Transitioning and Redirecting


Calling transitionTo from a route or transitionToRoute from a controller will stop any transition currently in progress and start a new one, functioning as a redirect. transitionTo takes parameters and behaves exactly like the link-to helper:


  • If you transition into a route without dynamic segments that route’s model hook will always run.

  • 如果过渡到一个没有动态段的路由,路由的model钩子始终都会运行。

  • If the new route has dynamic segments, you need to pass either a model or an identifier for each segment. Passing a model will skip that segment’s model hook. Passing an identifier will run the model hook and you’ll be able to access the identifier in the params. See Links for more detail.

  • 如果路由具有动态段,那么需要传入一个模型或者一个标识符给每个段。传入一个模型不会调用model钩子,传入一个标识符会触发model钩子,标识符可以通过参数获取。详细内容请查看链接

Before the model is known


If you want to redirect from one route to another, you can do the transition in the beforeModel hook of your route handler.


  1. {
  2. this.resource('posts');
  3. });
  4. App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  5. beforeModel: function() {
  6. this.transitionTo('posts');
  7. }
  8. });

After the model is known


If you need some information about the current model in order to decide about the redirection, you should either use the afterModel or the redirect hook. They receive the resolved model as the first parameter and the transition as the second one, and thus function as aliases. (In fact, the default implementation of afterModel just calls redirect.)


  1. {
  2. this.resource('posts');
  3. this.resource('post', { path: '/post/:post_id' });
  4. });
  5. App.PostsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  6. afterModel: function(posts, transition) {
  7. if (posts..get('length') === 1) {
  8. this.transitionTo('post', posts[0]);
  9. }
  10. }
  11. });

When transitioning to the PostsRoute if it turns out that there is only one post, the current transition will be aborted in favor of redirecting to the PostRoute with the single post object being its model.


Based on other application state


You can conditionally transition based on some other application state.


  1. {
  2. this.resource('topCharts', function() {
  3. this.route('choose', { path: '/' });
  4. this.route('albums');
  5. this.route('songs');
  6. this.route('artists');
  7. this.route('playlists');
  8. });
  9. });
  10. App.TopChartsChooseRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  11. beforeModel: function() {
  12. var lastFilter = this.controllerFor('application').get('lastFilter');
  13. this.transitionTo('topCharts.' + (lastFilter || 'songs'));
  14. }
  15. });
  16. // Superclass to be used by all of the filter routes below
  17. App.FilterRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  18. activate: function() {
  19. var controller = this.controllerFor('application');
  20. controller.set('lastFilter', this.templateName);
  21. }
  22. });
  23. App.TopChartsSongsRoute = App.FilterRoute.extend();
  24. App.TopChartsAlbumsRoute = App.FilterRoute.extend();
  25. App.TopChartsArtistsRoute = App.FilterRoute.extend();
  26. App.TopChartsPlaylistsRoute = App.FilterRoute.extend();

In this example, navigating to the / URL immediately transitions into the last filter URL that the user was at. The first time, it transitions to the /songs URL.


Your route can also choose to transition only in some cases. If the beforeModel hook does not abort or transition to a new route, the remaining hooks (model, afterModel, setupController, renderTemplate) will execute as usual.

路由还可以选择在特定的情况下才跳转。如果beforeModel钩子没有跳转到新的路由,剩下的钩子(model, afterModel,setupController, renderTemplate)还会照常执行。