Dynamo 标准几何体库中最简单的几何对象是一个点。所有几何体均使用称为构造函数的特殊函数创建,每个函数都返回该特定几何体类型的新实例。在 Dynamo 中,构造函数以对象类型的名称(在本例中为“Point”)开始,然后是构造方法。要创建由 x、y 和 z 笛卡尔坐标指定的三维点,请使用 ByCoordinates 构造函数:
    12.1 DesignScript 几何体基础知识 - 图1

    1. // create a point with the following x, y, and z
    2. // coordinates:
    3. x = 10;
    4. y = 2.5;
    5. z = -6;
    6. p = Point.ByCoordinates(x, y, z);

    Dynamo 中的构造函数通常使用前缀为“By”指定,调用这些函数将返回该类型的新创建对象。此新创建的对象存储在等号左侧命名的变量中。
    大多数对象都有许多不同的构造函数,我们可以使用 BySphericalCoordinates 构造函数创建位于球体上的点,由球体的半径、第一个旋转角度和第二个旋转角度(以度为单位指定)指定:
    12.1 DesignScript 几何体基础知识 - 图2

    1. // create a point on a sphere with the following radius,
    2. // theta, and phi rotation angles (specified in degrees)
    3. radius = 5;
    4. theta = 75.5;
    5. phi = 120.3;
    6. cs = CoordinateSystem.Identity();
    7. p = Point.BySphericalCoordinates(cs, radius, theta,
    8. phi);

    点可用于构造更大尺寸的几何体(例如直线)。我们可以使用 ByStartPointEndPoint 构造函数在两点之间创建“直线”对象:
    12.1 DesignScript 几何体基础知识 - 图3

    1. // create two points:
    2. p1 = Point.ByCoordinates(3, 10, 2);
    3. p2 = Point.ByCoordinates(-15, 7, 0.5);
    4. // construct a line between p1 and p2
    5. l = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(p1, p2);

    12.1 DesignScript 几何体基础知识 - 图4

    1. // create points:
    2. p1 = Point.ByCoordinates(3, 10, 2);
    3. p2 = Point.ByCoordinates(-15, 7, 0.5);
    4. p3 = Point.ByCoordinates(5, -3, 5);
    5. p4 = Point.ByCoordinates(-5, -6, 2);
    6. p5 = Point.ByCoordinates(9, -10, -2);
    7. p6 = Point.ByCoordinates(-11, -12, -4);
    8. // create lines:
    9. l1 = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(p1, p2);
    10. l2 = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(p3, p4);
    11. l3 = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(p5, p6);
    12. // loft between cross section lines:
    13. surf = Surface.ByLoft([l1, l2, l3]);

    12.1 DesignScript 几何体基础知识 - 图5

    1. p1 = Point.ByCoordinates(3, 10, 2);
    2. p2 = Point.ByCoordinates(-15, 7, 0.5);
    3. p3 = Point.ByCoordinates(5, -3, 5);
    4. p4 = Point.ByCoordinates(-5, -6, 2);
    5. l1 = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(p1, p2);
    6. l2 = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(p3, p4);
    7. surf = Surface.ByLoft([l1, l2]);
    8. // true indicates to thicken both sides of the Surface:
    9. solid = surf.Thicken(4.75, true);

    12.1 DesignScript 几何体基础知识 - 图6

    1. p1 = Point.ByCoordinates(3, 10, 2);
    2. p2 = Point.ByCoordinates(-15, 7, 0.5);
    3. p3 = Point.ByCoordinates(5, -3, 5);
    4. p4 = Point.ByCoordinates(-5, -6, 2);
    5. l1 = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(p1, p2);
    6. l2 = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(p3, p4);
    7. surf = Surface.ByLoft([l1, l2]);
    8. solid = surf.Thicken(4.75, true);
    9. p = Plane.ByOriginNormal(Point.ByCoordinates(2, 0, 0),
    10. Vector.ByCoordinates(1, 1, 1));
    11. int_surf = solid.Intersect(p);
    12. int_line = int_surf.Intersect(Plane.ByOriginNormal(
    13. Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0),
    14. Vector.ByCoordinates(1, 0, 0)));