打开dbus官网,可以看到“What is D-Bus?”章节有以下说明:

The low-level libdbus reference library has no required dependencies; the reference bus daemon’s only required dependency is an XML parser (expat). Higher-level bindings specific to particular frameworks (Qt, GLib, Java, C#, Python, etc.) add more dependencies, but can make more assumptions and are thus much simpler to use.


Bootstrapping D-Bus on new platforms

A full build of D-Bus, with all regression tests enabled and run, has some
dependencies which themselves depend on D-Bus, either for compilation or
for some of their regression tests: GLib, dbus-glib and dbus-python are
currently affected.

To avoid circular dependencies, when bootstrapping D-Bus for the first time
on a new OS or CPU architecture, you can either cross-compile some of
those components, or choose the build order and options carefully:

  • build and install D-Bus without tests
    • do not use the —enable-modular-tests=yes configure option
    • do not use the —enable-tests=yes configure option
  • build and install GLib, again without tests
  • use those versions of libdbus and GLib to build and install dbus-glib
  • … and use those to install dbus-python
  • rebuild libdbus; this time you can run all of the tests
  • rebuild GLib; this time you can run all of the tests

意思大概就是在新的平台中引入D-bus时(通俗的说就是交叉编译),为了避免更多的依赖,在交叉编译dbus的时候就不能引入更多tests目录下的测试程序(当时编译没注意到这点走了不少弯路啊!!!)。通过./configure --help查看配置帮助信息可以看到以下选项:

  1. --enable-embedded-tests enable unit test code in the library and binaries
  2. --enable-modular-tests enable modular regression tests (requires GLib)
  3. --enable-tests enable/disable all tests, overriding
  4. embedded-tests/modular-tests



  1. sudo apt-get install autoconf autoconf-archive libtool pkg-config libglib2.0-dev


3.1 编译expat



  1. tar xjf expat-2.3.0.tar.bz2
  2. cd expat-2.3.0/
  3. ./configure --prefix=$PWD/tmp --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf
  4. make
  5. make install

3.2 编译dbus


  1. tar xzf dbus-1.12.20.tar.gz
  2. cd dbus-1.12.20/
  3. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$PWD/../expat-2.3.0/tmp/lib/pkgconfig
  4. ./autogen.sh
  5. ./configure --prefix=$PWD/tmp --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --enable-tests=no
  6. make
  7. make install


4.1 先编译glib


4.1.1 libffi(版本需>=3.0)


  1. tar xzf libffi-3.3.tar.gz
  2. cd libffi-3.3/
  3. ./configure --prefix=$PWD/tmp --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf
  4. make
  5. make install

4.1.2 zlib


  1. tar xzf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
  2. cd zlib-1.2.11/
  3. ./configure --prefix=$PWD/tmp
  4. sed -i 's/=gcc/=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc/g' Makefile
  5. make
  6. make install

4.1.3 glib



  • docs/reference/glib/html/glib-cross-compiling.html
  1. tar xJf glib-2.34.1.tar.xz
  2. cd glib-2.34.1/
  3. vi cross_compile.cache
  4. ./configure --prefix=$PWD/tmp --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf \
  5. LIBFFI_CFLAGS=-I$PWD/../libffi-3.3/tmp/include \
  6. LIBFFI_LIBS="-lffi -L$PWD/../libffi-3.3/tmp/lib" \
  7. ZLIB_CFLAGS=-I$PWD/../zlib-1.2.11/tmp/include \
  8. ZLIB_LIBS="-lz -L$PWD/../zlib-1.2.11/tmp/lib" \
  9. --cache-file=cross_compile.cache
  10. make
  11. make install


  1. glib_cv_long_long_format=ll
  2. glib_cv_stack_grows=no
  3. glib_cv_working_bcopy=yes
  4. glib_cv_sane_realloc=yes
  5. glib_cv_have_strlcpy=no
  6. glib_cv_have_qsort_r=no
  7. glib_cv_va_val_copy=yes
  8. glib_cv_rtldglobal_broken=yes
  9. glib_cv_uscore=yes
  10. ac_cv_func_posix_getpwuid_r=yes
  11. ac_cv_func_nonposix_getpwuid_r=yes
  12. ac_cv_func_posix_getgrgid_r=yes
  13. glib_cv_use_pid_surrogate=yes
  14. ac_cv_func_printf_unix98=no
  15. ac_cv_func_vsnprintf_c99=no

4.2 编译dbus-glib


  1. tar xzf dbus-glib-0.106.tar.gz
  2. cd dbus-glib-0.106/
  3. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$PWD/../glib-2.34.1/tmp/lib/pkgconfig
  4. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$PWD/../dbus-1.12.20/tmp/lib/pkgconfig
  5. ./configure --prefix=$PWD/tmp --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf \
  6. CFLAGS="-I$PWD/../expat-2.3.0/tmp/include" \
  7. LDFLAGS="-lexpat -L$PWD/../expat-2.3.0/tmp/lib"
  8. vi ./dbus/Makefile
  9. SUBDIRS = . examples 改为 SUBDIRS = .
  10. vi ./Makefile
  11. SUBDIRS = dbus tools test doc 改为 SUBDIRS = dbus
  12. make
  13. make install

5.1 编译dbus出错

a. make编译出错:

  1. /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gmacros.h:232:53: error: size of array _GStaticAssertCompileTimeAssertion_0 is negative
  2. #define G_STATIC_ASSERT(expr) typedef char G_PASTE (_GStaticAssertCompileTimeAssertion_, __COUNTER__)[(expr) ? 1 : -1] G_GNUC_UNUSED

解决:在./configure ...时配置交叉编译dbus时加上--enable-tests=no选项,原因文章开头已经说了。


5.2 编译glib出错

a. configure配置时出错:

  1. checking for glib-genmarshal... no
  2. configure: error: Could not find a glib-genmarshal in your PATH


  1. sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev

参考文章:glib配置错误 - Gfim.CSDN

5.3 编译dbus-glib出错

a. make编译出错情况1:

  1. Making all in examples
  2. make[3]: Entering directory '/home/book/work/opensrc/dbus/dbus-glib-0.106/dbus/examples'
  3. /bin/bash ../../libtool --mode=execute ../../dbus/dbus-binding-tool --prefix=some_object --mode=glib-server --output=example-service-glue.h ./example-service.xml
  4. /home/book/work/opensrc/dbus/dbus-glib-0.106/dbus/examples/../../dbus/dbus-binding-tool: line 117: /home/book/work/opensrc/dbus/dbus-glib-0.106/dbus/.libs/lt-dbus-binding-tool: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
  5. /home/book/work/opensrc/dbus/dbus-glib-0.106/dbus/examples/../../dbus/dbus-binding-tool: line 117: /home/book/work/opensrc/dbus/dbus-glib-0.106/dbus/.libs/lt-dbus-binding-tool: Success
  6. Makefile:788: recipe for target 'example-service-glue.h' failed
  7. make[3]: *** [example-service-glue.h] Error 126


  1. vi ./dbus/Makefile
  2. SUBDIRS = . examples 改为 SUBDIRS = .

参考文章:How to run dbus and obex-data-server on ARM-xScale - stevenliyong.CSDN

b. make编译出错情况2:

  1. Making all in tools
  2. make[2]: Entering directory '/home/book/work/opensrc/dbus/dbus-glib-0.106/tools'
  3. ../dbus/dbus-binding-tool --mode=glib-client --prefix=dbus_bus --output=dbus-glib-bindings.h ../dbus-bus-introspect.xml
  4. ../dbus/dbus-binding-tool: line 117: /home/book/work/opensrc/dbus/dbus-glib-0.106/dbus/.libs/lt-dbus-binding-tool: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
  5. ../dbus/dbus-binding-tool: line 117: /home/book/work/opensrc/dbus/dbus-glib-0.106/dbus/.libs/lt-dbus-binding-tool: Success
  6. Makefile:598: recipe for target 'dbus-glib-bindings.h' failed
  7. make[2]: *** [dbus-glib-bindings.h] Error 126


  1. vi ./Makefile
  2. SUBDIRS = dbus tools test doc 改为 SUBDIRS = dbus

参考文章:How to run dbus and obex-data-server on ARM-xScale - stevenliyong.CSDN

  1. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:YOUR_DIR/expat-2.3.0/tmp/lib/pkgconfig
  2. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:YOUR_DIR/libffi-3.3/tmp/lib/pkgconfig
  3. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:YOUR_DIR/zlib-1.2.11/tmp/lib/pkgconfig
  4. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:YOUR_DIR/glib-2.34.1/tmp/lib/pkgconfig
  5. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:YOUR_DIR/dbus-1.12.20/tmp/lib/pkgconfig
  6. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:YOUR_DIR/dbus-glib-0.106/tmp/lib/pkgconfig
  7. arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc test.c -o test `pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0 dbus-1 dbus-glib-1 expat libffi gmodule-2.0 zlib gio-2.0 gthread-2.0`