    49 | An Empirical Study of Usages, Updates and Risks of Third-Party Libraries in Java Projects 风险分析
    55 | A First Look at the Deprecation of RESTful APIs: An Empirical Study RESTful API 研究
    50 | Understanding Quantum Software Engineering Challenges An Empirical Study on Stack Exchange Forums and GitHub Issues. 量子软件工程(Quantum Software Engineering)
    52 | Effects of Adopting Code Review Bots on Pull Requests to OSS Projects 代码审查(code review)

    50 | A3IDENT: A Two-phased Approach to Identify the Leading Authors of Android Apps

    53 | Incremental Type Migration Using Type Algebra

    故障定位(Fault Localization)
    54 | Every Mutation Should Be Rewarded: Boosting Fault Localization with Mutated Predicates
    62 | De-Flake Your Tests - Automatically Locating Root Causes of Flaky Tests in Code At Google 不稳定测试定位技术

    57 | Efficient Bug Triage For Industrial Environments

    51 | Improving Testing by Mimicking User Behavior
    56 | A Cost-Effective Approach for Hyper-Parameter Tuning in Search-based Test Case Generation
    61 | Guided, Deep Testing of X.509 Certificate Validation via Coverage Transfer Graphs

    49 | SMARTGIFT: Learning to Generate Practical Inputs for Testing Smart Contracts
    58 | A Framework and DataSet for Bugs in Ethereum Smart Contracts

    59 | Sentiment Analysis for Software Engineering: How Far Can Pre-trained Transformer Models Go? 情绪分析(Sentiment Analysis)
    60 | GenSlice: Generalized Semantic History Slicing 语义切片(Semantic History Slicing)
    63 | Automated Recording and Semantics-Aware Replaying of High-Speed Eye Tracking and Interaction Data to Support Cognitive Studies of Software Engineering Tasks 眼动追踪(Eye Tracking)