
这篇文章提出了一个新的蒸馏方式——数据蒸馏(data distillation),以及一种新的监督学习——omni-supervised learning(全方位监督学习)。




  • 然而,大多数关于半监督学习的研究通过分割完全注释的数据集来模拟标记/未标记的数据,因此可能会以通过使用所有数据注释的全监督学习作为上限
  • 相反,全方位监督学习是以使用所有有标注数据训练的准确性作为下界,其成功可以通过超过全监督基线的程度来评估。






  1. 提出一种所谓“数据蒸馏”的方式来处理全方位监督学习
  2. 构造了一种多转换推理(multi-transform inference)的无标签数据处理方式
  3. 针对无标记数据的多组伪真值设计了一种整合的方法


  1. 在大量手工标记数据上按照正常的全监督学习的方式训练好的一个模型
  2. 无标签数据通过几组不同的变换后获得对应的几组新数据
  3. 使用训练好的模型在新数据上生成对应的伪标签
  4. 将生成的多组伪标签进行整合(ensemble),获得一组最终的标签
  5. 在这些额外的数据和对应生成的伪标签上,重新训练之前的模型


Multi-transform inference


  • 之所以考虑要使用不同变化后的数据的伪标签整合后的结果,是因为考虑到在一个模型自己的预测结果上训练自己(self-training)通常不会提供什么有意义的信息。
  • 实际上,在一般的任务中,当测试时,对于数据的转换可以提高单模型的精度,这是众所周知的技巧,这说明它们可以提供单一预测无法捕捉到的重要知识。
  • 提升视觉识别模型准确率的一个常用策略是针对使用多个转换处理后的输入来使用相同的模型,并最终将结果集成(模型集成)。
  • 这里对于数据集的不同几何变换,可以认为是对于数据的不同观察视角或者是扰动,这可为半监督学习提供有用的信号。

与[G. Hinton, O. Vinyals, and J. Dean. Distilling the knowledge in a neural network. arXiv:1503.02531, 2015.](它从多个模型的预测中蒸馏知识)相比,本文蒸馏了运行在未标记数据多个变换处理后的副本上的单一模型的知识。


Generating labels on unlabeled data




  • 首先,它生成一个“软”标签(概率向量,而不是类别标签),在重新训练模型时可能不会直接使用。例如,可能需要改变训练损失,使其与软标签兼容。
  • 其次,对于结构化输出空间的问题,如对象检测或人体姿态估计,平均输出是没有意义的,因为必须注意尊重输出空间的结构。


Knowledge distillation


  1. 需要确保每个训练的minibatch是手工标记数据和自动标记数据的混合数据集,也就是要确保每个minibatch中包含一定比例的真实标签,这样更有利于梯度的估计。
  2. 因为有更多的数据可以获取,训练的计划也得进行一定的调整,保证足够长来充分利用这些数据。

Keypoint Detection

Data transformations:本文选择了一些几何变换进行多变换推理,但也可以进行其他变换,如颜色抖动。唯一的要求是it must be possible to ensemble the resulting predictions。对于几何变换,如果预测是一个几何量(例如,一个关键点的坐标),那么在合并之前必须对每个预测应用逆变换

  • We use two popular transformations: scaling and hor-izontal flipping.
  • We resize the unlabeled image to a pre-defined set of scales (denoted by the shorter side of an image): [400, 1200] pixels with a stepsize of 100, which was selected by measuring the keypoint AP for the teacher model when applying these transformations on the validation set.
  • The selected transformations can improve the model by a good margin, e.g. for ResNet-50 from 65.1 to 67.8 AP, which is then used as the teacher. Note that unless stated, we do not apply these transformation at test time for all baseline/distilled models.


keypoint detection使用的是Mask R-CNN,包含两个阶段,第一个阶段是RPN(区域提案网络),第二个阶段包含三个头部,分别针对RoI(感兴趣区域)进行边界框分类、回归和keypoint预测处理,其中keypoint分支输出一个heatmap,这用来为每个keypoint类型预测一个one-hot mask。

关于集成策略,一个直接的想法就是针对每一个阶段和每一个头部的结果集成多变换推理结果,但在实验中,为了简单,仅是在keypoint头部使用了多变换推理。其他头部和阶段的输出都是单尺度并且没有任何变换的。这样的简化,使得能够拥有一套一致的检测框来服务针对于所有转换的RoI。在一个单独的RoI上,可以提取来自所有转换的keypoint heatmaps,尽管他们来自不同的几何变换,这些heatmaps都是以相同的RoI的局部坐标系为参照的。因此可以直接平均这些heatmaps的输出来集成结果。在集成结果中,选择值最大的索引,并且生成预测的keypoint位置。

Selecting predictions:

  • 为了生成好的训练标签,期望预测框和keypoint是足够可靠的,否则预测结果中就会包含大量的假阳性(false positives)结果(也就是误检)。
    • 这里使用了一个预测检测得分作为对于预测质量的一个代理并且仅对在某个得分阈值之上的预测生成标注
    • 实际发现,如果得分阈值使得“每个未标记图片中的注释实例的平均数量”大致等于“每个标记图片中的实例平均数量”时,结果表现良好。
    • 尽管这一点假设了未标记数据和标记数据遵循着相似的分布规律,但是实际试验中发现,即使不能保证假设,结果也会比较鲁棒,有着不错的表现
  • 同时也需要考虑在扩充数据中的假阴性预测的问题(也就是漏检),并且生成的标注没必要被看做是完整的(也就是说没有标注也并不意味着是真实的背景。
    • 然而,在实际中,对于训练接测器而言,尝试对来自扩充数据的背景区域采样与否,在准确率上没有观察到什么差异。
    • 为了简化,所有的试验中,都将生成的数据看作是完整的,也就是说,直接认为所有的生成标注是正确的

Generating keypoint annotations:对于每个选定的预测,其中包含着K个单独的keypoint(例如左耳,鼻子等等),因为许多的目标视角并不能显示出所有的keypoint类型,所以预测的keypoint可能包含着假阳性预测(误检)。所以按照前面的思路,这里选择了一个阈值,使得关键点的平均数量在监督集合和生成集合中近似相等。


  • 具体来说,除非特殊说明,对于每个minibatch中数据选择的时候随机采样,并确保原始有监督图片和生成标签的图像的预期比例为6:4
  • 使用了一个和老师模型有着相同架构的学生模型,它可以从教师模型开始微调,或者直接从初始化权重(例如ImageNet上预训练)重新训练。实际中发现重新训练的策略始终能带来更好的表现,这表明教师模型可能处于较差的局部最优,而重新训练可能有助于跳出局部最优点。在所有的实验中都选择了重新训练

data distillation:在COCO数据集上进行针对keypoint detection任务的数据蒸馏操作。

  • 实际使用的数据包含三大部分:
    • COCO labeled images. These are the original labeled COCO images that contain ground-truth person and keypoint annotations.
      • In this paper, we refer to the 80k training images as co-80, a 35k subset of the 2014 validation images as co-35, and their union as co-115 (in the 2017 version of COCO, co-115 is the train2017 set).
      • We do not use the original train/val nomenclature because their roles may change in different experiments.
    • COCO unlabeled images. The 2017 version of COCO provides a collection of 120k unlabeled images, which we call un-120.
      • These images are expected to have a similar distribution as the labeled COCO images.
    • Sports-1M static frames. We will show that our method can be robust to a dissimilar distribution of unlabeled data. We collect these images by using static frames from the Sports-1M video dataset.
      • We randomly sample 180k videos from this dataset. Then we randomly sample 1 frame from each video, noting that we do not exploit any temporal information even if it is possible.
      • This strategy gives us 180k static images. We call this set s1m-180.
      • We do not use any available labels from this static image set.
  • 主要设计的实验:
    • Small-scale data as a sanity check: we use co-35 as the labeled data and treat co-80 as unlabeled.
    • Large-scale data with similar distribution: we use co-115 as the labeled data and un-120 as unlabeled.
    • Large-scale data with dissimilar distribution: we use co-115 as the labeled data and s1m-180 as unlabeled.








Our data distillation method exploits multi-transform inference to generate labels. Multi-transform inference can also be applied at test-time to further improve results, a strategy typically called test-time augmentation. Table 3 shows the results of applying test-time augmentations on a data distillation model. The augmentations are the same as those used to generate distillation labels. It shows that test-time augmentations can still improve the results over our data distillation model.

Interestingly, the student model’s 68.9 AP (ResNet-50, in Table 3) is higher than its corresponding (test-time augmented) teacher’s 67.8 AP. We believe that this is a signal of our approach being able to learn new knowledge from the extra unlabeled data, instead of simply learning to be robust to the transforms. Even though we use multiple data-agnostic transforms, the distilled labels are data-dependent and may convey knowledge from the extra data. This result also suggests that performing data distillation in an iterative fashion may improve the results further. We leave this direction for future work.

Object Detection

We investigate the generality of our approach by applying it to another task with minimal modification.

  • We perform data distillation for object detection on the COCO dataset. Here our data splits involve co-35/80/115 as defined above. We test on minival.
  • Our object detector is Faster R-CNN with the FPN backbone and the RoIAlign improvement.
  • We adopt the joint end-to-end training as described in [Faster R-CNN: To-wards real-time object detection with region proposal networks]. Note that this is unlike in our keypoint experiments where we froze the RPN stage (which created the same set of boxes for keypoint ensembling).
  • To produce the ensemble results, we simply take the union set of the boxes predicted under different transformations, and combine them using bounding box voting [Object detection via a multi-region & semantic segmentation-aware cnn model] (a process similar to non-maximum suppression that merges the suppressed boxes). This ensembling strategy on the union set of boxes shows the flexibility of our method: it is agnostic to how the results from multiple transformations are aggregated.
  • The object detection task involves multiple categories. A single threshold of score for generating labels may lead to strong biases.
    • To address this issue, we set a per-category threshold of score confidence for annotating objects in the unlabeled data.
    • We choose a threshold for each category such that its average number of annotated instances per image in the unlabeled dataset matches the average number of instances in the labeled dataset.




  • Small-scale data: we use co-35 as the labeled data and treat co-80 as unlabeled.
  • Large-scale data: we use co-115 as the labeled data and un-120 as unlabeled.
