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Sequencing of small RNAs undercovers their big roles on genetic, cellular levels | RNA-Seq Blog - 图1

What is small RNA?

什么是小 RNA?

Small RNAs, as the name suggests, are RNA molecules, short in length (from around 18 to 30 nucleotides). They are non-coding and have been considered as “junk” sequences until more advanced tools and technologies, such as RNA sequencing became available. Now, the main function of small RNAs includes regulation of expression of target genes. They are believed to be crucial in developmental processes, immunity, and stem cell biology.

小 RNA,顾名思义,是 RNA 分子,长度很短 (大约 18 到 30 个核苷酸)。它们是非编码序列,一直被认为是“垃圾” 序列,直到更先进的工具和技术,如 RNA 测序成为可能。目前,小 rna 的主要功能包括调控靶基因的表达。他们被认为是至关重要的发育过程,免疫力和干细胞生物学。

The major classes of small RNAs include miRNAs, siRNAs, piRNAs, and tsRNAs. Each of them has a distinct biogenesis process and function. We will analyze the function of each of the major small RNA categories separately.

小 rna 的主要类别包括: microrna、 siRNAs、 piRNAs 和 tsRNAs。它们每一个都有不同的生物发生过程和功能。我们将分别分析每个主要小 RNA 类别的功能。

  • MicroRNA (miRNA) is usually 22 nucleotides long RNA molecule. It is the most known category of small RNAs. It contains a complementary sequence to mRNAs and allows miRNA to participate in transcriptional regulation. The main role of miRNA is RNA silencing by cleaving mRNA, inhibiting translation, or shortening mRNA’s poly(A) tail. When it comes to 通常是 22 个核苷酸长 RNA 分子。它是最为人所知的一类小 rna。它包含一个与 mRNAs 相互补充的序列,允许 miRNA 参与转录调控。miRNA 的主要作用是通过切割 mRNA、抑制翻译或缩短 mRNA 的 poly (a) 尾来抑制 RNA 的表达。当它涉及到small RNA sequencing 小 RNA 序列, miRNA is the first thing that most of us think of. miRNA 是我们大多数人首先想到的
  • In addition, the other three categories of small RNAs are important. For example, 此外,其他三类小分子 rna 也很重要,small interfering 小干扰 RNA (siRNA) is generally 18-26 nucleotides in length. It mediates the degradation and methylation of target genes and regulates physiological and biochemical reactions such as growth, development, and the occurrence of immune diseases. 一般是 18-26 个核苷酸的长度。它介导靶基因的降解和甲基化,调节生长、发育和免疫疾病的发生等生理生化反应
  • The next one – 下一个 -piRNA 皮尔纳– stands for PIWI-interacting RNA. These RNAs are 24-31 nucleotides long. PIWI proteins are responsible for stem and germline cell differentiation and piRNAs ensure fertility by silencing transposable elements and regulating other genetic structures within germ cells. piRNAs form a complex with PIWI proteins and guide them. PIWI proteins are capable of cleaving RNAs and mediating transcriptional silencing. The main function of piRNAs is silencing RNAs and decreasing the expression of transposons. piRNAs are crucial for fertility and they are mostly active in the testes of mammals. It is also thought that piRNAs are related to epigenetic processes. 是 PiRNA 的意思。这些 rna 是 24-31 核苷酸长。蛋白质负责干细胞和种系细胞分化,piRNAs 通过沉默转座因子和调节生殖细胞内的其他遗传结构来确保生育能力。piRNAs 与 PIWI 蛋白形成复合物并引导它们。PIWI 蛋白具有分裂 rna 和介导转录沉默的功能。piRNAs 的主要功能是沉默 rna 和减少转座子的表达。piRNAs 对生育能力至关重要,它们主要活跃在哺乳动物的睾丸中。也有人认为 piRNAs 与表观遗传过程有关
  • Finally, 最后,tsRNAs stand for tRNA-derived small RNAs, which are usually 18-40 nucleotides long. They include three classes: precursor tsRNAs, mature tRNA-derived fragments, and tRNA-derived halves. The main functions of tsRNAs are thought to be in the regulation of homeostasis, ribosome biogenesis, translational regulation, etc. The exact functions are unknown, but during some diseases, the cells display high levels of tsRNAs. 代表 trna 衍生的小 rna,它们通常有 18-40 个核苷酸长。它们包括三类: 前体 tsRNAs、成熟的 trna 衍生片段和 trna 衍生的半片段。tsRNAs 的主要功能被认为是调节体内平衡、核糖体生物发生、翻译调节等。确切的功能尚不清楚,但在某些疾病中,这些细胞表现出高水平的 tsRNAs

As a throughput research approach, small RNA s**equencing** technology and improved bioinformatics methods, such as advanced genome mapping, shed light on novel processes and functions of small RNAs. The major groups of small RNAs are miRNAs, siRNAs, piRNAs, and tsRNAs, and each of them differs by biogenesis process and average length. With library selections at different lengths of insert, small RNA sequencing distinguishes sequencing targets and reveals research importance as gene function regulators and even potential diagnostic biomarkers.

作为一种通量研究方法,小 RNA 测序技术和改进的生物信息学方法,如先进的基因组定位,揭示了小 RNA 的新过程和功能。小 rna 的主要类群是 microrna、 siRNAs、 piRNAs 和 tsRNAs,它们各自的生物发生过程和平均长度不同。通过不同插入长度的文库选择,小 RNA 测序可以区分测序目标,并揭示作为基因功能调节剂甚至潜在的诊断生物标志物的研究重要性。