1. [ICON] fan [PORT] [FAN_ROTATE] rotates

Sensing Gizmos - 图1

Makes the fan connected to the specified port of mBot run in the specified direction

How to Use

mBot provides four ports that can be used to connect fans. Click to select one.
This block provides three direction optiosn. Click to select one.


Sensing Gizmos - 图2

Note: Ensure that you have connected a fan to port 1 of mBot.
When you press the space key, the fan runs clockwise.

2. [ICON] sound sensor [PORT] loudness

Sensing Gizmos - 图3

Reports the loudness detected by the sound sensor connected to the specified port of mBot

How to Use

mBot provides two ports that can be used to connect sound sensors. Click to select one.
You can select the check box on the left of this block to see the volume detected by the sound sensor on the stage.
Note: This is a reporter block that must be used in combiantion with another block requiring data.


Sensing Gizmos - 图4

Note: Ensure that you have connected a display panel to port 1 of mBot, and connected a sound sensor to port 3.
When you press the space key, the display panel displays the loudness detected by the sound sensor.

3. [ICON] potentiometer [PORT] value

Sensing Gizmos - 图5

Reports the output value of the potentiometer connected to the specified port of mBot

How to Use

mBot provides two ports that can be used to connect potentiometers. Click to select the one to which the potentiometer is connected.
You can select the check box on the left of this block to see the output value of the potentiometer on the stage.
Note: This is a reporter block that must be used in combiantion with another block requiring data.


Sensing Gizmos - 图6
Note: Ensure that you have connected a display panel to mBot through port 1, and a potentiometer through port 3.
When you press the space key, the display panel displays the output value of the potentiometer.

4. [ICON]temperature sensor [PORT] [SLOT] value(℃)

Sensing Gizmos - 图7

Reports the temperature detected by the temperature sensor connected at the specified slot of the RJ25 adapter connected to the specified port of mBot

How to Use

Sensing Gizmos - 图8
Temperature sensors can be connected to mBot through RJ25 adapters (shown in the preceding figure). mBot provides four ports that can be used to connect RJ25 adapters. Click to select the one to which the RJ25 adapter is connected.
The RJ25 adpater provides two slots for connecting temperature sensors. Click to select the one to which the temperature sensor is connected.
You can select the check box on the left of this block to see the temperature detected by the temperature sensor on the stage.
Note: This is a reporter block that must be used in combiantion with another block requiring data. It cannot be used independently.


Sensing Gizmos - 图9

Note: Ensure that you have connected a display panel to port 1 of mBot, an RJ25 adapter to port 3, and a temperature sensor at slot 1 of the RJ25 adapter.
When you press the space key, the display panel displays the temperature detected by the temperature sensor.