Unit testing methods and computed properties follows previous patterns shown in Unit Testing Basics because Ember.Component extends Ember.Object.




Before testing components, be sure to add testing application div to your testing html file:


  1. <!-- as of time writing, ID attribute needs to be named exactly ember-testing -->
  2. <div id="ember-testing"></div>

and then you’ll also need to tell Ember to use this element for rendering the application in


  1. App.rootElement = '#ember-testing'

Components can be tested using the moduleForComponent helper. Here is a simple Ember component:


  1. App.PrettyColorComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  2. classNames: ['pretty-color'],
  3. attributeBindings: ['style'],
  4. style: function() {
  5. return 'color: ' + this.get('name') + ';';
  6. }.property('name')
  7. });

with an accompanying Handlebars template:


  1. Pretty Color: {{name}}

Unit testing this component can be done using the moduleForComponent helper. This helper will find the component by name (pretty-color) and it’s template (if available).


  1. moduleForComponent('pretty-color');

Now each of our tests has a function subject() which aliases the create method on the component factory.


Here’s how we would test to make sure rendered HTML changes when changing the color on the component:


  1. test('changing colors', function(){
  2. // this.subject() is available because we used moduleForComponent
  3. var component = this.subject();
  4. // we wrap this with Ember.run because it is an async function
  5. Ember.run(function(){
  6. component.set('name','red');
  7. });
  8. // first call to $() renders the component.
  9. equal(this.$().attr('style'), 'color: red;');
  10. // another async function, so we need to wrap it with Ember.run
  11. Ember.run(function(){
  12. component.set('name', 'green');
  13. });
  14. equal(this.$().attr('style'), 'color: green;');
  15. });

Another test that we might perform on this component would be to ensure the template is being rendered properly.


  1. test('template is rendered with the color name', function(){
  2. // this.subject() is available because we used moduleForComponent
  3. var component = this.subject();
  4. // first call to $() renders the component.
  5. equal($.trim(this.$().text()), 'Pretty Color:');
  6. // we wrap this with Ember.run because it is an async function
  7. Ember.run(function(){
  8. component.set('name', 'green');
  9. });
  10. equal($.trim(this.$().text()), 'Pretty Color: green');
  11. });

Live Example


Unit Testing Components


Interacting with Components in the DOM


Ember Components are a great way to create powerful, interactive, self-contained custom HTML elements. Because of this, it is important to not only test the methods on the component itself, but also the user’s interaction with the component.


Let’s look at a very simple component which does nothing more than set it’s own title when clicked:


  1. App.MyFooComponent = Em.Component.extend({
  2. title:'Hello World',
  3. actions:{
  4. updateTitle: function(){
  5. this.set('title', 'Hello Ember World');
  6. }
  7. }
  8. });

We would use Integration Test Helpers to interact with the rendered component:


  1. moduleForComponent('my-foo', 'MyFooComponent');
  2. test('clicking link updates the title', function() {
  3. var component = this.subject();
  4. // append the component to the DOM
  5. this.append();
  6. // assert default state
  7. equal(find('h2').text(), 'Hello World');
  8. // perform click action
  9. click('button');
  10. andThen(function() { // wait for async helpers to complete
  11. equal(find('h2').text(), 'Hello Ember World');
  12. });
  13. });

Live Example


Unit Testing Components


Components with built in layout


Some components do not use a separate template. The template can be embedded into the component via the layout property. For example:


  1. App.MyFooComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  2. // layout supercedes template when rendered
  3. layout: Ember.Handlebars.compile(
  4. "<h2>I'm a little {{noun}}</h2><br/>" +
  5. "<button {{action 'clickFoo'}}>Click Me</button>"
  6. ),
  7. noun: 'teapot',
  8. actions:{
  9. changeName: function(){
  10. this.set('noun', 'embereño');
  11. }
  12. }
  13. });

In this example, we would still perform our test by interacting with the DOM.


  1. moduleForComponent('my-foo', 'MyFooComponent');
  2. test('clicking link updates the title', function() {
  3. var component = this.subject();
  4. // append the component to the DOM
  5. this.append();
  6. // assert default state
  7. equal(find('h2').text(), "I'm a little teapot");
  8. // perform click action
  9. click('button');
  10. andThen(function() { // wait for async helpers to complete
  11. equal(find('h2').text(), "I'm a little embereño");
  12. });
  13. });

Live Example


Testing Components with Built-in Layout


Programmatically interacting with components


Another way we can test our components is to perform function calls directly on the component instead of through DOM interaction. Let’s use the same code example we have above as our component, but perform the tests programatically:


  1. moduleForComponent('my-foo', 'MyFooComponent');
  2. test('clicking link updates the title', function() {
  3. var component = this.subject();
  4. // append the component to the DOM, returns DOM instance
  5. var $component = this.append();
  6. // assert default state
  7. equal($component.find('h2').text(), "I'm a little teapot");
  8. // send action programmatically
  9. Em.run(function(){
  10. component.send('changeName');
  11. });
  12. equal($component.find('h2').text(), "I'm a little embereño");
  13. });

Live Example


Programatically Testing Components


sendAction validation in components


Components often utilize sendAction, which is a way to interact with the Ember application. Here’s a simple component which sends the action internalAction when a button is clicked:


  1. App.MyFooComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  2. layout:Ember.Handlebars.compile("<button {{action 'doSomething'}}></button>"),
  3. actions:{
  4. doSomething: function(){
  5. this.sendAction('internalAction');
  6. }
  7. }
  8. });

In our test, we will create a dummy object that receives the action being sent by the component.


  1. moduleForComponent('my-foo', 'MyFooComponent');
  2. test('trigger external action when button is clicked', function() {
  3. // tell our test to expect 1 assertion
  4. expect(1);
  5. // component instance
  6. var component = this.subject();
  7. // component dom instance
  8. var $component = this.append();
  9. var targetObject = {
  10. externalAction: function(){
  11. // we have the assertion here which will be
  12. // called when the action is triggered
  13. ok(true, 'external Action was called!');
  14. }
  15. };
  16. // setup a fake external action to be called when
  17. // button is clicked
  18. component.set('internalAction', 'externalAction');
  19. // set the targetObject to our dummy object (this
  20. // is where sendAction will send it's action to)
  21. component.set('targetObject', targetObject);
  22. // click the button
  23. click('button');
  24. });

Live Example


sendAction Validation in Components


Components Using Other Components


Sometimes components are easier to maintain when broken up into parent and child components. Here is a simple example:


  1. App.MyAlbumComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  2. tagName: 'section',
  3. layout: Ember.Handlebars.compile(
  4. "<section>" +
  5. " <h3>{{title}}</h3>" +
  6. " {{yield}}" +
  7. "</section>"
  8. ),
  9. titleBinding: ['title']
  10. });
  11. App.MyKittenComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  12. tagName: 'img',
  13. attributeBindings: ['width', 'height', 'src'],
  14. src: function() {
  15. return 'http://placekitten.com/' + this.get('width') + '/' + this.get('height');
  16. }.property('width', 'height')
  17. });

Usage of this component might look something like this:


  1. {{#my-album title="Cats"}}
  2. {{my-kitten width="200" height="300"}}
  3. {{my-kitten width="100" height="100"}}
  4. {{my-kitten width="50" height="50"}}
  5. {{/my-album}}

Testing components like these which include child components is very simple using the needs callback.


  1. moduleForComponent('my-album', 'MyAlbumComponent', {
  2. needs: ['component:my-kitten']
  3. });
  4. test('renders kittens', function() {
  5. expect(2);
  6. // component instance
  7. var component = this.subject({
  8. template: Ember.Handlebars.compile(
  9. '{{#my-album title="Cats"}}' +
  10. ' {{my-kitten width="200" height="300"}}' +
  11. ' {{my-kitten width="100" height="100"}}' +
  12. ' {{my-kitten width="50" height="50"}}' +
  13. '{{/my-album}}'
  14. )
  15. });
  16. // append component to the dom
  17. var $component = this.append();
  18. // perform assertions
  19. equal($component.find('h3:contains("Cats")').length, 1);
  20. equal($component.find('img').length, 3);
  21. });

Live Example


Components with Embedded Components
