Customizing a View’s Element


A view is represented by a single DOM element on the page. You can change what kind of element is created by changing the tagName property.


  1. App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. tagName: 'span'
  3. });

You can also specify which class names are applied to the view by setting its classNames property to an array of strings:


  1. App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. classNames: ['my-view']
  3. });

If you want class names to be determined by the state of properties on the view, you can use class name bindings. If you bind to a Boolean property, the class name will be added or removed depending on the value:


  1. App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. classNameBindings: ['isUrgent'],
  3. isUrgent: true
  4. });

This would render a view like this:


  1. <div class="ember-view is-urgent">

If isUrgent is changed to false, then the is-urgent class name will be removed.


By default, the name of the Boolean property is dasherized. You can customize the class name applied by delimiting it with a colon:


  1. App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. classNameBindings: ['isUrgent:urgent'],
  3. isUrgent: true
  4. });

This would render this HTML:


  1. <div class="ember-view urgent">

Besides the custom class name for the value being true, you can also specify a class name which is used when the value is false:


  1. App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. classNameBindings: ['isEnabled:enabled:disabled'],
  3. isEnabled: false
  4. });

This would render this HTML:


  1. <div class="ember-view disabled">

You can also specify to only add a class when the property is false by declaring classNameBindings like this:


  1. App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. classNameBindings: ['isEnabled::disabled'],
  3. isEnabled: false
  4. });

This would render this HTML:


  1. <div class="ember-view disabled">

If the isEnabled property is set to true, no class name is added:


  1. <div class="ember-view">

If the bound value is a string, that value will be added as a class name without modification:


  1. App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. classNameBindings: ['priority'],
  3. priority: 'highestPriority'
  4. });

This would render this HTML:


  1. <div class="ember-view highestPriority">

Attribute Bindings on a View


You can bind attributes to the DOM element that represents a view by using attributeBindings:


  1. App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. tagName: 'a',
  3. attributeBindings: ['href'],
  4. href: ""
  5. });

You can also bind these attributes to differently named properties:


  1. App.MyView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. tagName: 'a',
  3. attributeBindings: ['customHref:href'],
  4. customHref: ""
  5. });

Customizing a View’s Element from Handlebars


When you append a view, it creates a new HTML element that holds its content. If your view has any child views, they will also be displayed as child nodes of the parent’s HTML element.


By default, new instances of Ember.View create a <div> element. You can override this by passing a tagName parameter:


  1. {{view App.InfoView tagName="span"}}

You can also assign an ID attribute to the view’s HTML element by passing an id parameter:


  1. {{view App.InfoView id="info-view"}}

This makes it easy to style using CSS ID selectors:

这使得可以容易的采用CSS ID选择器来定义样式:

  1. /** Give the view a red background. **/
  2. #info-view {
  3. background-color: red;
  4. }

You can assign class names similarly:


  1. {{view App.InfoView class="info urgent"}}

You can bind class names to a property of the view by using classBinding instead of class. The same behavior as described in bind-attr applies:


  1. App.AlertView = Ember.View.extend({
  2. priority: "p4",
  3. isUrgent: true
  4. });
  1. {{view App.AlertView classBinding="isUrgent priority"}}

This yields a view wrapper that will look something like this:


  1. <div id="ember420" class="ember-view is-urgent p4"></div>