When developing client-side applications, your server may not have an API ready to develop against. The FixtureAdapter allows you to begin developing Ember.js apps now, and switch to another adapter when your API is ready to consume without any changes to your application code.


Getting Started


Using the fixture adapter entails three very simple setup steps:


  1. Create a new store using the fixture adapter and attach it to your app.
  2. Define your model using DS.Model.extend.
  3. Attach fixtures(also known as sample data) to the model’s class.

  4. 创建一个新的、使用夹具适配器的store并将其关联到应用。

  5. 使用DS.Model.extend来定义模型。
  6. 将夹具(样本数据)关联到对应的模型类。

Creating a Fixture Adapter


Simply attach it as the ApplicationAdapter property on your instance of Ember.Application:


  1. var App = Ember.Application.create();
  2. App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter;

Define Your Model


You should refer to Defining a Model for a more in-depth guide on using Ember Data Models, but for the purposes of demonstration we’ll use an example modeling people who document Ember.js.


  1. App.Documenter = DS.Model.extend({
  2. firstName: DS.attr( 'string' ),
  3. lastName: DS.attr( 'string' )
  4. });

Attach Fixtures to the Model Class


Attaching fixtures couldn’t be simpler. Just attach a collection of plain JavaScript objects to your Model’s class under the FIXTURES property:


  1. App.Documenter.FIXTURES = [
  2. { id: 1, firstName: 'Trek', lastName: 'Glowacki' },
  3. { id: 2, firstName: 'Tom' , lastName: 'Dale' }
  4. ];

That’s it! You can now use all of methods for Finding Records in your application. For example:


  1. App.DocumenterRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  2. model: function() {
  3. return this.store.find('documenter', 1); // returns a promise that will resolve
  4. // with the record representing Trek Glowacki
  5. }
  6. });

Naming Conventions


Unlike the REST Adapter, the Fixture Adapter does not make any assumptions about the naming conventions of your model. As you saw in the example above, if you declare the attribute as firstName during DS.Model.extend, you use firstName to represent the same field in your fixture data.

REST Adapter不同,夹具适配器并不做任何命名惯例的猜测。如同上例中所示,如果在DS.Model.extend中定义了一个firstName属性,那么需要在夹具样本数据中使用firstName来表示该属性。

Importantly, you should make sure that each record in your fixture data has a uniquely identifiable field. By default, Ember Data assumes this key is called id. Should you not provide an id field in your fixtures, or not override the primary key, the Fixture Adapter will throw an error.

更重要地是,需要确保夹具样本数据中得每一条记录都有一个唯一的标识。缺省情况下,Ember Data假定该标识为id。如果没有重定义主键标识名,又未在记录中提供一个id,那么夹具适配器会抛出一个错误。