Disabling Prototype Extensions


By default, Ember.js will extend the prototypes of native JavaScript objects in the following ways:

默认情况下,Ember.js 以下列方式对原生的JavaScript对象进行基于原型的扩展:

  • Array is extended to implement the Ember.Enumerable, Ember.MutableEnumerable, Ember.MutableArray and Ember.Array interfaces. This polyfills ECMAScript 5 array methods in browsers that do not implement them, adds convenience methods and properties to built-in arrays, and makes array mutations observable.
  • String is extended to add convenience methods, such as camelize() and fmt().
  • Function is extended with methods to annotate functions as computed properties, via the property() method, and as observers, via the observes() or observesBefore() methods.

  • Array被扩展用来实现Ember.Enumerable, Ember.MutableEnumerable, Ember.MutableArrayEmber.Array接口。此举填补了本来不支持 ECMAScript 5 数组方法的浏览器的空白,为数组增加了便捷方法和属性,同时使数据的变化可观察。

  • String被扩展了诸如camelize()fmt()的便捷方法。
  • Function通过property()扩展了将函数注解为计算属性的方法,还扩展了将方程注解为观察者的方法,这些方法为observes()observesBefore()

This is the extent to which Ember.js enhances native prototypes. We have carefully weighed the tradeoffs involved with changing these prototypes, and recommend that most Ember.js developers use them. These extensions significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code that must be typed.


However, we understand that there are cases where your Ember.js application may be embedded in an environment beyond your control. The most common scenarios are when authoring third-party JavaScript that is embedded directly in other pages, or when transitioning an application piecemeal to a more modern Ember.js architecture.


In those cases, where you can’t or don’t want to modify native prototypes, Ember.js allows you to completely disable the extensions described above.


To do so, simply set the EXTEND_PROTOTYPES flag to false:


  1. window.ENV = {};

Note that the above code must be evaluated before Ember.js loads. If you set the flag after the Ember.js JavaScript file has been evaluated, the native prototypes will already have been modified.

需要注意的是,上面的代码必须在Ember.js加载 之前 运行。如果你在Ember.js运行了之后再设置此标志位,那么原生的原型就已经被修改过了。

Life Without Prototype Extension


In order for your application to behave correctly, you will need to manually extend or create the objects that the native objects were creating before.




Native arrays will no longer implement the functionality needed to observe them. If you disable prototype extension and attempt to use native arrays with things like a template’s {{#each}} helper, Ember.js will have no way to detect changes to the array and the template will not update as the underlying array changes.


Additionally, if you try to set the model of an Ember.ArrayController to a plain native array, it will raise an exception since it no longer implements the Ember.Array interface.


You can manually coerce a native array into an array that implements the required interfaces using the convenience method Ember.A:


  1. var islands = ['Oahu', 'Kauai'];
  2. islands.contains('Oahu');
  3. //=> TypeError: Object Oahu,Kauai has no method 'contains'
  4. //=> 类型错误: Oahu,Kauai 对象没有 'contains' 方法
  5. // Convert `islands` to an array that implements the
  6. // Ember enumerable and array interfaces
  7. //将`islands`转换为实现了Ember枚举以及数组接口的数组
  8. Ember.A(islands);
  9. islands.contains('Oahu');
  10. //=> true



Strings will no longer have the convenience methods described in the Ember.String API reference.. Instead, you can use the similarly-named methods of the Ember.String object and pass the string to use as the first parameter:

字符串不再拥有Ember.String API reference.中描述的便捷方法。然而,你可以使用Ember.String对象中名称类似的方法并将字符串作为第一个参数传进来:

  1. "my_cool_class".camelize();
  2. //=> TypeError: Object my_cool_class has no method 'camelize'
  3. //=> 类型错误: my_cool_class 对象没有`camelize`方法
  4. Ember.String.camelize("my_cool_class");
  5. //=> "myCoolClass"



To annotate computed properties, use the Ember.computed() method to wrap the function:


  1. // This won't work:
  2. //这样的代码不会起作用:
  3. fullName: function() {
  4. return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
  5. }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
  6. // Instead, do this:
  7. //你需要这样做:
  8. fullName: Ember.computed('firstName', 'lastName', function() {
  9. return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
  10. })

Observers are annotated using Ember.observer():


  1. // This won't work:
  2. //这样的代码不会起作用:
  3. fullNameDidChange: function() {
  4. console.log("Full name changed");
  5. }.observes('fullName')
  6. // Instead, do this:
  7. //你需要这样做:
  8. fullNameDidChange: Ember.observer('fullName', function() {
  9. console.log("Full name changed");
  10. })