Linux命令大全 Linux基础

  1. echo "alias ll='ls -laF --color=auto --time-style \"+[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]\"'" >> ~/.bashrc
  2. alias ll='ls -laF --color=auto --time-style "+[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"'

重启网络服务的命令是service network restart 或者/etc/init.d/network restart

ps aux | less
crontab 1 * certbot renew

首先,打开/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules内容如下面例子所示: :vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

chgrp -R www ./carcms/
reboot 为重启命令。 poweroff 为关机命令。

man -k 在只记得部分命令关键字的场合,我们可通过man -k来搜索; whatis 需要知道某个命令的简要说明,可以使用whatis;而更详细的介绍,则可用info命令; which 查看命令在哪个位置,我们需要使用which; man 而对于命令的具体参数及使用方法,我们需要用到强大的man;

wc 统计行和字符的工具 $wc -l file // 统计行数 $wc -w file // 统计单词数 $wc -c file // 统计字符数

查看磁盘空间利用大小: df -h

查看当前目录所占空间大小: du -sh

查看当前目录下所有子文件夹排序后的大小: for i in ls; do du -sh $i; done | sort 或者: du -sh ls | sort

查看端口占用的进程状态: lsof -i:3306 查看用户username的进程所打开的文件 $lsof -u username 查询init进程当前打开的文件 $lsof -c init

guestOS = “darwin13-64”


2、WebP Codec for Windows v0.16 发布

3、Repository for tools for the WebP image format

4、How to install VMWare Tools on Debian 7

Installing VMWare Tool on Debian 7 is not that different than, for example, installing VirtualBox’s Guest Additions. In essence you have to have the system’s compiling tools, its kernel’s headers, then mount a virtual CD to run the script which will compile the kernel’s modules and reboot the machine. If you want to have more information about it, here I leave the procedure:

Install the compiling tolls for building the moodules (GCC and stuff):

aptitude install build-essential

Install the current kernel’s headers:

aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Mount the CD that content the VMWare utility (From vSphere Client you have to choose the Install VMWare Tools option to have the CD available from the VM)

mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/

Copy a the utility in a local folder of the system, and extract it:

cp /mnt/VMwareTools-8.6.10-913593.tar.gz /opt/

cd /opt/

tar xfzv VMwareTools-8.6.10-913593.tar.gz

Finally run the utility script to build the needed kernel’s modules:

cd vmware-tools-distrib/


The script will ask some questions to build the needed modules, which a show next. I put here just some questions and part of the output. For your particular case, answer accordingly:

5、本节包含了在 Debian GNU/Linux 下安装 PHP 的说明和提示。

6、How to Install VMware Tools on Ubuntu 14.04

  1. Install required packages:

ehowstuff@ubuntu14:~$ sudo-get install build-essential linux-header-$(uname -r)

  1. Login to vCenter using vsphere client, right clicking on the Ubuntu 14.04 VM, selecting “Guest”, and then choosing “Install VMware Tools”.

  2. Mount the VMware Tools CD image to /media/cdrom

ehowstuff@ubuntu14:~$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only

  1. Copy the compressed VMware Tools installer files to /tmp in the local directory :

ehowstuff@ubuntu14:~$ cd /media/cdrom ehowstuff@ubuntu14:/media/cdrom$ ls manifest.txt VMwareTools-8.3.7-341836.tar.gz ehowstuff@ubuntu14:/media/cdrom$ cp VMwareTools-8.3.7-341836.tar.gz /tmp

  1. Unmount the VMware Tools CD image :

ehowstuff@ubuntu14:/media/cdrom$ cd ehowstuff@ubuntu14:~$ sudo umount /media/cdrom

  1. Extract the compressed VMware Tools installer :

ehowstuff@ubuntu14:~$ cd /tmp ehowstuff@ubuntu14:/tmp$ tar xzvf VMwareTools-8.3.7-341836.tar.gz

  1. Change directories into the VMware Tools distribution by running the command:

ehowstuff@ubuntu14:~$ cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/ ehowstuff@ubuntu14:/tmp/vmware-tools-distrib$

  1. Install VMware Tools by running the command:


—the VMware team Note: The -d switch assumes that you want to accept the defaults. If you don’t use -d switch, kindly choose the default for all questions.

  1. Once installed, reboot the virtual machine :

ehowstuff@ubuntu14:~$ sudo reboot As always if you need any help you can reach us on twitter @ehowstuff or drop us a comment below