


  1. 传入新的参数,容易导致代码堆积大量的 ifswitch语句
  2. 使用继承,容易产生大量字类


  1. 希望在无需修改代码的情况下即可使用对象,且希望在运行时为对象新增额外的行为

    if you want to do a thing, but before you do that, you must do other things and you don’t know how many thing you should do, than decorator pattrern can decorate a thing you want to do!


  1. class Printer {
  2. print(text, style = '') {
  3. console.log(`%c${text}`, style);
  4. }
  5. }
  6. // decorator method
  7. const yellowStyle = (printer) => ({
  8. ...printer,
  9. print: (text) => {
  10. printer.print(text, 'color: yellow;');
  11. }
  12. });
  13. const boldStyle = (printer) => ({
  14. ...printer,
  15. print: (text, style = '') => {
  16. printer.print(text, `${style}font-weight: bold;`);
  17. }
  18. });
  19. const bigSizeStyle = (printer) => ({
  20. ...printer,
  21. print: (text, style = '') => {
  22. printer.print(text, `${style}font-size: 36px;`);
  23. }
  24. });

class decorators

The class decorator is applied to the constructor of the class and can be used to observe, modify, or replace a class definition.

  1. const addFuelToRocket = (target: Function) => {
  2. return class extends target {
  3. fuel = 100
  4. }
  5. }
  6. @addFuelToRocket
  7. class Rocket {}
  8. const rocket = new Rocket()
  9. console.log((rocket).fuel) // 100

Method decorators

The decorator is applied to the Property Descriptor for the method, and can be used to observe, modify, or replace a method definition.

  1. const myDecorator = (target: Object, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => {
  2. // do something with your method
  3. }
  4. class Rocket {
  5. @myDecorator
  6. launch() {
  7. console.log("Launching rocket in 3... 2... 1... 🚀")
  8. }
  9. }
  • target:该类的原型对象,即 Rocket.prototype
  • propertyKey:所装饰函数名
  • descriptor:该属性的描述对象,target.value 指的是该类方法本身




    ```javascript // 装饰器函数 function logTime(apiId) { return function(target, key, descriptor) { const originFunc = descriptor.value; descriptor.value = function() {
    1. const startTime = new Date().valueOf();
    2. return originFunc.apply(this, arguments).then(res => {
    3. const endTime = new Date().valueOf();
    4. const spendTime = endTime - startTime;
    5. console.log('apiId: ',apiId);
    6. console.log('spendTime: ', spendTime)
    7. // 向后台发送一些数据监控
    8. // logApi.logData(apiName, spendTime);
    9. return res;
    10. }).catch(err => {
    11. throw err
    12. })
    } return descriptor } }

// 使用装饰器 class UserApi { @logTime(‘ididid’) static setUserName(name) { return setUserName(name) } }

// 使用接口 UserApi.setUserName(‘vince’)

  1. <a name="DgP7W"></a>
  2. ### 接口 Toast 提醒
  3. ```javascript
  4. // 装饰器函数
  5. function operateToast(successInfo = '操作成功', errorInfo = '操作失败,请重试') {
  6. return function (target, key, descriptor) {
  7. const originFunc = descriptor.value;
  8. descriptor.value = function() {
  9. return originFunc.apply(this, arguments).then(res => {
  10. toast(successInfo)
  11. return res
  12. }).catch(err => {
  13. toast(errorInfo)
  14. throw err
  15. })
  16. }
  17. return descriptor
  18. }
  19. }
  20. // 使用装饰器
  21. class UserApi {
  22. @operateToast('设置用户名称成功', '后端太垃圾了,设置用户名称接口挂了')
  23. static setUserName(name) {
  24. return setUserName(name)
  25. }
  26. @operateToast('设置用户年龄成功', '后端太垃圾了,接口又挂了')
  27. static setUserAge(age) {
  28. return setUserAge(age)
  29. }
  30. }
  31. // 调用接口
  32. UserApi.setUserName('vince')
  33. UserApi.setUserAge(12)


  1. // 装饰器函数
  2. function retryFunc(counts, times) {
  3. return function(target, name, descriptor) {
  4. const originFunc = descriptor.value;
  5. descriptor.value = function() {
  6. let count = 1;
  7. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  8. const retry = () => {
  9. console.log('开始请求')
  10. return originFunc().then(res => {
  11. resolve(res);
  12. }).catch(() => {
  13. count++;
  14. if (count > counts) {
  15. reject(new Error('多次请求错误,请稍后再试'));
  16. return;
  17. }
  18. console.log(`请求失败,第${count}次重试`)
  19. setTimeout(() => {
  20. retry();
  21. }, times)
  22. })
  23. }
  24. retry();
  25. })
  26. }
  27. return descriptor
  28. }
  29. }
  30. // 使用装饰器
  31. class UserApi {
  32. @retryFunc(3, 1000)
  33. static setUserName(name) {
  34. return setUserName(name)
  35. }
  36. }
  37. // 调用接口
  38. UserApi.setUserName('vince')


  1. 装饰模式
  2. JavaScript design patterns #4. Decorators and their implementation in TypeScript
  3. What is the decorator pattern? And how to implement it by JavaScript?
  4. Decorator (装饰器)入门以及在前端接口逻辑层中的实践
  5. A practical guide to TypeScript decorators
  6. ts 官方文档