
Obtaining Ember.js and Dependencies


TodoMVC has a few dependencies:


For this example, all of these resources should be stored in the folder js/libs located in the same location as index.html. Update your index.html to load these files by placing <script> tags just before your closing </body> tag in the following order:

本示例中,所有的这些资源要放在与 index.html 相同目录的 js/libs 文件夹下。更新 index.html 代码,在 </body> 标签之前加入如下几个 <script> 标签,加载这些资源文件。

  1. <!-- ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... -->
  2. <!-- ... 为确保简洁,略去头尾代码 ... -->
  3. <script src="js/libs/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
  4. <script src="js/libs/handlebars-v1.3.0.js"></script>
  5. <script src="js/libs/ember.js"></script>
  6. <script src="js/libs/ember-data.js"></script>
  7. </body>
  8. <!-- ... additional lines truncated for brevity ... -->
  9. <!-- ... 为确保简洁,略去头尾代码 ... -->

Reload your web browser to ensure that all files have been referenced correctly and no errors occur.


If you are using a package manager, such as bower, make sure to checkout the Getting Ember guide for info on other ways to get Ember.js. If you are using a package manager, such as bower, make sure to checkout the Getting Ember guide for info on other ways to get Ember.js (this guide is dependant on ember-data v1.0 or greater so please be sure to use the latest beta).

如果使用包管理工具,例如bower,请阅读获取Ember指南来获得其他获取Ember.js的方法(该指南依赖于 ember-data v1.0 或更新,请确保使用最新beta版)。

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Ember.js • TodoMVC

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