Testing is a core part of the Ember framework and its development cycle.


Let’s assume you are writing an Ember application which will serve as a blog. This application would likely include models such as user and post. It would also include interactions such as login and create post. Let’s finally assume that you would like to have [automated tests] in place for your application.


There are two different classifications of tests that you will need: Integration and Unit.


Integration Tests


Integration tests are used to test user interaction and application flow. With the example scenario above, some integration tests you might write are:


  • A user is able to log in via the login form.
  • A user is able to create a blog post.
  • A visitor does not have access to the admin panel.

  • 用户应该可以通过一个登录窗口进行登录。

  • 用户可以创建一篇博文。
  • 访客没有访问管理面板的权限。

Unit Tests


Unit tests are used to test isolated chunks of functionality, or “units” without worrying about their dependencies. Some examples of unit tests for the scenario above might be:


  • A user has a role
  • A user has a username
  • A user has a fullname attribute which is the aggregate of its first and last names with a space between
  • A post has a title
  • A post’s title must be no longer than 50 characters

  • 用户有角色划分

  • 用户有用户名
  • 用户有由用空格分隔的姓和名组成的全名
  • 博文有标题
  • 博文的标题不能超过50个字符

Testing Frameworks


QUnit is the default testing framework for this guide, but others are supported through third-party adapters.




The Ember testing guide provides best practices and examples on how to test your Ember applications. If you find any errors or believe the documentation can be improved, please feel free to [contribute].
