    reset saved-configuration 就搞定。提示选择”YES”就可以了。
    reset save-configration按Y确认,然后reboot重启时会提示是否保存配置一定要选N(第一次按N),否则的话配置有被保存了,重启后你会发现配置还在。

    1. <H3C>reset saved-configuration //清空配置
    2. The saved configuration file will be erased. Are you sure? [Y/N]:y //设备提示保存的配置将会被删除,是否继续。
    3. Configuration file in flash: is being cleared. Please wait ...
    4. MainBoard:
    5. Configuration file is cleared. //配置已被清空
    6. <H3C>reboot //重启
    7. Start to check configuration with next startup configuration file, please wait.........DONE!
    8. Current configuration may be lost after the reboot, save current configuration? [Y/N]:n //设备提示会在重启后丢失当前配置,是否保存当前配置,选择n
    9. This command will reboot the device. Continue? [Y/N]:y //设备提示设备将会重启,是否继续,选择Y