阅读0.11版的内核源码时,在linux-0.11/fs/pipe.c中,函数sys_pipe()里面出现了2个宏定义,NR_OPEN 与 NR_FILE。下面说明一下它们的区别:
    1. NR_OPEN is the maximum number of files that can be opened by process。
    A process cannot use more than NR_OPEN file descriptors.
    The kernel also enforces a dynamic bound on the maximum number of file descriptors in the signal->rlim[RLIMIT_NOFILE] structure of the process descriptor; this value is usually 1,024, but it can be raised if the process has root privileges.

    1. NR_FILE is the limit on total number of files in the system at any given point in time
      NR_FILE 是系统在某一给定时刻,限制的文件总数 **限制的是整个系统**

    While initializing the kernel we setup the vfs cache with
    fs/file_table.c says
    / One file with associated inode and dcache is very roughly 1K.
    Per default don’t use more than 10% of our memory for files.
    n = (mempages * (PAGE_SIZE / 1024)) / 10;
    this n can never be greater than NR_FILE
