
Compare Web Traffic

Compare two web sessions

  1. Select two sessions in the Web Sessions List.
  2. Right-click one of the sessions.
  3. Click Compare from the context menu.

By default, this will attempt to launch WinDiff or WinMerge to compare the traffic.

  • If you’re using WinDiff, you can cause it to break each line on punctuation by holding ALT or SHIFT while clicking on the Compare menu item.
  • You can set the fiddler.differ.ultradiff preference to False if you don’t want Fiddler to attempt to reorganize the headers and URL for simpler diffing when saving the files.

    Change default text comparison tool

  1. Click Tools > Fiddler Options > Tools.
  2. Enter the location for the tool executable.

    Set custom command-line arguments

    In the QuickExec box:

  3. Provide the path to the tool:

    1. PREFS SET fiddler.config.path.differ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
  4. Configure the command line to match what the tool expects:

    1. PREFS SET fiddler.differ.Params "/diff \"{0}\" \"{1}\""
  5. (Optional) Set an alternate command line that will be invoked if you hold ALT or SHIFT while invoking the comparison:

    1. PREFS SET fiddler.differ.ParamsAlt "/diff /binary \"{0}\" \"{1}\""

    Compare multiple sessions at once

    The Traffic Differ Extension allows you to compare multiple sessions at a time.




  1. 选中Web会话列表中的两个会话。
  2. 右键其中一个会话。
  3. 从上下文菜单中单击 Compare。


  • 如果您使用的是WinDiff,则可以通过在单击Compare菜单项时按住ALT或SHIFT来使其在标点符号的每一处断行。
  • 如果您不希望Fiddler在保存文件时尝试重新组织标题和URL以简化比较,则可以将fiddler.differ.ultradiff偏好设置设置为False


  1. 单击 Tools > Fiddler Options > Tools.
  2. 输入工具可执行文件的位置。


    QuickExec 输入框中:

  3. 提供该工具的路径:

    1. PREFS SET fiddler.config.path.differ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
  4. 配置命令行以符合该工具的期望:

    1. PREFS SET fiddler.differ.Params "/diff \"{0}\" \"{1}\""
  5. (可选)设置备用命令行,如果您在调用比较时按住ALT或SHIFT键,则会调用该命令行:

    1. PREFS SET fiddler.differ.ParamsAlt "/diff /binary \"{0}\" \"{1}\""


    Traffic Differ 插件允许你一次比较多个会话。