In Ember Data, the logic for communicating with a backend data store lives in the Adapter. Ember Data’s Adapter has some built-in assumptions of how a REST API should look. If your backend conventions differ from these assumptions Ember Data makes it easy to change its functionality by swapping out or extending the default Adapter.

在Ember Data中,处理与后台数据仓库通信的逻辑是通过Adapter来完成的。Ember Data适配器内置了一些关于REST API的假定。如果后台的实现与Ember Data假定的惯例不同,那么通过扩展缺省的适配器可能很容易的实现。

Some reasons for customizing an Adapter include using underscores_case in your urls, using a medium other than REST to communicate with your backend API or even using a local backend.


Extending Adapters is a natural process in Ember Data. Ember takes the position that you should extend an adapter to add different functionality instead of adding a flag. This results in code that is more testable, easier to understand and reduces bloat for people who may want to subclass your adapter.

扩展适配器在Ember Data中是一个常见的过程。Ember的立场是应该通过扩展适配器来添加不同的功能,而非添加标识。这样可以使得代码更加容易测试,更加易于理解,同时也降低了可能需要扩展适配器的用户的代码。

If your backend has some consistent rules you can define an ApplicationAdapter. The ApplicationAdapter will get priority over the default Adapter, however it will still be superseded by model specific Adapters.


  1. App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  2. // Application specific overrides go here
  3. });

If you have one model that has exceptional rules for communicating with its backend than the others you can create a Model specific Adapter by naming an adapter “ModelName” + “Adapter”.

如果一个模型的后台有一些特殊的规则,那么可以定义一个模型特定的适配器,并将适配器命名为:”ModelName” + “Adapter”。

  1. App.PostAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  2. namespace: 'api/v1'
  3. });

By default Ember Data comes with several builtin adapters. Feel free to use these adapters as a starting point for creating your own custom adapter.

缺省情况下,Ember Data内置了一些非常有用的适配器。可以根据自己的实际情况,选择其中之一作为起点来自定义适配器。

  • DS.Adapter is the basic adapter with no functionality. It is generally a good starting point if you want to create an adapter that is radically different from the other Ember adapters.

  • DS.Adapter是最基础的适配器,其自身不包含任何功能。如果需要创建一个与Ember适配器有根本性区别的适配器,那么可以这里入手。

  • DS.FixtureAdapter is an adapter that loads records from memory. Its primarily used for development and testing.

  • DS.FixtureAdapter是一个用来从内存中加载记录的适配器,常用于开发和测试阶段。

  • DS.RESTAdapter is the most commonly extended adapter. The RESTAdapter allows your store to communicate with an HTTP server by transmitting JSON via XHR. Most Ember.js apps that consume a JSON API should use the REST adapter.

  • DS.RESTAdapter是最通用的扩展适配器。RESTAdapter可以实现store与HTTP服务器之间通过XHR交互JSON数据。大部分使用JSON API的Ember应用都应该使用RESTAdapter

  • DS.ActiveModelAdapter is a specialized version of the RESTAdapter that is set up to work out of the box with Rails-style REST APIs.

  • DS.ActiveModelAdapter是一个RESTAdapter的特列,用于与Rails风格的REST API协同工作。

Customizing the RESTAdapter


The DS.RESTAdapter is the most commonly extended adapter that ships with Ember Data. It has a handful of hooks that are commonly used to extend it to work with non-standard backends.

DS.RESTAdapter是Ember Data提供的一个最通用的扩展适配器。它提供了一些非常有用的,可以扩展来与非标准化的后台接口通信的钩子。

Endpoint Path Customization


The namespace property can be used to prefix requests with a specific url namespace.


  1. App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  2. namespace: 'api/1'
  3. });

Requests for App.Person would now target /api/1/people/1.


Host Customization


By default the adapter will target the current domain. If you would like to specify a new domain you can do so by setting the host property on the adapter.


  1. App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  2. host: ''
  3. });

Requests for App.Person would now target


Path Customization


By default the RESTAdapter will attempt to pluralize and camelCase the model name to generate the path name. If this convention does not conform to your backend you can override the pathForType method.


For example, if you did not want to pluralize model names and needed underscore_case instead of camelCase you could override the pathForType method like this:


  1. App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  2. pathForType: function(type) {
  3. return Ember.String.underscore(type);
  4. }
  5. });

Requests for App.Person would now target /person/1. Requests for App.UserProfile would now target /user_profile/1.


Authoring Adapters


The defaultSerializer property can be used to specify the serializer that will be used by this adapter. This is only used when an model specific serializer or ApplicationSerializer are not defined.


In an application, it is often easier to specify an ApplicationSerializer. However, if you are the author of a community adapter it is important to remember to set this property to ensure Ember does the right thing in the case a user of your adapter does not specify an ApplicationSerializer.


  1. MyCustomAdapterAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  2. defaultSerializer: '-default'
  3. });

Community Adapters


If none of the builtin Ember Data Adapters work for your backend, be sure to check out some of the community maintained Ember Data Adapters. Some good places to look for Ember Data Adapters include:

如果Ember Data内置的适配器并不能很好的与使用的后台工作,可以查看社区维护的Ember Data适配器,看有不有合适的选择。可以去一下地方去查找: