

一、数仓搭建 - ADS 层

1.1 设备主题

1.1.1 活跃设备数(日、周、月)


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_uv_count;
  2. 2. create external table ads_uv_count(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `day_count` bigint COMMENT '当日用户数量',
  5. 5. `wk_count` bigint COMMENT '当周用户数量',
  6. 6. `mn_count` bigint COMMENT '当月用户数量',
  7. 7. `is_weekend` string COMMENT 'Y,N 是否是周末,用于得到本周最终结果',
  8. 8. `is_monthend` string COMMENT 'Y,N 是否是月末,用于得到本月最终结果'
  9. 9. ) COMMENT '活跃设备数'
  10. 10. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  11. 11. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_uv_count/';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_uv_count
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10' dt,
  4. 4. daycount.ct,
  5. 5. wkcount.ct,
  6. 6. mncount.ct,
  7. 7. if(date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','MO'),-1)='2020-03-10','Y','N') ,
  8. 8. if(last_day('2020-03-10')='2020-03-10','Y','N')
  9. 9. from
  10. 10. (
  11. 11. select
  12. 12. '2020-03-10' dt,
  13. 13. count(*) ct
  14. 14. from dwt_uv_topic
  15. 15. where login_date_last='2020-03-10'
  16. 16. )daycount join
  17. 17. (
  18. 18. select
  19. 19. '2020-03-10' dt,
  20. 20. count (*) ct
  21. 21. from dwt_uv_topic
  22. 22. where login_date_last>=date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','MO'),-7)
  23. 23. and login_date_last<= date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','MO'),-1)
  24. 24. ) wkcount on daycount.dt=wkcount.dt
  25. 25. join
  26. 26. (
  27. 27. select
  28. 28. '2020-03-10' dt,
  29. 29. count (*) ct
  30. 30. from dwt_uv_topic
  31. 31. where
  32. 32. date_format(login_date_last,'yyyy-MM')=date_format('2020-03-10','yyyy-MM')
  33. 33. )mncount on daycount.dt=mncount.dt;
  34. 34.
  35. 复制代码


  1. 1. select * from ads_uv_count;

1.1.2 每日新增设备


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_new_mid_count;
  2. 2. create external table ads_new_mid_count
  3. 3. (
  4. 4. `create_date` string comment '创建时间' ,
  5. 5. `new_mid_count` BIGINT comment '新增设备数量'
  6. 6. ) COMMENT '每日新增设备信息数量'
  7. 7. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  8. 8. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_new_mid_count/';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_new_mid_count
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. login_date_first,
  4. 4. count(*)
  5. 5. from dwt_uv_topic
  6. 6. where login_date_first='2020-03-10'
  7. 7. group by login_date_first;


  1. 1. select * from ads_new_mid_count;
  2. 2.
  3. 复制代码

1.1.3 沉默用户数

沉默用户:只在安装当天启动过,且启动时间是在 7 天前

  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_silent_count;
  2. 2. create external table ads_silent_count(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `silent_count` bigint COMMENT '沉默设备数'
  5. 5. )
  6. 6. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  7. 7. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_silent_count';
  8. 8.
  9. 复制代码

2)导入 2020-03-20 数据

  1. 1. insert into table ads_silent_count
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-15',
  4. 4. count(*)
  5. 5. from dwt_uv_topic
  6. 6. where login_date_first=login_date_last
  7. 7. and login_date_last<=date_add('2020-03-15',-7);


  1. 1. select * from ads_silent_count;

1.1.4 本周回流用户数


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_back_count;
  2. 2. create external table ads_back_count(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `wk_dt` string COMMENT '统计日期所在周',
  5. 5. `wastage_count` bigint COMMENT '回流设备数'
  6. 6. )
  7. 7. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  8. 8. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_back_count';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_back_count
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-15',
  4. 4. count(*)
  5. 5. from
  6. 6. (
  7. 7. select
  8. 8. mid_id
  9. 9. from dwt_uv_topic
  10. 10. where login_date_last>=date_add(next_day('2020-03-15','MO'),-7)
  11. 11. and login_date_last<= date_add(next_day('2020-03-15','MO'),-1)
  12. 12. and login_date_first<date_add(next_day('2020-03-15','MO'),-7)
  13. 13. )current_wk
  14. 14. left join
  15. 15. (
  16. 16. select
  17. 17. mid_id
  18. 18. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  19. 19. where dt>=date_add(next_day('2020-03-15','MO'),-7*2)
  20. 20. and dt<= date_add(next_day('2020-03-15','MO'),-7-1)
  21. 21. group by mid_id
  22. 22. )last_wk
  23. 23. on current_wk.mid_id=last_wk.mid_id
  24. 24. where last_wk.mid_id is null;
  25. 25.
  26. 复制代码


  1. 1. select * from ads_back_count;

1.1.5 流失用户数

流失用户:最近 7 天未活跃的设备

  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_wastage_count;
  2. 2. create external table ads_wastage_count(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `wastage_count` bigint COMMENT '流失设备数'
  5. 5. )
  6. 6. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  7. 7. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_wastage_count';

2)导入 2020-03-20 数据

  1. 1. insert into table ads_wastage_count
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-20',
  4. 4. count(*)
  5. 5. from
  6. 6. (
  7. 7. select
  8. 8. mid_id
  9. 9. from dwt_uv_topic
  10. 10. where login_date_last<=date_add('2020-03-20',-7)
  11. 11. group by mid_id
  12. 12. )t1;


  1. 1. select * from ads_wastage_count;

1.1.6 留存率

企业级数据仓库构建(十):搭建 ADS 层 - 图1


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_user_retention_day_rate;
  2. 2. create external table ads_user_retention_day_rate
  3. 3. (
  4. 4. `stat_date` string comment '统计日期',
  5. 5. `create_date` string comment '设备新增日期',
  6. 6. `retention_day` int comment '截止当前日期留存天数',
  7. 7. `retention_count` bigint comment '留存数量',
  8. 8. `new_mid_count` bigint comment '设备新增数量',
  9. 9. `retention_ratio` decimal(10,2) comment '留存率'
  10. 10. ) COMMENT '每日用户留存情况'
  11. 11. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  12. 12. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_user_retention_day_rate/';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_user_retention_day_rate
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10',--统计日期
  4. 4. date_add('2020-03-10',-1),--新增日期
  5. 5. 1,--留存天数
  6. 6. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-1) and
  7. 7. login_date_last='2020-03-10',1,0)),--2020-03-09 1 日留存数
  8. 8. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-1),1,0)),--2020-03-09 新增
  9. 9. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-1) and
  10. 10. login_date_last='2020-03-10',1,0))/sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-
  11. 11. 1),1,0))*100
  12. 12. from dwt_uv_topic
  13. 13. union all
  14. 14. select
  15. 15. '2020-03-10',--统计日期
  16. 16. date_add('2020-03-10',-2),--新增日期
  17. 17. 2,--留存天数
  18. 18. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-2) and
  19. 19. login_date_last='2020-03-10',1,0)),--2020-03-08 2 日留存数
  20. 20. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-2),1,0)),--2020-03-08 新增
  21. 21. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-2) and
  22. 22. login_date_last='2020-03-10',1,0))/sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-
  23. 23. 2),1,0))*100
  24. 24. from dwt_uv_topic
  25. 25. union all
  26. 26. select
  27. 27. '2020-03-10',--统计日期
  28. 28. date_add('2020-03-10',-3),--新增日期
  29. 29. 3,--留存天数
  30. 30. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-3) and
  31. 31. login_date_last='2020-03-10',1,0)),--2020-03-07 3 日留存数
  32. 32. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-3),1,0)),--2020-03-07 新增
  33. 33. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-3) and
  34. 34. login_date_last='2020-03-10',1,0))/sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('2020-03-10',-
  35. 35. 3),1,0))*100
  36. 36. from dwt_uv_topic;


  1. 1. select * from ads_user_retention_day_rate;
  2. 2.
  3. 复制代码

1.1.7 最近连续三周活跃用户数


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_continuity_wk_count;
  2. 2. create external table ads_continuity_wk_count(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期,一般用结束周周日日期,如果每天计算一次,可用当天日
  4. 4. 期',
  5. 5. `wk_dt` string COMMENT '持续时间',
  6. 6. `continuity_count` bigint COMMENT '活跃次数'
  7. 7. )
  8. 8. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  9. 9. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_continuity_wk_count';

2)导入 2020-03-20 所在周的数据

  1. 1. insert into table ads_continuity_wk_count
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-15',
  4. 4. concat(date_add(next_day('2020-03-15','MO'),-7*3),'_',date_add(next_day('
  5. 5. 2020-03-15','MO'),-1)),
  6. 6. count(*)
  7. 7. from
  8. 8. (
  9. 9. select
  10. 10. mid_id
  11. 11. from
  12. 12. (
  13. 13. select
  14. 14. mid_id
  15. 15. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  16. 16. where dt>=date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','monday'),-7)
  17. 17. and dt<=date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','monday'),-1)
  18. 18. group by mid_id
  19. 19. union all
  20. 20. select
  21. 21. mid_id
  22. 22. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  23. 23. where dt>=date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','monday'),-7*2)
  24. 24. and dt<=date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','monday'),-7-1)
  25. 25. group by mid_id
  26. 26. union all
  27. 27. select
  28. 28. mid_id
  29. 29. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  30. 30. where dt>=date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','monday'),-7*3)
  31. 31. and dt<=date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','monday'),-7*2-1)
  32. 32. group by mid_id
  33. 33. )t1
  34. 34. group by mid_id
  35. 35. having count(*)=3
  36. 36. )t2


  1. 1. select * from ads_continuity_wk_count;

1.1.8 最近七天内连续三天活跃用户数


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_continuity_uv_count;
  2. 2. create external table ads_continuity_uv_count(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `wk_dt` string COMMENT '最近 7 天日期',
  5. 5. `continuity_count` bigint
  6. 6. ) COMMENT '连续活跃设备数'
  7. 7. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  8. 8. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_continuity_uv_count';

2)写出导入数据的 SQL 语句

  1. 1. insert into table ads_continuity_uv_count
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-12',
  4. 4. concat(date_add('2020-03-12',-6),'_','2020-03-12'),
  5. 5. count(*)
  6. 6. from
  7. 7. (
  8. 8. select mid_id
  9. 9. from
  10. 10. (
  11. 11. select mid_id
  12. 12. from
  13. 13. (
  14. 14. select
  15. 15. mid_id,
  16. 16. date_sub(dt,rank) date_dif
  17. 17. from
  18. 18. (
  19. 19. select
  20. 20. mid_id,
  21. 21. dt,
  22. 22. rank() over(partition by mid_id order by dt) rank
  23. 23. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  24. 24. where dt>=date_add('2020-03-12',-6) and
  25. 25. dt<='2020-03-12'
  26. 26. )t1
  27. 27. )t2
  28. 28. group by mid_id,date_dif
  29. 29. having count(*)>=3
  30. 30. )t3
  31. 31. group by mid_id
  32. 32. )t4;


  1. 1. select * from ads_continuity_uv_count;

1.2 会员主题

1.2.1 会员主题信息


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_user_topic;
  2. 2. create external table ads_user_topic(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `day_users` string COMMENT '活跃会员数',
  5. 5. `day_new_users` string COMMENT '新增会员数',
  6. 6. `day_new_payment_users` string COMMENT '新增消费会员数',
  7. 7. `payment_users` string COMMENT '总付费会员数',
  8. 8. `users` string COMMENT '总会员数',
  9. 9. `day_users2users` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '会员活跃率',
  10. 10. `payment_users2users` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '会员付费率',
  11. 11. `day_new_users2users` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '会员新鲜度'
  12. 12. ) COMMENT '会员主题信息表'
  13. 13. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  14. 14. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_user_topic';
  15. 15.
  16. 复制代码


  1. 1. insert into table ads_user_topic
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10',
  4. 4. sum(if(login_date_last='2020-03-10',1,0)),
  5. 5. sum(if(login_date_first='2020-03-10',1,0)),
  6. 6. sum(if(payment_date_first='2020-03-10',1,0)),
  7. 7. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0)),
  8. 8. count(*),
  9. 9. sum(if(login_date_last='2020-03-10',1,0))/count(*),
  10. 10. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0))/count(*),
  11. 11. sum(if(login_date_first='2020-03-10',1,0))/sum(if(login_date_last='2020-03-10',1,0))
  12. 12. from dwt_user_topic


  1. 1. hive (gmall)> select * from ads_user_topic;

4)vim ads_user_topic.sh

  1. 1. #!/bin/bash
  2. 2. APP=gmall
  3. 3. hive=/opt/modules/hive/bin/hive
  4. 4. # 如果是输入的日期按照取输入日期;如果没输入日期取当前时间的前一天
  5. 5. if [ -n "$1" ] ;then
  6. 6. do_date=$1
  7. 7. else
  8. 8. do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F`
  9. 9. fi
  10. 10. sql="
  11. 11. with
  12. 12. tmp_day_users as
  13. 13. (
  14. 14. select
  15. 15. '$do_date' dt,
  16. 16. count(*) day_users
  17. 17. from
  18. 18. ${APP}.dwt_user_topic
  19. 19. where
  20. 20. login_date_last='$do_date'
  21. 21. ),
  22. 22. tmp_day_new_users as
  23. 23. (
  24. 24. select
  25. 25. '$do_date' dt,
  26. 26. count(*) day_new_users
  27. 27. from
  28. 28. ${APP}.dwt_user_topic
  29. 29. where
  30. 30. login_date_last='$do_date' and login_date_first='$do_date'
  31. 31. ),
  32. 32. tmp_day_new_payment_users as
  33. 33. (
  34. 34. select
  35. 35. '$do_date' dt,
  36. 36. count(*) day_new_payment_users
  37. 37. from
  38. 38. ${APP}.dwt_user_topic
  39. 39. where
  40. 40. payment_date_first='$do_date'
  41. 41. ),
  42. 42. tmp_payment_users as
  43. 43. (
  44. 44. select
  45. 45. '$do_date' dt,
  46. 46. count(*) payment_users
  47. 47. from
  48. 48. ${APP}.dwt_user_topic
  49. 49. where
  50. 50. payment_date_first is not null
  51. 51. ),
  52. 52. tmp_users as
  53. 53. (
  54. 54. select
  55. 55. '$do_date' dt,
  56. 56. count(*) users
  57. 57. from
  58. 58. ${APP}.dwt_user_topic
  59. 59. tmp_users
  60. 60. )
  61. 61. insert into table ${APP}.ads_user_topic
  62. 62. select
  63. 63. '$do_date' dt,
  64. 64. day_users,
  65. 65. day_new_users,
  66. 66. day_new_payment_users,
  67. 67. payment_users,
  68. 68. users,
  69. 69. day_users/users,
  70. 70. payment_users/users,
  71. 71. day_new_users/users
  72. 72. from
  73. 73. tmp_day_users
  74. 74. join
  75. 75. tmp_day_new_users
  76. 76. on
  77. 77. tmp_day_users.dt=tmp_day_new_users.dt
  78. 78. join
  79. 79. tmp_day_new_payment_users
  80. 80. on
  81. 81. tmp_day_users.dt=tmp_day_new_payment_users.dt
  82. 82. join
  83. 83. tmp_payment_users
  84. 84. on
  85. 85. tmp_day_users.dt=tmp_payment_users.dt
  86. 86. join
  87. 87. tmp_users
  88. 88. on
  89. 89. tmp_day_users.dt=tmp_users.dt;
  90. 90. "
  91. 91. $hive -e "$sql"
  92. 92.
  93. 复制代码


  1. 1. chmod 770 ads_user_topic.sh


  1. 1. ads_user_topic.sh 2020-03-11


  1. 1. select * from ads_user_topic;

1.2.2 漏斗分析


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_user_action_convert_day;
  2. 2. create external table ads_user_action_convert_day(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `total_visitor_m_count` bigint COMMENT '总访问人数',
  5. 5. `cart_u_count` bigint COMMENT '加入购物车的人数',
  6. 6. `visitor2cart_convert_ratio` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '访问到加入购物车转化率',
  7. 7. `order_u_count` bigint COMMENT '下单人数',
  8. 8. `cart2order_convert_ratio` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '加入购物车到下单转化率',
  9. 9. `payment_u_count` bigint COMMENT '支付人数',
  10. 10. `order2payment_convert_ratio` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '下单到支付的转化率'
  11. 11. ) COMMENT '用户行为漏斗分析'
  12. 12. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  13. 13. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_user_action_convert_day/';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_user_action_convert_day
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10',
  4. 4. uv.day_count,
  5. 5. ua.cart_count,
  6. 6. cast(ua.cart_count/uv.day_count as decimal(10,2)) visitor2cart_convert_ratio,
  7. 7. ua.order_count,
  8. 8. cast(ua.order_count/ua.cart_count as decimal(10,2)) visitor2order_convert_ratio,
  9. 9. ua.payment_count,
  10. 10. cast(ua.payment_count/ua.order_count as decimal(10,2)) order2payment_convert_ratio
  11. 11. from
  12. 12. (
  13. 13. select
  14. 14. dt,
  15. 15. sum(if(cart_count>0,1,0)) cart_count,
  16. 16. sum(if(order_count>0,1,0)) order_count,
  17. 17. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0)) payment_count
  18. 18. from dws_user_action_daycount
  19. 19. where dt='2020-03-10'
  20. 20. group by dt
  21. 21. )ua join ads_uv_count uv on uv.dt=ua.dt;


  1. 1. select * from ads_user_action_convert_day;
  2. 2.
  3. 复制代码

1.3 商品主题

1.3.1 商品个数信息


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_product_info;
  2. 2. create external table ads_product_info(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `sku_num` string COMMENT 'sku 个数',
  5. 5. `spu_num` string COMMENT 'spu 个数'
  6. 6. ) COMMENT '商品个数信息'
  7. 7. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  8. 8. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_product_info';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_product_info
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10' dt,
  4. 4. sku_num,
  5. 5. spu_num
  6. 6. from
  7. 7. (
  8. 8. select
  9. 9. '2020-03-10' dt,
  10. 10. count(*) sku_num
  11. 11. from
  12. 12. dwt_sku_topic
  13. 13. ) tmp_sku_num
  14. 14. join
  15. 15. (
  16. 16. select
  17. 17. '2020-03-10' dt,
  18. 18. count(*) spu_num
  19. 19. from
  20. 20. (
  21. 21. select
  22. 22. spu_id
  23. 23. from
  24. 24. dwt_sku_topic
  25. 25. group by
  26. 26. spu_id
  27. 27. ) tmp_spu_id
  28. 28. ) tmp_spu_num
  29. 29. on
  30. 30. tmp_sku_num.dt=tmp_spu_num.dt;


  1. 1. select * from ads_product_info;

1.3.2 商品销量排名


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_product_sale_topN;
  2. 2. create external table ads_product_sale_topN(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `sku_id` string COMMENT '商品 ID',
  5. 5. `payment_amount` bigint COMMENT '销量'
  6. 6. ) COMMENT '商品个数信息'
  7. 7. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  8. 8. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_product_sale_topN';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_product_sale_topN
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10' dt,
  4. 4. sku_id,
  5. 5. payment_amount
  6. 6. from
  7. 7. dws_sku_action_daycount
  8. 8. where
  9. 9. dt='2020-03-10'
  10. 10. order by payment_amount desc
  11. 11. limit 10;


  1. 1. select * from ads_product_sale_topN;
  2. 2.
  3. 复制代码

1.3.3 商品收藏排名


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_product_favor_topN;
  2. 2. create external table ads_product_favor_topN(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `sku_id` string COMMENT '商品 ID',
  5. 5. `favor_count` bigint COMMENT '收藏量'
  6. 6. ) COMMENT '商品收藏 TopN'
  7. 7. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  8. 8. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_product_favor_topN';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_product_favor_topN
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10' dt,
  4. 4. sku_id,
  5. 5. favor_count
  6. 6. from
  7. 7. dws_sku_action_daycount
  8. 8. where
  9. 9. dt='2020-03-10'
  10. 10. order by favor_count desc
  11. 11. limit 10;


  1. 1. select * from ads_product_favor_topN;

1.3.4 商品加入购物车排名


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_product_cart_topN;
  2. 2. create external table ads_product_cart_topN(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `sku_id` string COMMENT '商品 ID',
  5. 5. `cart_num` bigint COMMENT '加入购物车数量'
  6. 6. ) COMMENT '商品加入购物车 TopN'
  7. 7. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  8. 8. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_product_cart_topN';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_product_cart_topN
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10' dt,
  4. 4. sku_id,
  5. 5. cart_num
  6. 6. from
  7. 7. dws_sku_action_daycount
  8. 8. where
  9. 9. dt='2020-03-10'
  10. 10. order by cart_num desc
  11. 11. limit 10;


  1. 1. select * from ads_product_cart_topN;

1.3.5 商品退款率排名(最近 30 天)


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_product_refund_topN;
  2. 2. create external table ads_product_refund_topN(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `sku_id` string COMMENT '商品 ID',
  5. 5. `refund_ratio` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '退款率'
  6. 6. ) COMMENT '商品退款率 TopN'
  7. 7. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  8. 8. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_product_refund_topN';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_product_refund_topN
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10',
  4. 4. sku_id,
  5. 5. refund_last_30d_count/payment_last_30d_count*100 refund_ratio
  6. 6. from dwt_sku_topic
  7. 7. order by refund_ratio desc
  8. 8. limit 10;


  1. 1. select * from ads_product_refund_topN;

1.3.6 商品差评率


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_appraise_bad_topN;
  2. 2. create external table ads_appraise_bad_topN(
  3. 3. `dt` string COMMENT '统计日期',
  4. 4. `sku_id` string COMMENT '商品 ID',
  5. 5. `appraise_bad_ratio` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '差评率'
  6. 6. ) COMMENT '商品差评率 TopN'
  7. 7. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  8. 8. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_appraise_bad_topN';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_appraise_bad_topN
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10' dt,
  4. 4. sku_id,
  5. 5. appraise_bad_count/(appraise_good_count+appraise_mid_count+appraise_bad_coun
  6. 6. t+appraise_default_count) appraise_bad_ratio
  7. 7. from
  8. 8. dws_sku_action_daycount
  9. 9. where
  10. 10. dt='2020-03-10'
  11. 11. order by appraise_bad_ratio desc
  12. 12. limit 10;


  1. 1. select * from ads_appraise_bad_topN;
  2. 2.
  3. 复制代码

1.4 营销主题(用户+商品+购买行为)

1.4.1 下单数目统计


  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_order_daycount;
  2. 2. create external table ads_order_daycount(
  3. 3. dt string comment '统计日期',
  4. 4. order_count bigint comment '单日下单笔数',
  5. 5. order_amount decimal(10,2) comment '单日下单金额',
  6. 6. order_users bigint comment '单日下单用户数'
  7. 7. ) comment '每日订单总计表'
  8. 8. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  9. 9. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_order_daycount';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_order_daycount
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. '2020-03-10',
  4. 4. sum(order_count),
  5. 5. sum(order_amount),
  6. 6. sum(if(order_count>0,1,0))
  7. 7. from dws_user_action_daycount
  8. 8. where dt='2020-03-10';


  1. 1. select * from ads_order_daycount;
  2. 2.
  3. 复制代码

1.4.2 支付信息统计

每日支付金额、支付人数、支付商品数、支付笔数以及下单到支付的平均时长(取自 DWD)

  1. 1. drop table if exists ads_payment_daycount;
  2. 2. create external table ads_payment_daycount(
  3. 3. dt string comment '统计日期',
  4. 4. payment_count bigint comment '单日支付笔数',
  5. 5. payment_amount decimal(10,2) comment '单日支付金额',
  6. 6. payment_user_count bigint comment '单日支付人数',
  7. 7. payment_sku_count bigint comment '单日支付商品数',
  8. 8. payment_avg_time double comment '下单到支付的平均时长,取分钟数'
  9. 9. ) comment '每日订单总计表'
  10. 10. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  11. 11. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_payment_daycount';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_payment_daycount
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. tmp_payment.dt,
  4. 4. tmp_payment.payment_count,
  5. 5. tmp_payment.payment_amount,
  6. 6. tmp_payment.payment_user_count,
  7. 7. tmp_skucount.payment_sku_count,
  8. 8. tmp_time.payment_avg_time
  9. 9. from
  10. 10. (
  11. 11. select
  12. 12. '2020-03-15' dt,
  13. 13. sum(payment_count) payment_count,
  14. 14. sum(payment_amount) payment_amount,
  15. 15. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0)) payment_user_count
  16. 16. from dws_user_action_daycount
  17. 17. where dt='2020-03-15'
  18. 18. )tmp_payment
  19. 19. join
  20. 20. (
  21. 21. select
  22. 22. '2020-03-15' dt,
  23. 23. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0)) payment_sku_count
  24. 24. from dws_sku_action_daycount
  25. 25. where dt='2020-03-15'
  26. 26. )tmp_skucount on tmp_payment.dt=tmp_skucount.dt
  27. 27. join
  28. 28. (
  29. 29. select
  30. 30. '2020-03-15' dt,
  31. 31. sum(unix_timestamp(payment_time)-unix_timestamp(create_time))/count(*)/60
  32. 32. payment_avg_time
  33. 33. from dwd_fact_order_info
  34. 34. where dt='2020-03-15'
  35. 35. and payment_time is not null
  36. 36. )tmp_time on tmp_payment.dt=tmp_time.dt


  1. 1. select * from ads_payment_daycount;

1.4.3 复购率

  1. 1. drop table ads_sale_tm_category1_stat_mn;
  2. 2. create external table ads_sale_tm_category1_stat_mn
  3. 3. (
  4. 4. tm_id string comment '品牌 id',
  5. 5. category1_id string comment '1 级品类 id ',
  6. 6. category1_name string comment '1 级品类名称 ',
  7. 7. buycount bigint comment '购买人数',
  8. 8. buy_twice_last bigint comment '两次以上购买人数',
  9. 9. buy_twice_last_ratio decimal(10,2) comment '单次复购率',
  10. 10. buy_3times_last bigint comment '三次以上购买人数',
  11. 11. buy_3times_last_ratio decimal(10,2) comment '多次复购率',
  12. 12. stat_mn string comment '统计月份',
  13. 13. stat_date string comment '统计日期'
  14. 14. ) COMMENT '复购率统计'
  15. 15. row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
  16. 16. location '/warehouse/gmall/ads/ads_sale_tm_category1_stat_mn/';


  1. 1. insert into table ads_sale_tm_category1_stat_mn
  2. 2. select
  3. 3. mn.sku_tm_id,
  4. 4. mn.sku_category1_id,
  5. 5. mn.sku_category1_name,
  6. 6. sum(if(mn.order_count>=1,1,0)) buycount,
  7. 7. sum(if(mn.order_count>=2,1,0)) buyTwiceLast,
  8. 8. sum(if(mn.order_count>=2,1,0))/sum( if(mn.order_count>=1,1,0))
  9. 9. buyTwiceLastRatio,
  10. 10. sum(if(mn.order_count>=3,1,0)) buy3timeLast ,
  11. 11. sum(if(mn.order_count>=3,1,0))/sum( if(mn.order_count>=1,1,0))
  12. 12. buy3timeLastRatio ,
  13. 13. date_format('2020-03-10' ,'yyyy-MM') stat_mn,
  14. 14. '2020-03-10' stat_date
  15. 15. from
  16. 16. (
  17. 17. select
  18. 18. user_id,
  19. 19. sd.sku_tm_id,
  20. 20. sd.sku_category1_id,
  21. 21. sd.sku_category1_name,
  22. 22. sum(order_count) order_count
  23. 23. from dws_sale_detail_daycount sd
  24. 24. where date_format(dt,'yyyy-MM')=date_format('2020-03-10' ,'yyyy-MM')
  25. 25. group by user_id, sd.sku_tm_id, sd.sku_category1_id, sd.sku_category1_name
  26. 26. ) mn
  27. 27. group by mn.sku_tm_id, mn.sku_category1_id, mn.sku_category1_name;

1.5 ADS 层导入脚本

1)vim dwt_to_ads.sh

  1. 1. #!/bin/bash
  2. 2. hive=/opt/modules/hive/bin/hive
  3. 3. # 如果是输入的日期按照取输入日期;如果没输入日期取当前时间的前一天
  4. 4. if [ -n "$1" ] ;then
  5. 5. do_date=$1
  6. 6. else
  7. 7. do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F`
  8. 8. fi
  9. 9. sql="use gmall;
  10. 10. insert into table ads_uv_count
  11. 11. select
  12. 12. '$do_date',
  13. 13. sum(if(login_date_last='$do_date',1,0)),
  14. 14. sum(if(login_date_last>=date_add(next_day('$do_date','monday'),-7) and
  15. 15. login_date_last<=date_add(next_day('$do_date','monday'),-1) ,1,0)),
  16. 16. sum(if(date_format(login_date_last,'yyyy-MM')=date_format('$do_date','yyyy-M
  17. 17. M'),1,0)),
  18. 18. if('$do_date'=date_add(next_day('$do_date','monday'),-1),'Y','N'),
  19. 19. if('$do_date'=last_day('$do_date'),'Y','N')
  20. 20. from dwt_uv_topic;
  21. 21.
  22. 22.
  23. 23. insert into table ads_new_mid_count
  24. 24. select
  25. 25. '$do_date',
  26. 26. count(*)
  27. 27. from dwt_uv_topic
  28. 28. where login_date_first='$do_date';
  29. 29.
  30. 30.
  31. 31. insert into table ads_silent_count
  32. 32. select
  33. 33. '$do_date',
  34. 34. count(*)
  35. 35. from dwt_uv_topic
  36. 36. where login_date_first=login_date_last
  37. 37. and login_date_last<=date_add('$do_date',-7);
  38. 38.
  39. 39.
  40. 40. insert into table ads_back_count
  41. 41. select
  42. 42. '$do_date',
  43. 43. concat(date_add(next_day('2020-03-10','MO'),-7),'_',date_add(next_day('2020-
  44. 44. 03-10','MO'),-1)),
  45. 45. count(*)
  46. 46. from
  47. 47. (
  48. 48. select
  49. 49. mid_id
  50. 50. from dwt_uv_topic
  51. 51. where login_date_last>=date_add(next_day('$do_date','MO'),-7)
  52. 52. and login_date_last<= date_add(next_day('$do_date','MO'),-1)
  53. 53. and login_date_first<date_add(next_day('$do_date','MO'),-7)
  54. 54. )current_wk
  55. 55. left join
  56. 56. (
  57. 57. select
  58. 58. mid_id
  59. 59. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  60. 60. where dt>=date_add(next_day('$do_date','MO'),-7*2)
  61. 61. and dt<= date_add(next_day('$do_date','MO'),-7-1)
  62. 62. group by mid_id
  63. 63. )last_wk
  64. 64. on current_wk.mid_id=last_wk.mid_id
  65. 65. where last_wk.mid_id is null;
  66. 66.
  67. 67.
  68. 68. insert into table ads_wastage_count
  69. 69. select
  70. 70. '$do_date',
  71. 71. count(*)
  72. 72. from dwt_uv_topic
  73. 73. where login_date_last<=date_add('$do_date',-7);
  74. 74.
  75. 75.
  76. 76. insert into table ads_user_retention_day_rate
  77. 77. select
  78. 78. '$do_date',
  79. 79. date_add('$do_date',-3),
  80. 80. 3,
  81. 81. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',-3) and
  82. 82. login_date_last='$do_date',1,0)),
  83. 83. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',-3),1,0)),
  84. 84. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',-3) and
  85. 85. login_date_last='$do_date',1,0))/sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',
  86. 86. -3),1,0))*100
  87. 87. from dwt_uv_topic
  88. 88. union all
  89. 89. select
  90. 90. '$do_date',
  91. 91. date_add('$do_date',-2),
  92. 92. 2,
  93. 93. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',-2) and
  94. 94. login_date_last='$do_date',1,0)),
  95. 95. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',-2),1,0)),
  96. 96. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',-2) and
  97. 97. login_date_last='$do_date',1,0))/sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',
  98. 98. -2),1,0))*100
  99. 99. from dwt_uv_topic
  100. 100. union all
  101. 101. select
  102. 102. '$do_date',
  103. 103. date_add('$do_date',-1),
  104. 104. 1,
  105. 105. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',-1) and
  106. 106. login_date_last='$do_date',1,0)),
  107. 107. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',-1),1,0)),
  108. 108. sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',-1) and
  109. 109. login_date_last='$do_date',1,0))/sum(if(login_date_first=date_add('$do_date',
  110. 110. -1),1,0))*100
  111. 111. from dwt_uv_topic;
  112. 112.
  113. 113.
  114. 114. insert into table ads_continuity_wk_count
  115. 115. select
  116. 116. '$do_date',
  117. 117. concat(date_add(next_day('$do_date','MO'),-7*3),'_',date_add(next_day('$do_d
  118. 118. ate','MO'),-1)),
  119. 119. count(*)
  120. 120. from
  121. 121. (
  122. 122. select
  123. 123. mid_id
  124. 124. from
  125. 125. (
  126. 126. select
  127. 127. mid_id
  128. 128. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  129. 129. where dt>=date_add(next_day('$do_date','monday'),-7)
  130. 130. and dt<=date_add(next_day('$do_date','monday'),-1)
  131. 131. group by mid_id
  132. 132. union all
  133. 133. select
  134. 134. mid_id
  135. 135. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  136. 136. where dt>=date_add(next_day('$do_date','monday'),-7*2)
  137. 137. and dt<=date_add(next_day('$do_date','monday'),-7-1)
  138. 138. group by mid_id
  139. 139. union all
  140. 140. select
  141. 141. mid_id
  142. 142. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  143. 143. where dt>=date_add(next_day('$do_date','monday'),-7*3)
  144. 144. and dt<=date_add(next_day('$do_date','monday'),-7*2-1)
  145. 145. group by mid_id
  146. 146. )t1
  147. 147. group by mid_id
  148. 148. having count(*)=3
  149. 149. )t2;
  150. 150.
  151. 151.
  152. 152. insert into table ads_continuity_uv_count
  153. 153. select
  154. 154. '$do_date',
  155. 155. concat(date_add('$do_date',-6),'_','$do_date'),
  156. 156. count(*)
  157. 157. from
  158. 158. (
  159. 159. select mid_id
  160. 160. from
  161. 161. (
  162. 162. select mid_id
  163. 163. from
  164. 164. (
  165. 165. select
  166. 166. mid_id,
  167. 167. date_sub(dt,rank) date_dif
  168. 168. from
  169. 169. (
  170. 170. select
  171. 171. mid_id,
  172. 172. dt,
  173. 173. rank() over(partition by mid_id order by dt) rank
  174. 174. from dws_uv_detail_daycount
  175. 175. where dt>=date_add('$do_date',-6) and dt<='$do_date'
  176. 176. )t1
  177. 177. )t2
  178. 178. group by mid_id,date_dif
  179. 179. having count(*)>=3
  180. 180. )t3
  181. 181. group by mid_id
  182. 182. )t4;
  183. 183.
  184. 184.
  185. 185. insert into table ads_user_topic
  186. 186. select
  187. 187. '$do_date',
  188. 188. sum(if(login_date_last='$do_date',1,0)),
  189. 189. sum(if(login_date_first='$do_date',1,0)),
  190. 190. sum(if(payment_date_first='$do_date',1,0)),
  191. 191. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0)),
  192. 192. count(*),
  193. 193. sum(if(login_date_last='$do_date',1,0))/count(*),
  194. 194. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0))/count(*),
  195. 195. sum(if(login_date_first='$do_date',1,0))/sum(if(login_date_last='$do_date',1,
  196. 196. 0))
  197. 197. from dwt_user_topic;
  198. 198.
  199. 199.
  200. 200. insert into table ads_user_action_convert_day
  201. 201. select
  202. 202. '$do_date',
  203. 203. uv.day_count,
  204. 204. ua.cart_count,
  205. 205. ua.cart_count/uv.day_count*100 visitor2cart_convert_ratio,
  206. 206. ua.order_count,
  207. 207. ua.order_count/ua.cart_count*100 visitor2order_convert_ratio,
  208. 208. ua.payment_count,
  209. 209. ua.payment_count/ua.order_count*100 order2payment_convert_ratio
  210. 210. from
  211. 211. (
  212. 212. select
  213. 213. '$do_date' dt,
  214. 214. sum(if(cart_count>0,1,0)) cart_count,
  215. 215. sum(if(order_count>0,1,0)) order_count,
  216. 216. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0)) payment_count
  217. 217. from dws_user_action_daycount
  218. 218. where dt='$do_date'
  219. 219. )ua join ads_uv_count uv on uv.dt=ua.dt;
  220. 220.
  221. 221.
  222. 222. insert into table ads_product_info
  223. 223. select
  224. 224. '$do_date' dt,
  225. 225. sku_num,
  226. 226. spu_num
  227. 227. from
  228. 228. (
  229. 229. select
  230. 230. '$do_date' dt,
  231. 231. count(*) sku_num
  232. 232. from
  233. 233. dwt_sku_topic
  234. 234. ) tmp_sku_num
  235. 235. join
  236. 236. (
  237. 237. select
  238. 238. '$do_date' dt,
  239. 239. count(*) spu_num
  240. 240. from
  241. 241. (
  242. 242. select
  243. 243. spu_id
  244. 244. from
  245. 245. dwt_sku_topic
  246. 246. group by
  247. 247. spu_id
  248. 248. ) tmp_spu_id
  249. 249. ) tmp_spu_num
  250. 250. on tmp_sku_num.dt=tmp_spu_num.dt;
  251. 251.
  252. 252.
  253. 253. insert into table ads_product_sale_topN
  254. 254. select
  255. 255. '$do_date',
  256. 256. sku_id,
  257. 257. payment_amount
  258. 258. from dws_sku_action_daycount
  259. 259. where dt='$do_date'
  260. 260. order by payment_amount desc
  261. 261. limit 10;
  262. 262.
  263. 263.
  264. 264. insert into table ads_product_favor_topN
  265. 265. select
  266. 266. '$do_date',
  267. 267. sku_id,
  268. 268. favor_count
  269. 269. from dws_sku_action_daycount
  270. 270. where dt='$do_date'
  271. 271. order by favor_count
  272. 272. limit 10;
  273. 273.
  274. 274.
  275. 275. insert into table ads_product_cart_topN
  276. 276. select
  277. 277. '$do_date' dt,
  278. 278. sku_id,
  279. 279. cart_num
  280. 280. from dws_sku_action_daycount
  281. 281. where dt='$do_date'
  282. 282. order by cart_num
  283. 283. limit 10;
  284. 284.
  285. 285.
  286. 286. insert into table ads_product_refund_topN
  287. 287. select
  288. 288. '$do_date',
  289. 289. sku_id,
  290. 290. refund_last_30d_count/payment_last_30d_count*100 refund_ratio
  291. 291. from dwt_sku_topic
  292. 292. order by refund_ratio desc
  293. 293. limit 10;
  294. 294.
  295. 295.
  296. 296. insert into table ads_appraise_bad_topN
  297. 297. select
  298. 298. '$do_date' dt,
  299. 299. sku_id,
  300. 300. appraise_bad_count/(appraise_bad_count+appraise_good_count+appraise_mid_coun
  301. 301. t+appraise_default_count)*100 appraise_bad_ratio
  302. 302. from dws_sku_action_daycount
  303. 303. where dt='$do_date'
  304. 304. order by appraise_bad_ratio desc
  305. 305. limit 10;
  306. 306.
  307. 307.
  308. 308. insert into table ads_order_daycount
  309. 309. select
  310. 310. '$do_date',
  311. 311. sum(order_count),
  312. 312. sum(order_amount),
  313. 313. sum(if(order_count>0,1,0))
  314. 314. from dws_user_action_daycount
  315. 315. where dt='$do_date';
  316. 316.
  317. 317.
  318. 318. insert into table ads_payment_daycount
  319. 319. select
  320. 320. tmp_payment.dt,
  321. 321. tmp_payment.payment_count,
  322. 322. tmp_payment.payment_amount,
  323. 323. tmp_payment.payment_user_count,
  324. 324. tmp_skucount.payment_sku_count,
  325. 325. tmp_time.payment_avg_time
  326. 326. from
  327. 327. (
  328. 328. select
  329. 329. '$do_date' dt,
  330. 330. sum(payment_count) payment_count,
  331. 331. sum(payment_amount) payment_amount,
  332. 332. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0)) payment_user_count
  333. 333. from dws_user_action_daycount
  334. 334. where dt='$do_date'
  335. 335. )tmp_payment
  336. 336. join
  337. 337. (
  338. 338. select
  339. 339. '$do_date' dt,
  340. 340. sum(if(payment_count>0,1,0)) payment_sku_count
  341. 341. from dws_sku_action_daycount
  342. 342. where dt='$do_date'
  343. 343. )tmp_skucount on tmp_payment.dt=tmp_skucount.dt
  344. 344. join
  345. 345. (
  346. 346. select
  347. 347. '$do_date' dt,
  348. 348. sum(unix_timestamp(payment_time)-unix_timestamp(create_time))/count(*)/60
  349. 349. payment_avg_time
  350. 350. from dwd_fact_order_info
  351. 351. where dt='$do_date'
  352. 352. and payment_time is not null
  353. 353. )tmp_time on tmp_payment.dt=tmp_time.dt;
  354. 354.
  355. 355.
  356. 356. insert into table ads_sale_tm_category1_stat_mn
  357. 357. select
  358. 358. mn.sku_tm_id,
  359. 359. mn.sku_category1_id,
  360. 360. mn.sku_category1_name,
  361. 361. sum(if(mn.order_count>=1,1,0)) buycount,
  362. 362. sum(if(mn.order_count>=2,1,0)) buyTwiceLast,
  363. 363. sum(if(mn.order_count>=2,1,0))/sum( if(mn.order_count>=1,1,0))
  364. 364. buyTwiceLastRatio,
  365. 365. sum(if(mn.order_count>=3,1,0)) buy3timeLast ,
  366. 366. sum(if(mn.order_count>=3,1,0))/sum( if(mn.order_count>=1,1,0))
  367. 367. buy3timeLastRatio ,
  368. 368. date_format('$do_date' ,'yyyy-MM') stat_mn,
  369. 369. '$do_date' stat_date
  370. 370. from
  371. 371. (
  372. 372. select
  373. 373. user_id,
  374. 374. sd.sku_tm_id,
  375. 375. sd.sku_category1_id,
  376. 376. sd.sku_category1_name,
  377. 377. sum(order_count) order_count
  378. 378. from dws_sale_detail_daycount sd
  379. 379. where date_format(dt,'yyyy-MM')=date_format('$do_date' ,'yyyy-MM')
  380. 380. group by user_id, sd.sku_tm_id, sd.sku_category1_id, sd.sku_category1_name
  381. 381. ) mn
  382. 382. group by mn.sku_tm_id, mn.sku_category1_id, mn.sku_category1_name;
  383. 383. "
  384. 384. $hive -e "$sql"
  385. 385.
  386. 复制代码


  1. 1. chmod 770 dwt_to_ads.sh


  1. 1. dwt_to_ads.sh 2020-03-10
