

In Ember, every route has an associated model. This model is set by implementing a route’s model hook, by passing the model as an argument to {{link-to}}, or by calling a route’s transitionTo() method.


See Specifying a Route’s Model for more information on setting a route’s model.


For simple applications, you can get by using jQuery to load JSON data from a server, then use those JSON objects as models.


However, using a model library that manages finding models, making changes, and saving them back to the server can dramatically simplify your code while improving the robustness and performance of your application.


Many Ember apps use Ember Data to handle this. Ember Data is a library that integrates tightly with Ember.js to make it easy to retrieve records from a server, cache them for performance, save updates back to the server, and create new records on the client.

许多Ember应用使用Ember Data来处理模型。Ember Data是一个与Ember.js紧密结合在一起的代码库,简化了客户端从服务器获取记录,在本地进行缓存以提高性能,保存修改到服务器,创建新的记录等一系列的操作。

Without any configuration, Ember Data can load and save records and their relationships served via a RESTful JSON API, provided it follows certain conventions.

Ember Data不需要进行任何配置,就可以实现通过服务端提供的RESTful JSON API加载和保存记录以及它们的管理关系,这些操作都遵从于特定的惯例。

If you need to integrate your Ember.js app with existing JSON APIs that do not follow strong conventions, Ember Data is designed to be easily configurable to work with whatever data your server returns.

如果需要将Ember.js应用与现有的、未遵从惯例的JSON APIs进行集成,Ember Data也进行了充分的设计,通过简单的配置就可以使用服务端返回的数据。

Ember Data is also designed to work with streaming APIs like socket.io, Firebase, or WebSockets. You can open a socket to your server and push changes to records into the store whenever they occur.

Ember Data同样适用于使用流式的API,例如socket.io、Firebase或WebSockets。通过建立一个与服务器端的Socket连接,在记录发生变化的时候,将这些变更推送到本地仓库中(Store)。

Currently, Ember Data ships as a separate library from Ember.js. Until Ember Data is included as part of the standard distribution, you can get your copy of the latest passing build from builds.emberjs.com:

目前,Ember Data还是一个独立于Ember.js的库。在Ember Data被作为标准发行版的一部分之前,你可以从builds.emberjs.com下载最新的版本。

Core Concepts


Learning to use Ember Data is easiest once you understand some of the concepts that underpin its design.

在理解了Ember Data设计的一些核心概念后,学习它就变得相对较为容易了。



The store is the central repository of records in your application. You can think of the store as a cache of all of the records available in your app. Both your application’s controllers and routes have access to this shared store; when they need to display or modify a record, they will first ask the store for it.


This instance of DS.Store is created for you automatically and is shared among all of the objects in your application.


You will use the store to retrieve records, as well to create new ones. For example, we might want to find an App.Person model with the ID of 1 from our route’s model hook:


  1. App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  2. model: function() {
  3. return this.store.find('person', 1);
  4. }
  5. });



A model is a class that defines the properties and behavior of the data that you present to the user. Anything that the user expects to see if they leave your app and come back later (or if they refresh the page) should be represented by a model.


For example, if you were writing a web application for placing orders at a restaurant, you might have models like Order, LineItem, and MenuItem.


Fetching orders becomes very easy:


  1. this.store.find('order');

Models define the type of data that will be provided by your server. For example, a Person model might have a firstName attribute that is a string, and a birthday attribute that is a date:


  1. App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
  2. firstName: DS.attr('string'),
  3. birthday: DS.attr('date')
  4. });

A model also describes its relationships with other objects. For example, an Order may have many LineItems, and a LineItem may belong to a particular Order.


  1. App.Order = DS.Model.extend({
  2. lineItems: DS.belongsTo('lineItem')
  3. });
  4. App.LineItem = DS.Model.extend({
  5. orders: DS.hasMany('order')
  6. });

Models don’t have any data themselves; they just define the properties and behavior of specific instances, which are called records.




A record is an instance of a model that contains data loaded from a server. Your application can also create new records and save them back to the server.


Records are uniquely identified by two things:


  1. A model type.
  2. A globally unique ID.

  3. 模型类型

  4. 一个全局唯一的ID

For example, if you were writing a contact management app, you might have a model called Person. An individual record in your app might have a type of Person and an ID of 1 or steve-buscemi.


  1. this.store.find('person', 1); // => { id: 1, name: 'steve-buscemi' }

IDs are usually assigned by the server when you save them for the first time, but you can also generate IDs client-side.




An adapter is an object that knows about your particular server backend and is responsible for translating requests for and changes to records into the appropriate calls to your server.


For example, if your application asks for a person record with an ID of 1, how should Ember Data load it? Is it over HTTP or a WebSocket? If it’s HTTP, is the URL /person/1 or /resources/people/1?

例如,如果应用需要一个ID为1person记录,那么Ember Data是如何加载这个对象的呢?是通过HTTP,还是Websocket?如果是通过HTTP,那么URL会是/person/1,还是/resources/people/1呢?

The adapter is responsible for answering all of these questions. Whenever your app asks the store for a record that it doesn’t have cached, it will ask the adapter for it. If you change a record and save it, the store will hand the record to the adapter to send the appropriate data to your server and confirm that the save was successful.




A serializer is responsible for turning a raw JSON payload returned from your server into a record object.


JSON APIs may represent attributes and relationships in many different ways. For example, some attribute names may be camelCased and others may be under_scored. Representing relationships is even more diverse: they may be encoded as an array of IDs, an array of embedded objects, or as foreign keys.

JSON API可能将属性、关联关系用不同的方式表示。例如,一些属性名可能采用了驼峰式命名规则,而另一些又使用了下划线隔离的命名规则。关联关系的表示方法更是五花八门:它们有可能会是一个ID数组,一个内嵌的对象集合,也可能是作为外键。

When the adapter gets a payload back for a particular record, it will give that payload to the serializer to normalize into the form that Ember Data is expecting.

当适配器从服务器端获取到一个特定记录的数据时,它将数据交给序列化对象,进而将数据转换为Ember Data期望的格式。

While most people will use a serializer for normalizing JSON, because Ember Data treats these payloads as opaque objects, there’s no reason they couldn’t be binary data stored in a Blob or ArrayBuffer.

大部分人都需要使用序列化来完成JSON数据的转换,因为Ember Data将这些数据作为非透明的对象来处理,它们可能是以二进制数据被存储的,也可能是ArrayBuffer

Automatic Caching


The store will automatically cache records for you. If a record had already been loaded, asking for it a second time will always return the same object instance. This minimizes the number of round-trips to the server, and allows your application to render its UI to the user as fast as possible.


For example, the first time your application asks the store for a person record with an ID of 1, it will fetch that information from your server.


However, the next time your app asks for a person with ID 1, the store will notice that it had already retrieved and cached that information from the server. Instead of sending another request for the same information, it will give your application the same record it had provided it the first time. This feature—always returning the same record object, no matter how many times you look it up—is sometimes called an identity map.

但是,当应用再次需要ID为1person记录时,仓库会发现这个记录已经获取到了,并且缓存了该记录。那么仓库就不会再向服务器端发送请求去获取记录的数据,而是直接返回第一次时候获取到并构造出来的记录。这个特性使得不论请求这个记录多少次,都会返回同一个记录对象,这也被称为Identity Map(标识符映射)。

Using an identity map is important because it ensures that changes you make in one part of your UI are propagated to other parts of the UI. It also means that you don’t have to manually keep records in sync—you can ask for a record by ID and not have to worry about whether other parts of your application have already asked for and loaded it.


Architecture Overview


The first time your application asks the store for a record, the store sees that it doesn’t have a local copy and requests it from your adapter. Your adapter will go and retrieve the record from your persistence layer; typically, this will be a JSON representation of the record served from an HTTP server.


Diagram showing process for finding an unloaded record


As illustrated in the diagram above, the adapter cannot always return the requested record immediately. In this case, the adapter must make an asynchronous request to the server, and only when that request finishes loading can the record be created with its backing data.


Because of this asynchronicity, the store immediately returns a promise from the find() method. Similarly, any requests that the store makes to the adapter also return promises.


Once the request to the server returns with a JSON payload for the requested record, the adapter resolves the promise it returned to the store with the JSON.


The store then takes that JSON, initializes the record with the JSON data, and resolves the promise returned to your application with the newly-loaded record.


Diagram showing process for finding an unloaded record after the payload has returned from the server

未加载记录查询流程图 - 服务器返回数据后

Let’s look at what happens if you request a record that the store already has in its cache.


Diagram showing process for finding an unloaded record after the payload has returned from the server


In this case, because the store already knew about the record, it returns a promise that it resolves with the record immediately. It does not need to ask the adapter (and, therefore, the server) for a copy since it already has it saved locally.


These are the core concepts you should understand to get the most out of Ember Data. The following sections go into more depth about each of these concepts, and how to use them together.

以上是需要理解的Ember Data工作原理的核心概念。下面的章节将一个个的深入讨论这些概念,介绍如何将它们串在一起使用。