class from the <a> tag for ‘All’:

index.html中,将‘活动的’待办事项的<a>标签改为Handlebars的{{link-to}}助手,然后把所有(All)中的<a>标签里的 active class 移除:

  1. {{! ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... }}
  2. {{! ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ... }}
  3. <li>
  4. <a href="all">All</a>
  5. </li>
  6. <li>
  7. {{#link-to "todos.active" activeClass="selected"}}Active{{/link-to}}
  8. </li>
  9. <li>
  10. <a href="completed">Completed</a>
  11. </li>
  12. {{! ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... }}
  13. {{! ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ... }}

In js/router.js update the router to recognize this new path and implement a matching route:


  1. Todos.Router.map(function() {
  2. this.resource('todos', { path: '/' }, function() {
  3. // additional child routes
  4. this.route('active');
  5. });
  6. });
  7. // ... additional lines truncated for brevity ...
  8. // ... 为保持代码简洁,在此省略了其他代码 ...
  9. Todos.TodosActiveRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  10. model: function(){
  11. return this.store.filter('todo', function(todo) {
  12. return !todo.get('isCompleted');
  13. });
  14. },
  15. renderTemplate: function(controller) {
  16. this.render('todos/index', {controller: controller});
  17. }
  18. });

The model data for this route is the collection of todos whose isCompleted property is false. When a todo’s isCompleted property changes this collection will automatically update to add or remove the todo appropriately.


Normally transitioning into a new route changes the template rendered into the parent {{outlet}}, but in this case we’d like to reuse the existing todos/index template. We can accomplish this by implementing the renderTemplate method and calling render ourselves with the specific template and controller options.


Reload your web browser to ensure that there are no errors and the behavior described above occurs.


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Ember.js • TodoMVC

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