有这样的疑问是看得多了之后发现有时候图片是(height, width),有时候又是(width, height)

因此,图片原生的表示,应该是(width,height),这也是电脑编辑图片能看到的分辨率格式 但由于图片的储存形式为矩阵,而对于矩阵,
我们熟悉的都是row first(一般的数学概念上都会是row first),所以说在涉及到具体操作时,
还是将图片转化为(height, width)比较方便,因为index时[i-th row][j-th column]也就对应着(height, width)。


  1. import cv2
  2. from PIL import Image
  3. import numpy as np
  4. from skimage.io import imread
  5. filepath = './liver.jpg'
  6. cv2_im = cv2.imread(filepath)
  7. print('cv2_im shape ',cv2_im.shape) # (height, width, ch)
  8. im = Image.open(filepath)
  9. print('PIL image size', im.size) # (width, height, ch)
  10. pil_im = np.asarray(im)
  11. print('pil_im shape ',pil_im.shape) # (height, width, ch)
  12. sk_im = imread(filepath)
  13. print('sk_im shape', sk_im.shape) # (height, width, ch)
  14. # pydicom: dcm_slice = pydicom.dcmread(filename)
  15. # slice_data = dcm_slice.pixel_array shape:(height, width)
  16. # 若想更改原始像素size或其他操作,必须写回至原始二进制属性PixelData 中
  17. # dcm_slice.PixelData = dcm_slice.pixel_array.tobytes()
  18. # SimpleITK: itk_im = sitk.ReadImage() size:(width, height, depth)
  19. # np_im = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(itk_im) shape:(depth, height, width)



其中3Dircadb1.1代表病人1.1号,PATIENT_DICOM是病人腹部切面,LABELED_DICOM 是标记了不同部位的切片,MASKS_DICOM下面又有子文件夹,分别是不同部位的mask。所有的图片都是灰度图像。


  1. label_path = '~/Downloads/3Dircadb/3Dircadb1.1/LABELLED_DICOM'
  2. # 若不遍历读出,则获得的是单张切片,而非三维图片
  3. slices = [pydicom.dcmread(label_path + '/' + s) for s in os.listdir(label_path)]
  4. slices.sort(key = lambda x: int(x.InstanceNumber)
  5. # slice[i]为pydicom.dataset.FileDataset,储存了切片相关的信息
  6. # .pixel_array用来获取像素信息,每张切片都是灰度图
  7. #2019-6-5更新:s.pixel_array.shape:(height,width)
  8. image = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices])
  9. image = image.astype(np.int16)
  10. # 目前还不知道这些label值对应的器官分别是什么?
  11. np.unique(image)
  12. #array([ 0, 1, 17, 33, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 321, 385, 449, 451,
  13. # 453, 465, 481, 513], dtype=int16)
  14. label_path = '~/Downloads/3Dircadb/3Dircadb1.1/MASKS_DICOM/artery'
  15. slices = [pydicom.dcmread(label_path + '/' + s) for s in os.listdir(label_path)]
  16. slices.sort(key = lambda x: int(x.InstanceNumber))
  17. image = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in slices])
  18. image = image.astype(np.int16)
  19. np.unique(image)
  20. # array([ 0, 255], dtype=int16)


用到的包 PIL,cv2, skimage

图片通道 格式
PIL RGB Image channel_last
cv2 BGR array channel_last
skimage RGB array channel_last

还需要注意,对于opencv来说,无论读取灰度图还是彩图都是(H,W,3)的shape,灰度图的读取会把单通道复制三遍。因此,读取灰度图时得显示声明img = cv2.imread(‘gray.jpg’, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)或者img = cv2.imread(‘gray.jpg’,0)其中0代表灰度图,1代表彩图,读出来的shape为(H,W)



  1. import os
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from skimage.io import imsave, imread
  4. data_path = '~/kaggle_Ultrasound'
  5. image_rows = 420
  6. image_cols = 580
  7. train_data_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'train')
  8. images = os.listdir(train_data_path)
  9. # 原图为灰度图
  10. imgs = np.ndarray((total, image_rows, image_cols), dtype=np.uint8)
  11. for image_name in images:
  12. img = imread(os.path.join(train_data_path, image_name), as_grey=True)
  13. # 相当于扩维处理 由(420,580) --> (1,420,580)
  14. img = np.array([img])
  15. imgs[i] = img
  16. # 可选项
  17. np.save('imgs_train.npy', imgs)
  18. """
  19. 当然,在输入网络前还得进行处理,包括增加通道使格式与网络匹配、归一化处理等等。
  20. """



  1. import os
  2. import h5py
  3. import numpy as np
  4. from PIL import Image
  5. def write_hdf5(arr,outfile):
  6. with h5py.File(outfile,"w") as f:
  7. f.create_dataset("image", data=arr, dtype=arr.dtype)
  8. #------------Path of the images --------------------------------------------------------------
  9. #train
  10. original_imgs_train = "./DRIVE/training/images/"
  11. groundTruth_imgs_train = "./DRIVE/training/1st_manual/"
  12. borderMasks_imgs_train = "./DRIVE/training/mask/"
  13. #test
  14. original_imgs_test = "./DRIVE/test/images/"
  15. groundTruth_imgs_test = "./DRIVE/test/1st_manual/"
  16. borderMasks_imgs_test = "./DRIVE/test/mask/"
  17. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Nimgs = 20
  19. channels = 3
  20. height = 584
  21. width = 565
  22. dataset_path = "./DRIVE_datasets_training_testing/"
  23. def get_datasets(imgs_dir,groundTruth_dir,borderMasks_dir,train_test="null"):
  24. imgs = np.empty((Nimgs,height,width,channels))
  25. groundTruth = np.empty((Nimgs,height,width))
  26. border_masks = np.empty((Nimgs,height,width))
  27. for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(imgs_dir): #list all files, directories in the path
  28. for i in range(len(files)):
  29. #original
  30. print("original image: ",files[i])
  31. img = Image.open(imgs_dir+files[i])
  32. imgs[i] = np.asarray(img)
  33. #corresponding ground truth
  34. groundTruth_name = files[i][0:2] + "_manual1.gif"
  35. print("ground truth name: ", groundTruth_name)
  36. g_truth = Image.open(groundTruth_dir + groundTruth_name)
  37. groundTruth[i] = np.asarray(g_truth)
  38. #corresponding border masks
  39. border_masks_name = ""
  40. if train_test=="train":
  41. border_masks_name = files[i][0:2] + "_training_mask.gif"
  42. elif train_test=="test":
  43. border_masks_name = files[i][0:2] + "_test_mask.gif"
  44. else:
  45. print("specify if train or test!!")
  46. exit()
  47. print("border masks name: ", border_masks_name)
  48. b_mask = Image.open(borderMasks_dir + border_masks_name)
  49. border_masks[i] = np.asarray(b_mask)
  50. print("imgs max: ", str(np.max(imgs)))
  51. print("imgs min: ", str(np.min(imgs)))
  52. assert(np.max(groundTruth)==255 and np.max(border_masks)==255)
  53. assert(np.min(groundTruth)==0 and np.min(border_masks)==0)
  54. print("ground truth and border masks are correctly withih pixel value range 0-255 (black-white)")
  55. assert(imgs.shape == (Nimgs,height,width,channels))
  56. groundTruth = np.reshape(groundTruth,(Nimgs,height,width,1))
  57. border_masks = np.reshape(border_masks,(Nimgs,height,width,1))
  58. assert(groundTruth.shape == (Nimgs,height,width,1))
  59. assert(border_masks.shape == (Nimgs,height,width,1))
  60. return imgs, groundTruth, border_masks
  61. if not os.path.exists(dataset_path):
  62. os.makedirs(dataset_path)
  63. #getting the training datasets
  64. imgs_train, groundTruth_train, border_masks_train = get_datasets(original_imgs_train,groundTruth_imgs_train,borderMasks_imgs_train,"train")
  65. print("saving train datasets")
  66. write_hdf5(imgs_train, dataset_path + "DRIVE_dataset_imgs_train.hdf5")
  67. write_hdf5(groundTruth_train, dataset_path + "DRIVE_dataset_groundTruth_train.hdf5")
  68. write_hdf5(border_masks_train,dataset_path + "DRIVE_dataset_borderMasks_train.hdf5")


需要注意,一个nii文件就是一个三维图片,与上面的dcm格式不同,而且SimpleITK读取出来的是( z, y ,x) 即第一维是轴向,然后是高、宽。 seg = itk.ReadImage()读取出的顺序为(x,y,z),即(width, height, depth),可用seg.GetSize() seg.GetWidth() seg.GetHeight() image.GetDepth()验证,注意!!当将其转化为数组后
segimg = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(seg),通道顺序会反向,变成(z,y,x) ,即(depth, height, width)



  1. unzip ./*.zip
  2. mkdir ct
  3. mkdir seg
  4. mv ./volume-*.nii ./ct/
  5. mv ./segmentation-*.nii ./seg/


  1. ct_dir = '~/LITS17/ct/'
  2. seg_dir = '~/LITS17/seg/'
  3. for ct_file in os.listdir(ct_dir):
  4. # 将CT和金标准入读内存
  5. ct = sitk.ReadImage(os.path.join(ct_dir, ct_file), sitk.sitkInt16)
  6. # ct_array:(629, 512, 512)
  7. # 注意读取出来是z y x,即切片数量在最前
  8. # 而 origin和position读取出来的是 x y z
  9. ct_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(ct)
  10. # vol_values=np.unique(ct_array) 有2708个值
  11. seg = sitk.ReadImage(os.path.join(seg_dir, ct_file.replace('volume', 'segmentation')), sitk.sitkInt8)
  12. seg_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(seg)